Dr. Charles Anborough: Director of Sites 59 and 117, Keter containment specialist. Curious and crippled, a nuclear physicist who can't seem to stay away from cataclysmic threats. Fortunately, through an absurd combination of improvisation and miracles, he seems to be the best man for the job. His sad smile and dry humor belie the confused past of a man always searching for answers.
He walks in the shadow of a great man, throughout his whole life and to this day, and he is none the wiser. Keeping several ends of the world in check, stopping XK, YK and ZK events, none of it will ever be enough to satiate his envy, his hatred…his great emptiness from which the tears will never run dry. He will never stop searching for answers, and, for the sake of humanity, it is imperative that he finds one.
チャールズ アンボロー博士: サイト59,117管理官、Keterクラス収容スペシャリストです。Curious and crippled, a nuclear physicist who can't seem to stay away from cataclysmic threats. Fortunately, through an absurd combination of improvisation and miracles, he seems to be the best man for the job. His sad smile and dry humor belie the confused past of a man always searching for answers.
He walks in the shadow of a great man, throughout his whole life and to this day, and he is none the wiser. Keeping several ends of the world in check, stopping XK, YK and ZK events, none of it will ever be enough to satiate his envy, his hatred…his great emptiness from which the tears will never run dry. He will never stop searching for answers, and, for the sake of humanity, it is imperative that he finds one.
Dr. Django Bridge: Foundation Archivist. Quiet but influential, with a touch of both melancholy and whimsy. Extraordinary memory. Known to be on a first-name basis with Dr. Bright, and has frequently acted as an informal assistant for him.
ジャンゴ ブリッヂ博士: 財団記録管理官です。Quiet but influential, with a touch of both melancholy and whimsy. Extraordinary memory. Known to be on a first-name basis with Dr. Bright, and has frequently acted as an informal assistant for him.
Dr. Jack Bright: Director of Foundation Personnel. Somewhat amoral. Extremely loyal to the Foundation. May or may not be friendly and/or terrifying; is certainly blunt. Attached to SCP-963, and is therefore immortal, using the body of whatever 963 has last touched.
His relatives and siblings have been associated with the Foundation since time immemorial. His younger brother is SCP-590 (which a few know); SCP-321 is a sister (which almost no one knows). At least two other relatives work for the Foundation at a high level. Several of Bright's discarded bodies — still possessing his personality and knowledge at time of separation from 963 — have been put to work on secret Foundation projects. Bright possesses a desire to permanently die that he may not be conscious of; ironic, for he only became part of 963 because he was not trying to die.
ジャック ブライト博士: 人事局長です。 やや道徳心がかけています。 財団に非常に忠実です。 友好的であるかもしれませんし、そうでないか、もしくは恐ろしい存在であるかもしれません。 確かなのは素っ気ない人格であることです。 SCP-963と接続しているため、963が最後に触れた生物の体を使い、不死の状態にあります。
彼の親族、兄弟ははるか昔より財団に関係を持っていました。彼の弟はSCP-590です。(よく知られています。) また、SCP-321は姉妹関係にあります。(あまり知られていません。) 少なくとも二人の親族は財団の上級職員です。ブライトの使用済みとなった体のいくつかはSCP-963を見につけていない状態であってもまだ彼の人格と知識を持ち合わせています 財団の極秘プロジェクトに取り組んでいます。ブライトは永久に死にたいという無意識的な欲求を感じています。皮肉なことに自殺を試みなかったために、963の一部となったのです。
Dr. Jeremiah Cimmerian: An ethics committee liaison that takes his job only somewhat seriously. He never thought his doctorate in English Literature or his minor in philosophy would actually help him stay employed, but the former got him recruited into the Foundation as a researcher and the latter secured his employment in the long term. Has an unusual interest in puns and the ethical treatment of humanoids.
ジェレマイア キンメリア博士: An ethics committee liaison that takes his job only somewhat seriously. He never thought his doctorate in English Literature or his minor in philosophy would actually help him stay employed, but the former got him recruited into the Foundation as a researcher and the latter secured his employment in the long term. Has an unusual interest in puns and the ethical treatment of humanoids.
