タイトル: UIUファイル: 2021-354(オペレーション・スーパーファンド)
著者: Kothardarastrix
元記事: UIU File: 2021-354 (OPERATION: SUPERFUND)
訳者: DirStarFish
Case File # 捜査ファイル番号: |
2021-354 |
File Opened ファイルを開いた日付: |
08/20/2021 |
File Closed/ ファイル最終更新日: |
09/17/2021 |
Lead Agent 主任エージェント |
Michelle Collins ミシェル・コリンズ |
Summary 事件概要 |
Following a Parawatch post reporting extreme, previously undocumented anomalous activity in Kidney, New York, the UIU conducted an investigation into the anomaly's properties and causes. The SCP Foundation became involved, to an unclear extent. ニューヨーク州キドニーにおける、先の未確認の深刻な異常活動について証言しているパラウォッチの書き込みの後、UIUはアノマリーの性質と原因についての調査を実施した。規模は不明であるものの、SCP財団が介入した。 |
- Initial Case Report/第一次捜査報告
- Collected Evidence/回収済み証拠一覧
- Interim Case Report/暫定捜査報告
- Collected Evidence/回収済み証拠一覧
- Operational Report/作戦報告
- Closing Case Report/最終捜査報告
Case File # 捜査ファイル番号: |
2021-354 | Report Author 報告書執筆者 |
Michelle Collins ミシェル・コリンズ |
Date Filed ファイル提出日時 |
08/20/2021 |
Irregularity _ Cross‑reference 犯罪活動 相互参照 |
cryptid, homicide, mind control, Parawatch, perception alteration, pollution 未確認生物、殺人、精神操作、パラウォッチ、知覚変化、汚染 |
1. Background
On 8/20/2021, a UIU agent discovered a post on Parawatch.net in which user "Red Derring" reported that extreme anomalous activity was taking place in the town of Kidney, New York. The post was accompanied by several pieces of photographic and video evidence upon initial creation, but the media was rendered inoperable by an unknown technical glitch. The majority of commenters on the post expressed skepticism of its veracity.
2021/8/20、UIUエージェントの1人が、"Red Derring"を名乗るユーザーがニューヨーク州キドニーの町で発生している深刻な異常活動について報告するParawatch.net上の投稿を発見した。この投稿には最初に出された時点で複数枚の写真とビデオ映像が添付されていたが、メディアは詳細不明の技術的不具合により再生不可能な状態になっていた。投稿に寄せられたコメントの大半はその信憑性に懐疑的なものだった。
2. Current Status
No prior reports of unusual incidents in Kidney are on the record. However, the post also claimed that most residents of the town seemed completely unaware of the phenomena and unable to perceive them. It is possible that the reported anomaly, if real, possesses self-concealing properties that affect most residents of the town and the other users of Parawatch, but not the UIU agents who viewed the post.
3. Leads
3 .今後の展望
"Red Derring" may still possess copies of the media originally attached to his post. Agents posing as Parawatch users will attempt to obtain them.
"Red Derring"は投稿に添付していたメディアの現物を引き続き保有している可能性がある。パラウォッチユーザーを装っているエージェントらは入手しようと試みるだろう。
Parawatch Post
Red Derring 8/20/21 (Fri) 22:11:10 #21841593
The ground is bleeding.
It started in June. At first, there were just a few muddy spots in people's yards. You couldn't really tell that it was blood, not at first. But after about week, there was more of it. Enough to splash around in, to stain your shoes if you walked through it. And when I say blood, I mean blood. Not water that'd been dyed red, not red clay, blood. Thick, dark red, metallic smelling blood. It never scabs or anything, but it's definitely blood.
Obviously, this freaked me the fuck out, just random puddles of blood welling up all over the place. But that's not even the weirdest part. The weirdest part is that nobody else can see it. Or if they can, they're not seeing it…right? People still walk around the puddles and stuff but they can't tell that it's blood. I saw the kid across the street splashing around in it, getting all covered in blood, and acting like it was just water. I tried to talk to people about it but it was like most of them couldn't even hear me, and the ones that could just looked at me like I was nuts. Hell, maybe I was. It didn't seem to be hurting anybody.
I thought about calling people, but who do you even call for something like that? "Hey 911, the ground is bleeding but I'm the only one who can see it." They'd have thought I was a prank caller and charged me with a misdemeanor or something. Like I said, I thought I was going nuts. Then the monsters started showing up.
