The Deathless Merchant of London
Percival Darke
He Who Bargains With Death
The Businessman
Father of Darkness
"That Bitchass Whore"
Known to some as Percival Darke, the demon that calls itself the Deathless Merchant of London is the primary pillar supporting Marshall, Carter & Dark's reign over the paranormal market. Though undoubtedly Homo sapiens, calling him human would be an insult to the millions of years of evolution that made us3, 4 into what we are today. Conniving, smart, and deeply, deeply evil, Darke has made a reputation for himself in the anomalous communities around the world by being able to secure and grow his own wealth throughout the centuries, no matter what it might take.
パーシヴァル・ダーケとして知られる、このロンドンの不死の商人を自称する魔性はマーシャル・カーター&ダークの超常市場支配を支える最重要人物である。間違いなくホモ・サピエンスであるものの、彼を人間と呼ぼうものなら、今日の姿へと至った我らを産んだ何百万年もの進化に対する侮辱となるだろう。5, 6悪辣さ、聡明さ、そして深遠なる邪悪さを備え、どれ程の犠牲を要したにせよ、ダーケは幾世紀にも及ぶ資産の死守と拡大を行う能力によって世界中の異常コミュニティにおいて名声を確立した。
Very unfortunately so, the name isn't metaphorical. Whether due to sheer luck or some other unforeseen forces, Darke has somehow ensured neither aging nor most physical attacks concern him in the slightest. This deal with death7 has allowed him to not only persist for almost half a millennium, but also actively flourish as the titular merchant. And what a merchant he has been.
In the modern world, his Company is one of the three primary pillars of the Veil of "Normalcy."9 However, just because it's important doesn't mean it's invulnerable, which is quite a nice change of pace considering the two other major players. The Jailors are practically untouchable, and killing the Bookburners' al Fine wouldn't actually do much to harm the organization as a whole. However, getting Darke out of the picture would leave the Merchants in a position so fragile as to give us a chance to permanently destroy it; Marshall and Carter might be smart, but they have never been the masterminds behind the entire operation. They are merely the pieces that Darke himself uses to checkmate other players on his infinitely complex chessboard.
And that's exactly why we're going to murder him.

The Deathless Merchant of London, moments before attending the summit that created "Convention Sur Les Phénomènes Surnaturel"11 that would officially establish the Veil on the 23rd of November, 1868. Can't stress enough how satisfying getting that smug smile off of his face will be. ロンドンの不死の商人、1868年11月23日にヴェール体制を正式に確立する"Convention Sur Les Phénomènes Surnaturel"12が調印された首脳会議に出席する直前。顔に浮かぶ自惚れた笑みをズタズタに出来たらどれ程痛快かは言葉に尽くせない。
Traits: While Percival Darke might appear to be nothing but a helpless old man,13 by this point you should know better than to trust devils.14, 15 He might not possess any explicitly dangerous properties at first glance, but his biggest strength lies somewhere else; it lies within his mind. His borderline genius mind paired with his near-immortality makes him an incredibly, incredibly dangerous player. And an incredibly potent magic user.
特徴: パーシヴァル・ダーケが手の施しようのない老人にしか見えない一方16で、現段階では魔性どもを頼るも知る方が賢明である。17, 18一見したところ彼は特段危険な能力を何ら備えておらぬだろうが、彼の最大の強みは外見以外の場所にある。彼の頭の中だ。疑似的な不死性と対を成す底知れぬ天才的頭脳により彼は途轍もない危険な重要人物と化している。のみならず、彼は途轍もない強大さを備えた魔法の使い手でもある。
The true extent of his supposed invincibility is unknown. Though it is certain that his aging is either extremely slowed down or outright stopped, there currently exists no comprehensive record which would believably document whether his skills extend to damage done to his body as well. Certain books down the Library indicate past Hand members being able to harm him in some sense19 throughout those 500-or-so years he's been walking the Earth, but we cannot fully verify how true these are.20, 21
彼の疑わしき不死性の真相は謎のままである。彼の老化が極端に遅くなっている、もしくは完全に停止しているのは確実であるものの、彼の技能が肉体同様に損傷を受けているか否かを記したであろう信頼の置ける包括的記録は現代まで伝わっていない。図書館蔵の書籍の中には、彼が地球にて活動していた直近の500年間の内で、亡き手の構成員が一定のダメージを与える事に成功した22と記すものがあるが、どこまで信憑性があるかは完全に検証出来ていない。23, 24
Additionally, his magic proficiency should under no circumstances be taken for granted; you might think that just because he's a rotting fart at this point he's lost his spark, but you know what they say about old men in a profession where men die young. He's a multiversal traveler that's seen and experienced more of the world than most of us present in this room combined: his skills are a combination of arts from every corner of the alchemical, magical, and occultic worlds.25 While he has much more important qualities that protect him than his own thaumic potency, that doesn't mean he's just your normal civilian. Don't forget that.