Dr. Alto Clef: A highly adaptable, clever liar. Former GOC operative, specializing in reality benders. Also former file clerk. Undergone anomalous alterations that provide resistance to reality shifts and prevent his face from being photographed. Has a long and checkered history, and a somewhat hidden streak of self-hatred. Reformed misogynist. Most rumors about him are exaggerated or off-point. Don't call him genre-savvy or enigmatic.
GOC codename Agent Ukelele prior to defection. May or may not have had a child with a nature goddess as a teenage boy; the goddess was killed by the GOC, but the daughter became a (current) SCP object — if this even happened at all. Involved in a number of CK-class reality restructuring events (and may be able to remember them). (Is) (Is not) a manifestation of the being popularly known as the Devil, despite claims to the contrary.
アルト クレフ博士: 適応力が高く、利口であり、 嘘つきです。元GOC工員であり、現実改変者を専門としていました。また元文書係です。 Undergone anomalous alterations that provide resistance to reality shifts and prevent his face from being photographed. Has a long and checkered history, and a somewhat hidden streak of self-hatred. Reformed misogynist. Most rumors about him are exaggerated or off-point. Don't call him genre-savvy or enigmatic.
GOC codename Agent Ukelele prior to defection. May or may not have had a child with a nature goddess as a teenage boy; the goddess was killed by the GOC, but the daughter became a (current) SCP object — if this even happened at all. Involved in a number of CK-class reality restructuring events (and may be able to remember them). (Is) (Is not) a manifestation of the being popularly known as the Devil, despite claims to the contrary.
Researcher Jacob Conwell: Anomalous Materials Analyst. Masters Degree in Analytical Chemistry. Current head of the Site-64 AMat Lab. Frequently called upon, Conwell has made a name for himself in the Foundation as a hard worker.
Initially over eager to please Foundation superiors, promotion to primary investigator positions has resulted in multiple depressive episodes and insomnia, though these have improved following Conwell's transfer to Site-64 and marriage. Routine psychological evaluations are ongoing.
ジェイコブ コンウェル研究員: 異常精神分析家です。 Masters Degree in Analytical Chemistry. Current head of the Site-64 AMat Lab. Frequently called upon, Conwell has made a name for himself in the Foundation as a hard worker.
Initially over eager to please Foundation superiors, promotion to primary investigator positions has resulted in multiple depressive episodes and insomnia, though these have improved following Conwell's transfer to Site-64 and marriage. Routine psychological evaluations are ongoing.
Dr. Kain "Pathos" Crow: Cross-disciplinary wunderkind researcher, specializing particularly in biochemistry and robotics. Rarely, if ever, seen in public. May or may not have been permanently transformed into a dog-like body as the result of a particular anomalous event.
Ran a number of highly classified cross-testing experiments with the aim of creating useful objects of anomalous origin, notably Project Olympia. Nearly terminated several times. Difficulties in the canine body and an unclear lifespan have resulted in a considerable drop in productivity. Many of his side projects have become dormant.
ケイン "パトス" クロウ博士: 学際的な超常研究者で、特に生化学とロボット工学を専門としています。 Rarely, if ever, seen in public. May or may not have been permanently transformed into a dog-like body as the result of a particular anomalous event.
Ran a number of highly classified cross-testing experiments with the aim of creating useful objects of anomalous origin, notably Project Olympia. Nearly terminated several times. Difficulties in the canine body and an unclear lifespan have resulted in a considerable drop in productivity. Many of his side projects have become dormant.
Dr. Michael Edison: Level-3 Researcher, current head of the Site-19 Metafiction department, as well as its only member. Dr. Edison has received disciplinary action on multiple occasions due to a repeated pattern of unsanctioned and ill-conceived behavior. These behaviors have resulted in temporary reassignment to the Site-██ Antarctic base. His current assignment at Site 19 is contingent on approval from his assigned therapist.