I was taking out the trash at the end of my shift when I saw it. I went out the back door, trash bag in hand, and there was this…lizard man thing. It wasn't very big, maybe three or four feet tall, and shaped like a person but with kind of weird proportions, like an ape, and these nasty yellow-green scales all over it. It had knocked over one of the trash cans and was rooting through it, I guess for something to eat. It looked up at me and its head was kind of like an iguana but it had human eyes. I was so freaked out that I dropped the trash bag and I guess the noise startled it. By the time I got my phone out it had already run off down the alley. I chased after it, of course, but it was gone by the time I made it to street.
Yeah, I know. Sounds crazy, doesn't it? Pretty standard misidentified animal cryptid sighting. A mangy raccoon, or an escaped pet lizard or something. But here's the thing: that was just the first one. I wasn't able to get close to any of the other ones, but once I started digging I was able to find some pictures and videos (don't ask me how; it wasn't always 100% legal). I've attached them to the end of this post.
At first I hoped that maybe people would be able to see this stuff, unlike the blood, but nobody reacted weird when I showed them the pictures. Then that fucking news broadcast aired on live TV and I knew there was no way. If anybody in town could see this shit other than me, that would've proved it to them. I had to be insane by that point. Almost checked myself into the psych ward.
Then little Marty Swanson died.
I say "died". Officially, he's just missing. But that's because nobody else can fucking see the blood. I walked over to his house, after he turned up missing, and I could see the drag marks. He was playing in his front yard when he "disappeared," that's what his mom said. But he didn't fucking disappear. Something crawled out of the storm drain across the street and grabbed him. He must've noticed it after he touched him; it looked like he'd ripped up chunks of the yard trying to crawl away, and there were bloody handprints all the way back across the street. Tire tracks, too. Doesn't look like anybody slowed down or even swerved.
I wish I had fucking been there. Maybe if I'd heard him screaming I could've helped him. But I didn't even see it.
I think something here is controlling people's minds or warping their perceptions or something. The blood, the monsters, the perception stuff, it's all coming from the same thing. It has to be.
That's why I'm posting here. I know, or at least hope, that you guys will believe me. Maybe you're outside the range of this thing, maybe it can't get to your minds and cover stuff up like it has everybody else I've talked to and showed the pictures to. You've got to call the FBI or the EPA or somebody before anybody else dies. Tell them there's something happening in Kidney, New York. Tell them whatever you have to, the truth or a terrorist attack or whatever, anything to get them to show up. I already tried that but it was the same thing, they all either laughed me off or couldn't even hear me. Maybe you'll have better luck.
Or maybe you won't see it either, and I really am crazy.
Message sent from "Red Derring" to Agent David Brown ("Mass Mulder")
"Red Derring"からエージェント・デヴィッド・ブラウン("Mass Mulder")に送信されたメッセージ
Well, at least somebody believes me. I hope the guys were just affected by the same whatever-it-is, and not actually being dicks. I don't guess I can blame them, though, what with the images being borked. Nothing's worked right since we moved from Wikidot to this "Simple Coding Platform" shit. Hopefully the attachments will work on this message at least.
さてと。少なくとも俺を信じてくれた誰かさんへ。アイツらが単に正体が何であっても同じものの影響を受けているだけで、正体がデカでしたなんて話じゃなきゃいいんだけどな。けど例の画像やらがぶっ壊れちまっているし、アイツらを非難できる身じゃないとも思う。Wikidotから、この"シンプル・コーディング・プラットフォーム"のクソッタレへ引っ越して以来、何もまともに上手くいかねえ。せめてこのメッセージだけでもどうか添付ファイルを表示できるようにしてほしいんだが。I wanted to attach the pictures too, but the Facebook page is private now and I can't find the fucking newspaper anymore either. More proof that I'm crazy, I guess. Not that I can prove it, but the Facebook photo was from some lady named Lisa Jackson, of her husband and their kids sitting on the couch. She was asking for prayer because they all had a "stomach bug," but in the picture their hair was falling out and I think the dad had radiation burns on his face. I don't know where she lives and I can't find her in the phone book but I'm sure you can figure it out. The other picture is from a newspaper that came out about a month ago; one of the last couple pages had a story about the summer reading program and you could see some kind of giant red bat in the background of the picture they used. I'm sure you can find some more copies of it somewhere, but I sure can't.