Nature: Plotting. Plotting above anything else. If anything within the paranormal market happens, you can bet your ass Darke somehow had his hand involved in it. You don't just easily get yourself to be the richest man on the planet without the ability to spin your web across all of reality. That — paired with his absolute lack of morals or any sort of code of ethics — make him an incredibly dangerous capitalist hyperbaron that will do anything he can to get his hands on you27 if you cross him.
性質: 策謀家である。何よりもまず第一に策謀家である。超常市場で揉め事が生じれば、ダーケは何が何でも間違いなく介入してくる。この現実全てに広がる網を紡がずして、地球において並ぶ者無き大富豪の座を我が物にはできない。これ―道徳あるいは倫理観の類の絶対的欠如と一体化した―により、彼は対峙した敵対者を自らの意のままに操らんと、打てる限りのあらゆる手を打ってくるであろうまでの28、非常に危険な資本主義の有力者になっている。
The biggest problem with Darke however is his paranoia — and what a paranoia he has. If he's somewhere, you can practically guarantee he'll be surrounded by a legion of guards powerful enough to take out a whole army with ease. What's worse, his ridiculously high piles of money made from strangling the world ensure that those guards are more than well-paid. Which means bribing is entirely out of the picture here. See, the thing is Darke craves nothing more than control — and he'll do whatever it takes to gain that control.29, 30 Whether it is trade, war, or betrayal — if he wants it and it somehow benefits his capital machine, he will get it. No matter the price.
しかしながらダーケの最大の脅威は人間不信、すなわち彼の抱える人間不信ぶりにある。彼がその場にいたとしたら、軍隊一つを丸ごと壊滅させるには十分に強力な護衛の軍団に守られているも同然と断言出来よう。それ以上に厄介なのは、世界の搾取から得られた途轍もない大量の金により従えた護衛は高額報酬以上の待遇を約束されているというものだ。つまり賄賂は完全に無意味になる。以上から、ダーケが望むものは支配以外に何もないという事になる―そしてその支配権を我が物にしようものなら、彼は手段を択ばないだろう。31, 32商取引にせよ、戦争にせよ、裏切りにせよ―彼が望み、望んだ対象が何であれ彼の資本主義機構に利益をもたらす物だとしたら、彼は我が物とするだろう。どれだけの対価を要するとしても。
History & Associated Parties: Darke's history goes far down the written records — further than most still-living people. Nobody33 can quite pinpoint the exact date him and his "Darke Trading Co." appeared first. Some say his family comes from a long-standing line of alchemists that traversed the spaces outside of reality, searching for their magnum opus within unreality. Others, that the Darke line has always been a band of occultists, witches, and murderers making deals with demons to ensure their own wealth. The only thing that is certain is that it was somewhere around the 17th century in London, and that it has since used many locations around the world — ranging from the Kingdom of Hy-Brasil through Three Portlands to Esterberg — as nests to allow Darke to grow his parasite off of.