Though quiet and reserved most of the time, Dr. Edison secretly dreams of being a badass like Dr. Clef (or at least the image most staffers have of Dr. Clef). While respected as a researcher, his attempts at more outrageous endeavors are most often met with derision. Has a petty, but long-standing grudge against Delivery Agent Roadrunner. Is known to sometimes write terrible fanfiction.
マイケル エジソン博士: Level-3研究者で、 current head of the Site-19 Metafiction department, as well as its only member. Dr. Edison has received disciplinary action on multiple occasions due to a repeated pattern of unsanctioned and ill-conceived behavior. These behaviors have resulted in temporary reassignment to the Site-██ Antarctic base. His current assignment at Site 19 is contingent on approval from his assigned therapist.
Though quiet and reserved most of the time, Dr. Edison secretly dreams of being a badass like Dr. Clef (or at least the image most staffers have of Dr. Clef). While respected as a researcher, his attempts at more outrageous endeavors are most often met with derision. Has a petty, but long-standing grudge against Delivery Agent Roadrunner. Is known to sometimes write terrible fanfiction.
Dr. Chelsea "Photosynthetic" Elliott: Plant specialist, both anomalous and non-anomalous. Dedicated, friendly, prone to tunnel vision. Often in the field; excessively 'hands-on' in her lab and field research, leading to a number of injuries. Scars cover her hands and arms.
Possible anomalous capability due to exposure to an anomalous item (a "sun of unknown provenance"). This is unknown to her, and investigation is ongoing. Possible security risk due to strong personal desire to advance worldwide scientific knowledge in her chosen field; she's possibly a little too excited about the marvels she has studied.
Dr. チェルシー "フォトシンセチック" エリオット博士: Plant specialist, both anomalous and non-anomalous. Dedicated, friendly, prone to tunnel vision. Often in the field; excessively 'hands-on' in her lab and field research, leading to a number of injuries. Scars cover her hands and arms.
Possible anomalous capability due to exposure to an anomalous item (a "sun of unknown provenance"). This is unknown to her, and investigation is ongoing. Possible security risk due to strong personal desire to advance worldwide scientific knowledge in her chosen field; she's possibly a little too excited about the marvels she has studied.
Dr. Charles Gears ("COG"): A man strangely lacking in emotional response (to the point of lacking a startle response) and possessing unusual levels of logic and intellect. Former Euclid-class object specialist before having his area of study expanded. Has been deeply involved with research regarding a truly shocking number of SCP objects both major and minor. A figure of great influence in recent Foundation history.
Records claim he was recruited shortly after the founding of the Foundation… despite his age and personal history not quite matching up to that timeline. A personal fact that few know: He does feel emotion, when it's significant. He simply does not react to it or show it. Because he cannot. Why? If there is a reason, few know. Possibly the father of Alison Chao, the woman calling herself the "Black Queen".
チャールズ ギアーズ博士 ("COG"): 不思議なほど感情が欠落した(驚愕反応が見られないほどのものです。)男性であり、異常なほどの論理能力と知性を持ち合わせています。彼の研究範囲が広まる前は、Euclidクラスオブジェトのスペシャリストであり、まさに衝撃的といえる数のSCPオブジェクトに関する研究に重要さにかかわらず携わってきました。近年の財団史に大きな影響を与えました。
記録は彼が財団設立直後に採用されたと主張しています……完全に彼の年齢と経歴がその記録と一致しないのにもかかわらずです。あまり知られていない個人的な事実:彼は重要な事柄に関しては感情を感じるのです。彼は単にそれに対して反応をせず、外に出さないだけなのです。なぜなら彼にはできないからです。なぜ?理由があったとしても分かることはほとんどありません。あるいは、自身を"黒の女王"と呼ぶ女性、アリソン チャオの父だから。
Dr. Simon Glass: Head of Psychology. Trusted with performing psychological evaluations of highly ranked Foundation personnel. Very empathetic. Sometimes considered "soft" — and that's true, for a Foundation researcher, but he's still well-trusted. In the course of his interviews, he has gained knowledge of more and more terrible secrets, yet still holds on to both his sanity and empathy.
Associates linked to a number of groups of interest, including the Chaos Insurgency (via a relative) and the Serpent's Hand. Feels self-conscious about how higher-ups view him because of this.