写真も添付したかったんだが、Facebookのページは今プライベートになっていて、どの道、これ以上クソッタレの新聞を見つけるのは無理だった。俺がイカレている更なる証拠じゃないかな?さて今や俺は自分がイカレていると証明できたが、Facebookの写真はリサ・ジャクソンっていう女性からのものだ。彼女の夫とその子供たちが長椅子に座っている。あの女は家族全員が"食あたり"にあったから祈りを求めていたんだが、写真の中じゃそいつらの髪は抜け落ちていて、俺は父親が放射線でヤケドしたんじゃないかって睨んでる。あの女がどこに住んでいるか俺は知らねえし、電話帳でも見つけられなかったが、間違いなくお前なら見つけられる。もう片方の写真は1ヶ月程前に届いた新聞からのものだ。最後の数ページはサマー・リーディング・プログラムについての話が載っていて、新聞社の連中が使ってる写真の背景にどでかい赤いコウモリが写っているのが分かるはずだ。間違いなくお前ならどこかで更にコピーを見つけられる、けど俺は無理だった。P.S. - Don't name yourself after the X-Files, genius. Everybody knows you're a fed. I'm only even talking to you because this is a matter of life and death. You guys better fix this.
追伸 ― 『X-ファイル』じみた才能を見せた後で名前を名乗るなよ。お前が連邦捜査局の犬だっていうのは周知の事実だ。これが生死に係る問題だからお前相手であっても話しているだけだ。お前らはこの現状を改善した方がいいぜ。
Transcript of "news_screaming.mp4"
0:00: A reporter from the local news station stands in downtown Kidney, reporting on the upcoming school board elections.
0:00: 地元のニュースステーションのリポーターの1人がキドニーの繁華街に立ち、近日行われる予定の教育委員会選挙を報じていた。0:16: A loud, sustained noise similar to the "screaming" of a mountain lion is heard. Neither the reporter nor any visible pedestrians react to the sound. The sound continues, drowning out the reporter's speech.
0:16: ピューマの"叫び声"にも似た、長続きする大きな音が聞こえる。リポーターも歩行者もどちらも音に反応しない。音は止まず、リポーターの声をかき消していく。0:25: Thick clouds of steam begin issuing from a nearby manhole cover.
近場のマンホールの1つから、分厚い蒸気が濛々と昇り始める。0:32: A pedestrian walks directly through the steam cloud. He stops, looks around, shakes his head, and continues walking.
0:32: 歩行者の1人が濛々と上がる蒸気に向かって歩いていく。その男は立ち止まり、辺りを見渡し、不審感から頭を左右に振って、再度歩き始める。0:40: Segment ends.
0:40: 映像終了。
Transcript of "dashcam.mp4"
0:00: A pickup truck is driving through Kidney's forested outskirts at night.
0:00: 夜半、1台のピックアップトラックがキドニー郊外の森を通り抜けていく。1:24: The headlights reveal a large hairless animal covered in sharp metallic spines of varying shape, length, and placement. The driver slams on his brakes.
1:24: トラックのヘッドライトに照らされて、多種多様な形態、長さ、配置を見せる鋭利な金属製の棘に身を包む、無毛の大型動物が姿を見せる。ドライバーの男がブレーキを踏む。1:25: The truck skids to a halt and collides with the animal, which makes a loud, metallic vocalization and collapses. The truck's hood springs open in a burst of smoke and steam. Various alarms sound.
1:25: トラックがスリップし停車すると、問題の大型当物と衝突する。大きく、金属質の声が発せられて止む。トラックのカバーが煙と蒸気を発しながら、勢いよく開く。様々なアラーム音が鳴り響く。1:28: The driver swears and jumps out of his vehicle to inspect the damage. He stands motionless and stares down at the animal, which is whimpering softly.
1:28: ドライバーの男は悪態を吐くと、トラックから飛び降りて、破損の具合を調べている。男はその場から動かずに立っており、問題の大型動物を見下ろしている。問題の大型動物は囁くかのように鼻声を発している。3:02: The animal falls silent. The man, unmoving, continues to stare.
3:02: 問題の大型動物が声を発さなくなる。男はその場から動かず、見下ろしたままでいる。
6:31: A loud banging noise issues from the truck's crushed engine. The man is startled by the noise. He inspects the engine, swears repeatedly, and climbs back into the vehicle. He makes a mobile phone call.
6:31: トラックの破損したエンジンから大きな物音が発せられる。男はその物音に驚く。男は度々悪態を吐きながら、エンジンを調べ、車両の中に戻る。男は携帯電話をかける。6:40: Man: Hey. Yeah, uh, I just hit a bear. No, I'm okay. Truck's wrecked, though. Uh, Slaughter Road. Near the water tower. Thanks.