歴史と関連組織: ダーケの生涯は文献記録を遥かに上回る古さを持っている―殆んどの今なお生き永らえし者たちよりも年老いているのだ。何者34も最初に彼と彼の"ダーケ貿易会社"が出現したのか正確な日付を提示できずにいる。彼の一族については非現実の内で大いなる業を探し求め、現実の外側の宇宙を横断した長きに渡る錬金術師の家系の出身という説が唱えられている。一方でダーケの家系はいつの時代も富を守るべく悪鬼と契約を交わした、神秘学者、魔女、殺人鬼の一団だったという説も唱えられている。断言できるのは、17世紀にロンドンのいずこかにいて、以降、世界中の数多くの場所―その範囲はハイ・ブラジルの王国を経てスリー・ポートランドからエスターバーグに至る―にダーケが居つけられる拠点を構えている以外に無い。
Since then, Darke has made many, many allies. Be it by bribing, blackmailing, or sheer shared interest, the many people he met and benefited off of made sure his company grew quickly, eventually allowing it to turn into the Marshall, Carter and Dark35, 36 we all know and hate by the turn of the 19th century. Amos Marshall and Ruprecht Carter notwithstanding,37 such alliances and collaborations have more often than not ended horribly for the non-Merchant party involved.38
それ以来、ダーケは多くの、間違いなく多くの協力者を作ってきた。賄賂、脅迫、あるいは純然たる同好の士という切欠で協力者となった、彼が出会い、利益を齎された多くの人々のお陰で彼の会社は急速に成長し、19世紀へと変わる頃にもなると今日知られ、かつ憎悪されるマーシャル・カーター&ダーク39, 40 へと変容するまでに至った。エイモス・マーシャルとルプレヒト・カーターに関係なく41 、このような同盟と提携は利益を顧みない構成員が原因で、大抵の場合忌まわしい結末を迎えるにもかかわらずである。42
Approach: For most of the Hand's history, our approach towards Darke has been the same as towards the rest of the major Merchant players; that is, learn to avoid them where possible, and generally think of them as a target secondary to the Jailors and the Bookburners. However, after more than two centuries of failed wars waged against the former, we have realized we cannot tear down the Veil by beginning with its strongest pillars; if we take out the Merchants first, the two remaining players will not only become shocked, they will also become vulnerable enough as to leave themselves open to attacks. So that approach changes today.
接触: 手の歴史の大部分において、ダーケとの接触は商人の主要な他の重要人物と同程度で起きていた。言い換えれば、可能な限り、連中を回避する策を学び、看守や焚書者に次ぐ標的と大半は見なしていた。しかしながら、2世紀以上に及ぶ前者らに対する勝利無き戦いの後、我々は最有力人物から手を付けずにヴェールの崩壊は不可能であると悟った。もし手始めに商人を排除すれば、他の二大勢力に衝撃を与えるだけでなく、攻撃から無防備になるまでに弱体化させられるだろう。
The question, however, remains: how should we go about it? How the hell do you wipe out an unaging, irrationally resistible, absurdly rich, cripplingly paranoid capitalist?43
THE OBVIOUS APPROACH: Assassination. Ockham's razor might not be the sharpest tool, but it's still an effective one. The best way to go about it would then by all means simply getting the bastard out of the picture in as simple a way as possible, even if it takes a few civilians with it. Think a mass raid, some area gas poisoning, or even bombing of the place he'd occupy at the time of the attack. Anything simple but large enough in scale should do the job in no time.45, 46, 47
分かり切った対処法: 暗殺である。オッカムの剃刀がこれ以上に無く鋭利な道具でないにしても、効力は尚も健在だ。例え市井の者が数名犠牲になるとしても、取るべき最善の手段は然るべき時に何としてでも、あの碌でなしを出来る限りシンプルなやり方で勢力図から排除するものだろう。大規模襲撃、一帯への毒ガス散布、襲撃時に彼がいる場所への爆撃すらも考えられる。シンプルであっても大規模ならば時を置かずして決行するべきだ。48, 49, 50
MIDNIGHT'S APPROACH: Alt-Universe Counterpart Duel. Here's some food for thought — what does the man that craves nothing more than control hate the most? The only person that knows how to take said control away from him — himself. The best way to get Darke would be to somehow make him meet his own alternative counterpart through the Library. If the antimatter-annihilation-something doesn't get him, his fear of losing his beloved power surely will.51, 52
ミッドナイトの対処法: 並行世界で彼に相当する人物との決闘。ここに判断材料がある。―支配以外に何も望まぬ男が憎悪するものは何か?前述の支配を払拭する術を知る唯一の人物は―彼自身よ。最善の策はダーケを図書館を経由して並行世界の彼に相当する人物と対峙させるというもの。もし反物質による対消滅が分からないにしても、彼の愛用する力が消え失せるという恐怖は間違いなく現実のものになるわ。53, 54