サイモン グラス博士: Head of Psychology. Trusted with performing psychological evaluations of highly ranked Foundation personnel. Very empathetic. Sometimes considered "soft" — and that's true, for a Foundation researcher, but he's still well-trusted. In the course of his interviews, he has gained knowledge of more and more terrible secrets, yet still holds on to both his sanity and empathy.
Associates linked to a number of groups of interest, including the Chaos Insurgency (via a relative) and the Serpent's Hand. Feels self-conscious about how higher-ups view him because of this.
Dr. Frederick Heiden: Neurology specialist. Anxious, uncertain, empathic, focused on logic. Involved in a number of highly classified projects, despite initially being barred from any non-Safe-classed objects.
May be secretly under Dr. Bright's wing. There are… "plans" for Heiden. Or… were. Perhaps. Heiden may or may not have been killed and brought back to life; he may or may not in fact be dead, though he is listed as active staff and appears to be playing some kind of role within the Foundation regardless. 1
1he's just heiden'
フレデリック ハイデン博士: Neurology specialist. Anxious, uncertain, empathic, focused on logic. Involved in a number of highly classified projects, despite initially being barred from any non-Safe-classed objects.
May be secretly under Dr. Bright's wing. There are… "plans" for Heiden. Or… were. Perhaps. Heiden may or may not have been killed and brought back to life; he may or may not in fact be dead, though he is listed as active staff and appears to be playing some kind of role within the Foundation regardless.1
1he's just heiden'
Dr. Everett King: One of the Foundation's most experienced mathematicians, Doctor King's reputation has nevertheless been overtaken by his testing record involving unusual results. Despite this, he regularly contributes to internal Foundation intellectual periodicals.
エヴァレット キング博士: 財団内で最も経験豊富な数学者の一人でありますが、それよりも彼の評判の内容は異常な結果を伴う彼の実験記録についてです。彼は財団内部の知的な定期刊行物に定期的に寄稿しているのにも関わらずです。
Dr. Zyn Kiryu: Highly prolific researcher. Involved in a number of classified Foundation projects. Obsessive, driven, often not eating or sleeping in favor of finishing tasks. Joined the Foundation before finishing her schooling; finished through an accelerated Foundation program. Initially closed-off and withdrawn, but opened up due to a latent ambitious streak. She often volunteers to handle new Foundation member intake, hoping to give new members a positive introduction to an often deeply horrifying organization. Has a private flair for poetry. Has accidentally inherited the absent Dr. Kondraki's affiliation with anomalous butterflies, including SCP-408 after Kondraki's disappearance.
Has a brother, Mark Kiryu, a higher-ranked researcher. O5 Command has its eye fixed on Zyn Kiryu for unknown reasons, having dismissed her higher-ranked brother as ultimately irrelevant. She is being watched and investigated by the Red Right Hand — whether positively or negatively is unknown.
ジュン キリュウ博士: Highly prolific researcher. Involved in a number of classified Foundation projects. Obsessive, driven, often not eating or sleeping in favor of finishing tasks. Joined the Foundation before finishing her schooling; finished through an accelerated Foundation program. Initially closed-off and withdrawn, but opened up due to a latent ambitious streak. She often volunteers to handle new Foundation member intake, hoping to give new members a positive introduction to an often deeply horrifying organization. Has a private flair for poetry. Has accidentally inherited the absent Dr. Kondraki's affiliation with anomalous butterflies, including SCP-408 after Kondraki's disappearance.
Has a brother, Mark Kiryu, a higher-ranked researcher. O5 Command has its eye fixed on Zyn Kiryu for unknown reasons, having dismissed her higher-ranked brother as ultimately irrelevant. She is being watched and investigated by the Red Right Hand — whether positively or negatively is unknown.
Dr. Mark Kiryu: Senior researcher and director of an anomalous items processing lab. Upon initial recruitment, had a successful career as a therapist (licensed psychologist). Worked extensively with SCP-1457 in his first years with the Foundation but doesn't talk about that, and has spearheaded several projects involving sapient SCP entities. Cheery attitude and a good listener; looks out for his coworkers and interns like a bit of a mother hen sometimes. Has a ceramic seahorse and potted bamboo on his desk.