6:40: 男: やあ。うん。あー。クマにぶつかっちまっただけ。いや、俺は無事。けど、トラックがおシャカになっちまった。あー。スローター・ロードだ。給水塔の近く。あんがとよ。
Transcript of "fetus.mp4"
0:00: A family (mother, father, two sons, dog) are in the backyard of their home. The mother is holding the camera, filming her sons as they swordfight with sticks. Their father is cooking food on a grill, beside which the dog (a basset hound) waits expectantly. The back portion of the yard is flooded by a large puddle of red liquid. The family does not seem to notice.
0:00: とある一家(母親、父親、息子2人、飼い犬)が自宅の裏庭にいる。母親はカメラを抱えており、息子たちが棒でチャンバラごっこに興じている光景を撮影している。父親はグリルで調理しており、その脇では飼い犬(1頭のバセット・ハウンド)が期待気に待機していた。庭の奥では赤い液体のたまり場が形成され、溢れかえるまでになっている。一家は気付いているように見えない。0:18: A large bubble forms in the puddle. It slowly expands.
0:18: 大きな泡が1つ、赤い液体のたまり場から生じる。ゆっくりと広がっていく。0:23: One of the boys finds a caterpillar. He picks it up and brings it to his mother, who zooms the camera in on the insect. It resembles a tomato hornworm, but its markings are distorted and its skin is a fleshy pink.
0:23: 息子の片方が1匹の芋虫を見つける。彼が摘まみ上げて母親へ持っていくと、母親はカメラを芋虫に向けてズームする。芋虫はトマトスズメガに似ているが、その模様は歪んでおり、表皮は肉質の良いピンク色をしている。0:38: The mother points her camera at the other son, who is doing an impromptu dance. The bubble is still visible in the background.
0:38: 母親がもう片方の息子にカメラの焦点を合わせると、その息子は即興のダンスを踊る。背景にて、泡は引き続き視認可能である。0:59: The bubble is now almost half a meter in diameter. A dark, indistinct shape is visible through the translucent membrane.
0:59: 泡は今や半径1m近くにまで達する。半透明の膜越しに、暗く、不明瞭なシルエットが浮かび上がっている。1:08: The father begins telling a story, and his wife points the camera at him. The blood bubble is no longer in the shot.
1:08: 父親が話し始めると、妻はカメラの焦点を父親に合わせる。血の泡は最早ショットに映らなくなっている。1:15: A loud, wet popping sound is heard. The family does not react, but the dog is startled by the noise. It looks off-camera, towards the puddle.
1:15: 大きく、湿り気を含むポンという音がする。一家は反応しないが、飼い犬はその物音に驚く。カメラの視界から姿を消し、赤いたまり場へと向かっていく。1:24: The father offers the dog a piece of meat, which it ignores. He drops it on the ground.
1:24: 父親が飼い犬に肉片を提示するが、飼い犬はそれを無視する。父親は地面に肉片を落とす。1:32: An unseen baby cries. The family does not react, but the dog curiously approaches the puddle.
1:32: 姿の見えない赤子の泣き声。一家は反応しないが、飼い犬は好奇心から赤いたまり場に近づく。1:34: Off-camera, the dog growls.
1:34: カメラの映らない場所で、飼い犬は唸り声を発している。1:35: The dog yelps loudly. Growling stops.
1:35: 飼い犬の吠え声が大きくなる。唸り声が止む。1:36: The crying stops.
1:36: 泣き声が止む。1:37: The father announces that the burgers are done.
1:37: 父親がハンバーガーが出来上がったと告げる。1:38: A baby laughs.
1:38: 赤子の笑い声がする。1:39: Video ends.
1:39: ビデオ終了。
Case File # 捜査ファイル番号: |
2021-354 | Report Author 報告書執筆者 |
Michelle Collins ミシェル・コリンズ |
Date Filed ファイル提出日時 |
08/26/2021 |
Irregularity _ Cross‑reference 犯罪活動 相互参照 |
cryptid, homicide, mind control, Parawatch, perception alteration, pollution 未確認生物、殺人、精神操作、パラウォッチ、知覚変化、汚染 |
1. Current Status
"Red Derring's" claims have been confirmed. Multiple potentially dangerous anomalous organisms may still be at large in the area.
"Red Derring"の主張は裏付けが取れた。数多くの潜在的危険性を孕んだ異常生物が今でも問題のエリアに野放しになっている可能性がある。
2. Leads
2. 今後の展望
The individuals and locations described by "Red Derring" and depicted in provided evidence have been identified. Agents have been dispatched in search of physical evidence or live specimens.