MORRÍGHAN INGEN ERNMAS' APPROACH: Kaijumancy. If you want something large-scale but still targeted, boy have I got something for you. Using the slee ping bodies of the kaiju we were able to find next to the shores of the Korean Peninsula after the 1988 Quin Krake attack on my home, we should launch a personalized attack just on Darke's headquarters when he inevitably comes to visit. The boys from Dinodon are highly proficient in bringing those dormant beasts back to life under their own shackles, and I can guarantee you they are more than waiting for a chance to get the man with their magic. Just give them the word, and it will be done.55, 56
モリガン・インゲン・エルンマスの対処法: 怪獣使役。超大型だけど標的を絞り込める何かをお望みだというのなら、いやはや策があるの。1988年に故郷で起きた5つ脚クラークの襲撃後に朝鮮半島の海岸の隣接地域で見つけ出せた、眠りに就いている怪獣を使役して、彼が絶対に来訪している時にダーケの拠点を攻撃すればいい。赤斑のボーイは休眠中の獣を自由を奪った状態で活性化させる術に非常に熟達しているから、魔法によってあの男を仕留める機会を待っているだけじゃないって断言してもいい。言葉を発するだけでいい、それで任務達成よ。57, 58
SVENDOR SARRIAN ENZAN JUNIOR'S APPROACH: Erm, Assassination? All of you are overcomplicating. You come up with absurd plans that are so out there they barely have any connection to the issue at hand. So here's something simple, effective, and that will actually work: a money mimic. Using all of our magic together, we will create and bind a mimic so well disguised as something he'd invest in that not even Darke's thaumaturgists will be able to sense it. Then, we'll just get one of our corpo contracts to meet with him under some business excuse, hand him the bill, and BAM. The jaws of the trap will get on him before he can even shout for help. And I severely doubt he has wards powerful enough to get past the teeth of a mimic bound by the collective power of four Hand cells. Eat the rich, all that stuff, you get the gist.59, 60
スヴェンドール・サリアン・エンザン・ジュニアの対処法: あー、暗殺ですかね? 皆さん必要以上に考え過ぎです。これまで出された計画は、問題と密接に関連している所が殆ど見られない程に並外れている上に不条理です。そこでシンプルで、効果的で、成功し得る作戦を提案します。偽札です。同朋全員で魔法を行使すれば、ダーケ配下の奇跡術師にだって感づけぬまでのアイツが投資したくなる精巧に似せた品を生み出し、練り上げられるはずです。その後で、我々は何らかの取引の名目で同朋の一人を契約を交わすためにアイツの元に派遣します。アイツに証書を手渡したら、ドカンです。アイツは助けを呼ぶよりも早く罠の顎に囚われますよ。それに手の4つの支部が結集した力が生み出す偽装品の拘束の顎を逃れるだけの強力な回避術を持っているとは考え辛いです。全力で金持ちを喰いちぎれ、要点は理解できたでしょうか?61, 62
Observations & Stories
There's many stories to be said about Percival Darke. Some of them good, most of them bad. However, the only story worth telling about him now is not a tale of the past or the present; it is the tale of the future. The future where he's gone.
So, let's tell it together. Here and now.
In two weeks, Percival Darke will fall. All 127 members of Kapuza Bazyliszka, Dinodon's Hand, Fool Moon's Hiss, and Tranquil Tail will come together and use all of their magic to create the single most powerful magical trap in the entirety of the Serpent's Hand. Using our bait like an anglerfish, we will lure out the parasite that calls itself the Deathless Merchant of London and snap our jaws around it before it can even realize our light is merely a setup. The first pillar of "normalcy" will fall, allowing us to bring down the remaining supports of these chains that bind our reality. The domino has already been put into motion.63, 64, 65
2週間以内に、パーシヴァル・ダーケは死ぬだろう。バジリスクの鶏冠カプザ・バジリスカ、赤斑蛇の手、愚者の月の息、静かなる尾の127名全員が一致団結し、蛇の手全体に最強の魔術的罠一つを設置するために全員で魔法を使う。アンコウの如き疑似餌を使えば、ロンドンの不死の商人を自称する寄生虫を誘き寄せ、光が罠でしかなかったと気付かれるよりも早く獲物を捕らえられるだろう。"正常性"の最初の柱は崩落し、この世界を繋ぎ止め、残りの維持している鎖を減らす事が出来る。ドミノ倒しは既に始まっている。66, 67, 68
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