マーク キリュウ博士: Senior researcher and director of an anomalous items processing lab. Upon initial recruitment, had a successful career as a therapist (licensed psychologist). Worked extensively with SCP-1457 in his first years with the Foundation but doesn't talk about that, and has spearheaded several projects involving sapient SCP entities. Cheery attitude and a good listener; looks out for his coworkers and interns like a bit of a mother hen sometimes. Has a ceramic seahorse and potted bamboo on his desk.
Dr. Adam Leeward: Emotionally confused and ethically conflicted humanoid containment specialist from Site-11 and living in Site-81. May or may not have made a few mistakes, may or may not have cleaned up a few mistakes. Not without the standard degree of coldness in personality traits, but with a few (sometimes painful) soft spots.
Under watch for abnormal behavior. Well-intentioned, but not without flaws. Of course, in this field, flaws like these can get you in deeper than you ever expected.
アダム リーワード博士: Emotionally confused and ethically conflicted humanoid containment specialist from Site-11 and living in Site-81. May or may not have made a few mistakes, may or may not have cleaned up a few mistakes. Not without the standard degree of coldness in personality traits, but with a few (sometimes painful) soft spots.
Under watch for abnormal behavior. Well-intentioned, but not without flaws. Of course, in this field, flaws like these can get you in deeper than you ever expected.
Dr. Sophia Light: Biologist, surgeon and Site Director with far, far too many secrets. A likeable yet frightening person. Blunt, determined, calculating; good under pressure. Putting effort into remaining friendly and open (and emotionally stable). Bears minor facial scarring, and an old injury in her left hand sometimes impairs its functionality. Somewhat traumatic childhood; caretakers forced her to learn outdoor survival by leaving her stranded in the African wilderness for days on end. Joined the Foundation after a classified anomalous incident that killed eleven people, including her then-fiancee. Currently or formerly romantically linked with Troy Lament.
The rumors that persist of Dr. Light's strangely close involvement with O5 Command are accurate. Seems to have been involved in a number of highly classified reality shifts — including some initiated by the Foundation itself. A centrally important figure to the Foundation for a number of extremely secret reasons, some of which she doesn't know (or does not still remember) herself.
ソフィア ライト博士: Biologist, surgeon and Site Director with far, far too many secrets. A likeable yet frightening person. Blunt, determined, calculating; good under pressure. Putting effort into remaining friendly and open (and emotionally stable). Bears minor facial scarring, and an old injury in her left hand sometimes impairs its functionality. Somewhat traumatic childhood; caretakers forced her to learn outdoor survival by leaving her stranded in the African wilderness for days on end. Joined the Foundation after a classified anomalous incident that killed eleven people, including her then-fiancee. Currently or formerly romantically linked with Troy Lament.
The rumors that persist of Dr. Light's strangely close involvement with O5 Command are accurate. Seems to have been involved in a number of highly classified reality shifts — including some initiated by the Foundation itself. A centrally important figure to the Foundation for a number of extremely secret reasons, some of which she doesn't know (or does not still remember) herself.
Dr. Samuel M. Lloyd: English memeticist and part-time HMCL Supervisor who shows up all over the place. Likes to keep tabs on whatever's going on, and likes interacting with anomalies more than is good for him. Cynical, self-centred, generally well-meaning but in over his head. Younger than you'd expect.
サミュエル M. ロイド博士: English memeticist and part-time HMCL Supervisor who shows up all over the place. Likes to keep tabs on whatever's going on, and likes interacting with anomalies more than is good for him. Cynical, self-centred, generally well-meaning but in over his head. Younger than you'd expect.
Dr. Everett Mann: Unconventional medical researcher with few scruples and a specialty in unusual forms of surgery. Jokingly referred to as a "mad scientist". Sometimes not-so-jokingly. (He objects to the term "mad scientist", claiming that "mad doctor" would be more accurate, and further that the difference should be plain to anyone with a proper academic background to speak of.) Easily willing to do monstrous things in the name of research. Possesses a dramatic mustache. Due to his upbringing, his cultural and popular knowledges are woefully out of date, leading to anachronistic and ridiculous situations.