"Red Derring"が投稿において書き記し、添付していた証拠品上で映し出されていた人々や地域の特定は完了した。エージェントが有形の証拠品あるいは生体試料を捜すために派遣された。
Liquid Sample Analysis
The red liquid welling from the ground in Kidney has been identified as mammalian blood. Genetic testing has been unable to match it to a specific species.
The local newspaper, The Kidney Courier, is printed each Wednesday and distributed to various newsstands, stores, and mailboxes around the town. Agents have been unable to obtain any physical copies of the July 14th issue. Neither the public library nor the newspaper office itself was able to explain this single issue's absence from their back catalog.
The Vehicle of Charles Isaacs
The truck involved in "dashcam.mp4" was owned by Charles Isaacs, the manager of a local hardware store. Agents attempted to locate the truck, but it had already been scrapped and its components shipped elsewhere for recycling.
No traces of the struck animal were found on Slaughter Road, but a substantial portion of the pavement was stained with blood.
The Evans Family
The Evans family depicted in "fetus.mp4" does not recall owning a dog.
Their infant daughter does not have a birth certificate on file.
Main Street Storm Drain
In the storm drain below Main Street - the location of "news_screaming.mp4" - agents found a large pile of broken igneous rocks. Tool marks and fracture patterns on the fragments indicated that the pile was originally a single object that had been deliberately smashed. Scrape marks on the ground nearby suggest that an unknown party attempted to relocate the object before electing to destroy it instead.
メイン・ストリート ― "news_screaming.mp4"の映像が撮影された場所である ― に埋まった雨水排水管にて、エージェントらは粉々になった大量の火成岩を発見した。破片上の切削痕跡と破壊様式から、これら大量の岩は元来単一のオブジェクトであり、意図的に破壊されたものであると分かった。付近の路上の擦り傷からは正体不明の集団がオブジェクトの破壊に先立って別の場所から移した事情が示唆される。
The Home of Lisa Jackson
Property records indicate that a Lisa Jackson lived in downtown Kidney, at 245 Canada Drive. The residence there seemed to have been recently abandoned. Most valuables and keepsakes had been removed, but fresh food remained in the refrigerator. None of Ms. Jackson's neighbors could recall any unusual departures or professed any knowledge of her whereabouts. The middle school attended by her children reported that they had both been absent for the last three days, and her husband's workplace reported a similar absence.
Geiger counters read dangerous levels of radiation throughout the house. Radiation was most concentrated in the basement, which had been flooded with over 1 foot of blood. Further investigation of the basement was put on hold until proper handling equipment could be procured, and the Jackson home placed under a fumigation tent to limit potential spread of radioactive material.
None of Jackson's friends or neighbors have inquired about or expressed interest in the fumigation tent or the presence of agents in protective gear.
Berry Avenue Storm Drain
In the storm drain opposite the Swanson house, agents found a single child-sized sneaker, stained with blood.
Parawatch Post
Red Derring 9/2/21 (Thurs) 16:28:21 #21841641
Mods, if you see this before it's deleted, ban that Mass Mulder asshole. He's a fed. I told him what was happening in Kidney, thinking he could help, but now I think they're the ones causing this. They're definitely trying to cover it up.
モデレーターどもへ。お前らがこいつを削除されるよりも先に目にしているんだったら、あのクソ野郎のMass Mulderをアク禁にしろ。アイツは連邦捜査局の犬だ。俺は自分が協力できると思って、あの野郎にキドニーの町で何が起きているか教えてやった。けど今じゃ俺はアイツらこそが今回の事件を引き起こした元凶だと睨んでいる。間違いなくアイツらは揉み消そうと試みている。
You fuckers might kill me but you won't kill the truth.
This post was deleted within five minutes of its creation, as was the "Red Derring" account. The "Mass Mulder" account subsequently received a permanent ban from Parawatch, with no reason or explanation given.
"Red Derring" のアカウントに加えて、上記の書き込みは投稿から5分の内に削除された。問題の"Mass Mulder"のアカウントはその後、理由も説明も明かされぬままParawatchから永久BAN処分を受けた。
Operational Record
Case File # 捜査ファイル番号: |
2021-354 | Report Author 報告書執筆者 |
Michelle Collins ミシェル・コリンズ |
Date Filed ファイル提出日時 |
09/04/2021 |
Irregularity _ Cross‑reference 犯罪活動 相互参照 |
cover-up, cryptid, Foundation, homicide, mechanical, mind control, Parawatch, invisible, perception alteration, pollution, radiation 隠蔽工作、未確認生物、財団、殺人、機械、精神操作、パラウォッチ、不可視、知覚変化、汚染、放射線 |
1. Background
While searching Kidney for evidence, agents determined the approximate boundaries of the roughly circular area in which the blood was appearing.
