日付: 02/22/2024 01:46 AM
loading 3342.SCP. @ dir/arc/events/operations/testlog.rtf …
日付: 05/25/18
対象: SCP-3342の大きな塊茎1個
調理法: 焼く
結果: 人間の頭蓋骨と下顎骨 研究者のメモ:この芋は人間の頭より小さいにもかかわらず、結果は通常の成人男性の頭蓋骨サイズになっている。
日付: 05/27/18
対象: SCP-3342の大きな塊茎10個
調理法: フライドポテト
結果: 人間の指の骨(中手骨・基節骨・中節骨・末節骨を含む)
日付: 05/29/18
対象: SCP-3342の中くらいの塊10個
調理法: マッシュポテト
結果: 鍋にある間は絡まった内臓のように見え、出来上がって皿に盛ると肝臓のようになった。解剖の結果欠陥のない健康な肝臓であった。
日付: 06/1/19
対象: ”新鮮な”SCP-3342の中くらいの塊5個
調理法: 茹でる
結果: 腎臓。解剖の結果いずれも通常の健康的な腎臓であった。研究者のメモ:発生する臓器を選択できないものか、そしてそれを人間に移植できないだろうか?ドナーのリストが必要でなくなる世界を想像してみたまえ。
日付: 06/04/19
対象: SCP-3342の大きな塊茎1個を心臓の形に彫刻したもの
調理法: 焼く
結果: 人間の心臓。解剖の結果健康なものであり、McClendon医師によると全く健康な人体から摘出されたばかりのように見えるとのこと。
日付: 06/06/19
対象: SCP-3342の大きな塊茎5個。それぞれ異なる臓器(心臓、左肺、膵臓、眼球、小腸の一部)の形に彫刻したもの
調理法: 焼く
結果: それぞれの芋は彫刻された形の臓器になった。コナーズ博士、マクレンドン博士、ハーディン博士、プライム博士の監督・補助のもとでそれぞれを解剖し、全て申し分のない検体であると見受けられた。さらに医療スタッフの意見では、適切に扱えばいずれも臓器移植に適するだろうとのことだった。
日付: 02/22/2024 11:13 AM
loading 3342.SCP. @ dir/arc/operations/edit.exe …
**Username: asiar.agemo|798#asiar.agemo|798
**Password: ██████████
Welcome, Director. Opening 3342.SCP. Edit Protocol …
FOR IMMEDIATE REVIEW - Proposed updated entry - SCP-3342
Changes highlighted in blue
Item #: SCP-3342
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-3342 are to be contained at Site-103 in a greenhouse for further cultivation and study. The secured greenhouse(s) will be 10 m x 25 m x 3 m and reserved for the cultivation and study of SCP-3342 only.Potato crops from Blackfoot, Idaho are to undergo monthy assessment by Foundation personnel, under the assumed identity of state agents (i.e. FDA) or university researchers. Any potato crops showing signs of black flowers shall be seized and contained by MTF Theta-4 ("Gardeners"). All instances of SCP-3342 are to be relocated to Site-103 for containment. In the event of a containment breach, Class B Amnestics will be administered to all witnesses, and all samples of SCP-3342 should be collected by MTF Theta-4 for transport to Site-103. All instances of SCP-3342-1 are to be contained in a standard humanoid containment cell. All known instances of SCP-3342-1, either pre- or post-metamorphosis, are to be immediately brought into containment by the nearest possible MTF by any means necessary. Class-C amnestics and memory reconditioning are to be administered to all witnesses of SCP-3342-1. Project Tinman is to be suspended indefinitely. Class-E amnestics are to be administered to all Foundation personnel involved with Project Tinman, and are to be reassigned following release by medical staff.
Description: SCP-3342 is a potato plant grown from the perennial nightshade Solanum tuberosum, which only manifests in the vicinity of Blackfoot, Idaho. Preparing the potatoes for consumption is when the anomalous properties of SCP-3342 become apparent. All prepared instances of SCP-3342, regardless of the method of preparation, alter their physical appearance, function and composition into that of human organs.
SCP-3342 grows approximately 60 cm high, with the leaves dying back after flowering, fruiting and tuber formation. Unlike other varieties of Solanum tuberosum, which bear flowers of multiple colors, SCP-3342 exclusively bears black flowers with red stamen.
All known instances of SCP-3342 have manifested after being grown from seed potatoes of other cultivars. No known "original" seed potato or cultivar of SCP-3342 has been discovered as of yet; it seemingly manifests at random. SCP-3342 may be, however, propagated by vegetative cuttings (cloning) of itself.
The first known instance of SCP-3342 was referred to the Foundation by Professor ███████ of the University of Idaho College of Agricultural and Life Sciences.
SCP-3342-1 is a group of at least [REDACTED] humans who have each undergone an organ transplant using organs provided by Project Tinman. Each instance of SCP-3342-1, at some indeterminate point ranging between 5 to 6 years following their transplant surgery, will experience a sudden and painful metamorphosis. Subjects will begin to sprout leafy flowers identical to those exhibited by SCP-3342. These flowers will sprout from all orifices and hair follicles on the subject, as well as the eye sockets. This process takes between 2 to 4 hours, while the subject remains conscious and in obvious pain. For the next 4 to 6 hours, the major internal organs, excluding bone structure, musculature, and flesh, become displaced by dozens of instances of SCP-3342.
Within 24 hours of this process, SCP-3342-1 will no longer display any signs of human consciousness. SCP-3342-1 does not respond to any known methods of communication. After this incubation period, SCP-3342-1 will begin walking at an average pace of 1.3 meters per second in a direct line towards Blackfoot, Idaho, walking around objects in its path. Attempts to interfere with the travel of SCP-3342-1 are met with violent resistance.
SCP-3342-1 is only active during daylight hours. Reasons for this are unknown, but the current hypothesis is that SCP-3342-1 derives its energy via photosynthesis.
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