Came to Foundation attention via the uncle who raised him, a person of interest to the Foundation due to anomalous research. Considered a potential danger to the Foundation under certain predicted future circumstances.
エヴァレット マン博士: 良心をあまり持たず異常形態手術を専門とした型にはまらない医学研究者です。冗談としてですが"マッドサイエンティスト"と言われます。 時々それは冗談になりません。 (彼は"マッドサイエンティスト"という名辞には異を唱えており、"マッドドクター"がより適切だと主張しており、さらに適切な学歴を持っている人なら誰でもその違いを明白にすべきだとも主張しています。) 研究の名のもとにあっさりとおぞましいことを進んで行います。立派な口ひげを持ちます。生い立ちの影響で、彼の文化的、民衆的な知識は嘆かわしいほど時代遅れであり、時代錯誤でバカバカしい状況につながります。
Dr. Jaime Marlowe: Average researcher, specializing in space-time, extra-dimensional, and visual, spatial, and cognitohazardous anomalies. Previously described as "painfully, painfully, painfully average", notable more for minor interpersonal incidents and inappropriate outbursts when under stress. Marlowe's profile has slightly increased due to apparent unexplained connections to unrelated anomalous events which only appear to have increased in frequency.
ハイメ マーロウ博士: Average researcher, specializing in space-time, extra-dimensional, and visual, spatial, and cognitohazardous anomalies. Previously described as "painfully, painfully, painfully average", notable more for minor interpersonal incidents and inappropriate outbursts when under stress. Marlowe's profile has slightly increased due to apparent unexplained connections to unrelated anomalous events which only appear to have increased in frequency.
Dr. Riven Mercer: Veterinary-focused researcher, the second-in-command of Kiryu Labs. Handles personnel allocation for incoming anomalous item caches, and often goes on outside assignments. Good with animals, and owns a grumpy bearded dragon lizard who lives in the lab.
レイヴァン マーサー博士: Veterinary-focused researcher, the second-in-command of Kiryu Labs. Handles personnel allocation for incoming anomalous item caches, and often goes on outside assignments. Good with animals, and owns a grumpy bearded dragon lizard who lives in the lab.
Technical Researcher David Rosen: Technical Advisor and Researcher. Responsible for ensuring the continued functionality of Site-19's technical infrastructure. Known for being acerbic and marginally accident-prone, he also manages the facilities technical department very well and is widely see as a thrifty leader.
デイビット ローゼン技術研究者: Technical Advisor and Researcher. Responsible for ensuring the continued functionality of Site-19's technical infrastructure. Known for being acerbic and marginally accident-prone, he also manages the facilities technical department very well and is widely see as a thrifty leader.
Dr. Katherine Sinclair: Acting head- and one of only two members- of the Occult Studies and Thaumatology division at Site-87 in Sloth's Pit, Wisconsin. Has been involved in numerous incidents, including the assault on Sloth's Pit by the now defunct Group of Interest Satyr's Reign, and the the 2014 Christmas Incident. Has burn scarring on her forearms from a botched flame ritual.
Dr. Sinclair performed her first spell at the age of 17, accidentally setting fire to her notebook by drawing a Hermetic Circle and infusing it with some latent magical talent she possessed. In college, she got involved with a more violent sect of the Serpent's Hand, and after seeing they were willing to sacrifice humans — which could lead to very violent thaumaturgical consequences — she practically ran to the Foundation. Any rumors about her hobbies and personal life are lies and slander.
キャサリン シンクレア博士: Acting head- and one of only two members- of the Occult Studies and Thaumatology division at Site-87 in Sloth's Pit, Wisconsin. Has been involved in numerous incidents, including the assault on Sloth's Pit by the now defunct Group of Interest Satyr's Reign, and the the 2014 Christmas Incident. Has burn scarring on her forearms from a botched flame ritual.