At the exact center of this area was Kidney Elementary School.
On the morning of Saturday, September 4th, Agents David Brown and Michelle Collins entered the school to safely evacuate the few administrators and custodians present, cordon off the surrounding area, and identify possible sources of the anomalous phenomena. The school grounds were significantly contaminated with blood, which was welling up from several points on the playground, parking lot, and neighboring sports fields. The interior of the building was riddled with bloody hand- and fingerprints left by students returning from recess. Agents reported that the smell of blood, though present throughout Kidney, was almost overpowering inside the school. The odor was strongest in the basement, which was flooded with several inches of the substance. While attempting to explore the basement, Brown and Collins were attacked by an unknown invisible entity. Brown was killed, but Collins managed to escape with moderate injuries and call for backup. The entity did not pursue her from the basement.
2. Objectives
2. 任務目的
In response to the escalating paranormal threat and evidence of third-party interference, a Mobile Occult Operations Team (MOOT) unit was dispatched to Kidney Elementary School to neutralize the hostile entity in the basement and, if possible, identify and/or neutralize the source of the anomalous phenomena. Given the still-unknown nature of the threat, MOOT was outfitted with countermeasures to threats both paranormal and mundane, including thaumaturgically-enhanced armor and weaponry, anti-invisibility measures, and protections from biohazards and psychic influence. They were also equipped with weapon-mounted flashlights and infrared goggles to counteract the basement's nonfunctional lighting and, potentially, the hostile entity's invisibility.
加速する超常脅威と第三者による介入の証拠を受けて、地下の敵性実体の無力化に加えて、可能であれば異常現象の発生元の特定および/または無力化を目的として、機動オカルト作戦部隊Mobile Occult Operations Team(MOOT)ユニットがキドニー小学校に出動した。問題の脅威がこの時点でも正体不明である事情を踏まえて、MOOTは超常と通常双方の脅威への対抗策として、奇跡術強化型のアーマーと兵器、透明無効化機器群、そして生物災害及び精神影響からの防護物で武装していた。加えて部隊は地下の非点灯照明と、敵性実体の不可視能力への対策として、武器搭載フラッシュライトと赤外線ゴーグルを装備していた。
Operational Report
0800: Operation commences. MOOT enters the school basement.
0800: 作戦開始。MOOTが問題の学校の地下へと侵入する。0801: MOOT discovers Agent Brown's remains. His skull has been crushed by a forceful impact.
0801: MOOTがエージェント・ブラウンの亡骸を発見する。ブラウンの頭蓋骨は強大な力で粉々になっていた。0802-0816: MOOT searches multiple storage rooms, finding an assortment of disused landscaping and maintenance tools, unused desks, bookshelves, and other furniture, and blood-soaked cardboard boxes.
0802-0816: MOOTが倉庫部屋を何部屋も捜索し、使われなくなった造園道具類やメンテナンス用工具類、複数台の未使用の机、複数台の書棚、その他家具類、更に複数個の血塗れの段ボール箱のような物品の数々を発見する。0817: While walking down a hallway, team lead Gonzales is struck in the chest by the invisible entity. He is launched several feet backwards and knocked down, but his warded armor prevents serious injuries. Infrared goggles are not able to see the entity. Thaumaturgist Eaton uses a chemical sprayer to douse the hostile in Powder of Ibn Ghazi, temporarily neutralizing its invisibility and revealing it as a metallic humanoid automaton. Agent Barton fires at it ineffectually. The automaton lunges forward and backhands Barton, knocking the gun from his grasp and slamming him against the wall.
0817: 廊下を進んでいく中で、ゴンザレス部隊長が胸部に不可視の実体からの攻撃を受ける。彼は数フィート後方に吹き飛ばされ、床面に叩き付けられたものの、トゲ付きアーマーのお陰で重傷を負うまでにはならなかった。赤外線ゴーグルでは実体の視認が不可能であった。奇跡術師イートンがイブン・ガジの粉末を敵性実体に服用させるために化学スプレーを使用し、一時的に透明化能力を無力化すると金属製の人型オートマトンが姿を現した。エージェント・バートンの銃撃は効果が得られなかった。オートマトンは前方へ飛び出し、バートンをバックハンドで殴って彼の手から銃を叩き落とすと、彼を壁に目掛けて叩き付けた。0818: Eaton tries to flee, but the automaton grabs his arm and flings him to the ground. With its other hand, the automaton grabs the stunned Barton by his neck and crushes it.
0818: イートンは逃走を試みるも、オートマトンは彼の腕を掴んで床に投げ落とした。もう片方の手で、オートマトンは失神しているバートンの首を掴み上げて、首の骨をへし折った。0819: The automaton advances on Gonzalez, who is struggling to his feet. It kicks him in the side, then grabs him by the collar of his armor and lifts him up. The automaton draws back its other hand for a punch.
0819: オートマトンがゴンザレスに向けて前進した。ゴンザレスはというと必死で立ち上がろうとしていた。オートマトンは彼の脇腹に蹴撃を浴びせ、その後でアーマーの襟を掴み上げて、彼の身体を持ち上げた。オートマトンはもう片方の手で殴打を浴びせるために後退る。0820: Eaton evokes a bolt of electricity, which strikes the automaton. Its fingers spasm, releasing Gonzalez, who scrambles away. The automaton falls to its knees, then face-first into the blood. Something within it explodes, leaving a smoking hole in its back. The destroyed automaton slowly dissolves into the blood.
0820: イートンが電気の塊を発生させて、オートマトンに食らわせる。オートマトンの指が痙攣を起こし、ゴンザレスを解放する。ゴンザレスはその場から慌てふためきながら逃げ出した。オートマトが両膝を落とすと、まず顔が血に変化した。機体内部で爆発が生じ、背中の穴から煙が漏れ出していた。壊されたオートマトンはゆっくりと崩壊し、血に変化していった。0821: Eaton and Gonzalez regroup. After confirming that they each have only minor injuries, and that both the hostile and Barton have been terminated, they continue the mission.
0821: イートンとゴンザレスが合流する。お互いに軽傷を負うだけに終わり、敵性実体とバートンの2名がどちらも終了された事実を確認した後で、一同は任務を再開する。0832: MOOT enters a large, empty room. The floor tiles at its center have bucked and broken, creating a crack from which blood slowly oozes.
0832: MOOTは広くて何もない部屋に侵入する。中心部の床面のタイルは粉々になっており、血がゆっくりと滲む亀裂が形成されている。0835: Gonzalez attempts to pry the tiles apart, with limited success. He orders Eaton to retrieve shovels from one of the storage rooms passed earlier.
0835: ゴンザレスがタイルを剥がそうと試みるが、十分な成果を上げられなかった。彼は先程通った倉庫部屋の一室からショベルを取って来るように、イートンに指示を出す。0840: Eaton returns with two shovels, which he and Gonzalez use to pry up the damaged floor tiles. Beneath them is a morass of red mud. A broken piece of concrete protrudes from the muck.
0840: イートンが2本のショベルを携えて戻って来る。彼とゴンザレスはこのショベルを使って破損した床のタイルを剥がすことにする。タイルの下は赤い泥の沼地と化している。コンクリートの破片が泥から湧き出ている。0842: MOOT uses the shovels to partially unearth the chunk of concrete. Something shiny becomes visible and Gonzalez squats down to inspect it.
0842: MOOTはショベルを使ってコンクリートの塊を部分的に掘り出す。輝きを発するものが見えるようになり、調べるためにゴンザレスがしゃがみ込む。0845: Gonzales wipes away some of the mud and blood with his glove. The shiny object is revealed as a brass plaque, which reads "SCP Foundation Department of Abnormalities".
0845: ゴンザレスが手袋で泥と血を払い落とす。輝きを発する物体は"SCP財団怪奇部門"と記されている、真鍮製のプラカードであると分かる。
Casualties/負傷者 | 5 | Fatalities/死傷者 | 2 | ||
Operation/任務 | SUCCESS/成功 |
Case File # 捜査ファイル番号: |
2021-354 | Report Author 報告書執筆者 |
Michelle Collins ミシェル・コリンズ |
Date Filed ファイル提出日時 |
09/10/2021 |
Irregularity _ Cross‑reference 犯罪活動 相互参照 |
cover-up, cryptid, Environmental Protection Agency, Filbuson Syndrome, Foundation, homicide, Impasse, invisible, mechanical, mind control, Parawatch, perception alteration, pollution, radiation 隠蔽工作、未確認生物、環境保全局、フィルブソン症候群、財団、殺人、難局Impasse、不可視、機械、精神操作、パラウォッチ、知覚変化、汚染、放射線 |
1. Findings
1. 発見物
It is now believed that all anomalous phenomena in Kidney stemmed from a breached containment facility buried under the elementary school. This facility was presumably abandoned well before the school's construction, and possibly before the establishment of Kidney itself.
Less than an hour after the operation's conclusion, a sizeable convoy of SCP Foundation vehicles arrived at Kidney Elementary School. Several dozen agents of an unknown Mobile Task Force entered the building and demanded that the UIU vacate the premises. MOOT team lead Gonzalez nearly provoked a violent confrontation when he accused the Foundation agents of complicity in Kidney's situation, but Agent Collins convinced him to stand down and exit the building. The Foundation proceeded to set up a temporary containment zone around the elementary school.
Foundation representatives claim that they were alerted to the situation in Kidney when their webcrawlers discovered Red Derring's Parawatch posts.
財団からの代表団は自前のWebクローラーがRed DerringのParawatchでの投稿を発見した時、キドニーの情勢に関心を持ったと主張した。
2. Bureau Actions
In partnership with the SCP Foundation and Environmental Protection Agency, Kidney is being evacuated under the pretense of a leaking, previously unknown chemical waste dump. Kidney's citizens have readily accepted this cover story. No indisputable evidence of direct mental manipulation was found; the symptoms of Kidney's citizens most resemble Filbuson Syndrome, though such prevalence and uniformity in a population of this size is highly unusual. Amnestics administered by the SCP Foundation as part of standard cover-up procedures have substantially alleviated signs of psychological distress in affected individuals.
Kidney has been designated a Superfund site under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) and its citizens will be compensated accordingly. Under CERCLA, the SCP Foundation is financially responsible for said compensation. While the Foundation has denied any culpability for these events, it agreed to these terms to avoid a protracted legal battle.
Cleanup operations will be managed primarily by the SCP Foundation, under the supervision of the Unusual Incidents Unit and the Environmental Protection Agency. Currently, cleanup consists of pumping the blood from water table and shipping it to SCP Foundation Site-43 for acroamatic abatement. These measures have already reduced the amount of blood welling to the surface considerably. No additional anomalous entities have been encountered since the beginning of this process.
浄化作戦は異常事件課並びに環境保護局の監視を受けながら、SCP財団主体で実施される予定である。目下、浄化は地下水面から血を汲み上げた上で、玄妙除却のためにSCP財団 サイト-43へと輸送される流れになっている。これらの手法によって既に地表での血の湧きどころが著しく減少している。このプロセスの開始以降、更なる異常実体との遭遇は発生していない。
Despite ongoing jurisdictional disputes, the SCP Foundation has refused to relinquish control of the elementary school or disclose any information about the containment site below. The Unusual Incidents Unit is currently lobbying for Kidney to be classified as a Nexus, which would grant the UIU greater jurisdiction over the area.
3. Final Analysis
The SCP Foundation has officially denied any knowledge of or involvement with the facility below the school, instead calling it a false flag operation by the "Chaos Insurgency". The Foundation has likewise denied responsibility for the cover-up operation that was apparently taking place, or any involvement with the disappearance of the Jackson family or Red Derring.
問題の小学校地下の施設に関して、公式にはSCP財団は一切知識を持っていない、もしくは関与していないというように否定し、そればかりか"カオス・インサージェンシー"による偽旗作戦だったと呼称している。同様に財団は現在進行中のように思える隠蔽作戦に裏で手を引いておらず、ジャクソン一家もしくはRed Derringの失踪にも一切関与していないと否定している。
Given the evidence, these claims are believed to be false. Reports of the SCP Foundation's involvement in other recent disasters are being reevaluated accordingly.
証拠を前提としてみるならば、これら財団による主張は虚偽のものと考えられる。結果的に 先の別件の災害でのSCP財団の関与に係る証言の見直しが行われている。
Cite this page as:
"UIUファイル: 2021-354(オペレーション・スーパーファンド" by Kothardarastrix, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/draft:6734327-131-68db. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
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出典: UIU File: 2021-354 (OPERATION: SUPERFUND)
参照リビジョン: rev.7
作成日(EN): 2023/9/4
著者: Kothardarastrix
翻訳: DirStarFish
親ページ: ノー・リターン ハブ
tags: abnormalities goi-format no-return parawatch remixcon2023 unusual-incidents-unit
タグ: en 怪奇部門 goi-format ノー・リターン パラウォッチ remixcon2023 異常事件課
隠しタグ: _異常事件課
任意A任意B任意C- portal:6734327 (21 Aug 2020 14:04)
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