Dr. Sinclair performed her first spell at the age of 17, accidentally setting fire to her notebook by drawing a Hermetic Circle and infusing it with some latent magical talent she possessed. In college, she got involved with a more violent sect of the Serpent's Hand, and after seeing they were willing to sacrifice humans — which could lead to very violent thaumaturgical consequences — she practically ran to the Foundation. Any rumors about her hobbies and personal life are lies and slander.
Dr. Johannes Sorts: Memetic specialist and field researcher, with a doctorate in art history. Caucasian, late 30s, unshaven with greying brown hair. Slightly overweight, usually wears a grey cap. Obsessive, cowardly and paranoid in mundane situations, but solid and focused when presented with memetic or information based hazards. Multiple disciplinary reports due to poor choice of action under pressure, including the shooting of a guard while under my influence. Currently under psychiatric evaluation and restricted to safer projects.
Influenced far, far more of the Foundation's fundamental doctrines than anyone is willing to admit. Under constant supervision due to several attempts to breach internal security on objects outside of his jurisdiction.
ヨハネス ソーツ博士: Memetic specialist and field researcher, with a doctorate in art history. Caucasian, late 30s, unshaven with greying brown hair. Slightly overweight, usually wears a grey cap. Obsessive, cowardly and paranoid in mundane situations, but solid and focused when presented with memetic or information based hazards. Multiple disciplinary reports due to poor choice of action under pressure, including the shooting of a guard while under my influence. Currently under psychiatric evaluation and restricted to safer projects.
Influenced far, far more of the Foundation's fundamental doctrines than anyone is willing to admit. Under constant supervision due to several attempts to breach internal security on objects outside of his jurisdiction.
Dr. Thaddeus Xyank: Presently low-level but extremely significant Foundation researcher. Specializes in temporal anomalies. Somewhat arrogant and long-winded, but considered an up-and-coming genius.
Extensive involvement in major Thaumiel projects, notably SCP-2000.
サデウス シャンク博士: Presently low-level but extremely significant Foundation researcher. Specializes in temporal anomalies. Somewhat arrogant and long-winded, but considered an up-and-coming genius.
Agent Green: Real name classified. Originally a GOC operative responsible for the assassination of reality benders. Became involved with a reality bender creating anomalous art, working with Agent Navarro. Has since become an anart specialist, leading investigations and acting as an advisor to other teams. Good with interrogations, and likes to be in charge. Never seen without a cigarette.
エージェント グリーン: Real name classified. Originally a GOC operative responsible for the assassination of reality benders. Became involved with a reality bender creating anomalous art, working with Agent Navarro. Has since become an anart specialist, leading investigations and acting as an advisor to other teams. Good with interrogations, and likes to be in charge. Never seen without a cigarette.
Agent Troy Lament: Containment and recovery specialist. Protege of Dr. Gears after Iceberg's suicide. Deeply scarred due to his experiences at the Foundation. Currently or formerly romantically linked with Sophia Light.
One of the best-kept secrets in the Foundation is Lament's high status within the organization. Haunted by his experience, plagued by doubt, and possessing scant desire for power, Lament is happy to keep his secret a secret. He plays his role unwillingly and with great reluctance. Occasionally his status has been used to get him closer to targets who do not realize he is anything more than Gears' former assistant.
エージェント トロイ ラメント: Containment and recovery specialist. Protege of Dr. Gears after Iceberg's suicide. Deeply scarred due to his experiences at the Foundation. Currently or formerly romantically linked with Sophia Light.
One of the best-kept secrets in the Foundation is Lament's high status within the organization. Haunted by his experience, plagued by doubt, and possessing scant desire for power, Lament is happy to keep his secret a secret. He plays his role unwillingly and with great reluctance. Occasionally his status has been used to get him closer to targets who do not realize he is anything more than Gears' former assistant.
Agent Sasha Merlo: Cyber Operations Specialist. Current commander of MTF Gamma-13 (Asimov's Lawbringers). Cheerful, if rather dry and sarcastic. Several disciplinary reports for reckless actions during MTF field operations. Current support from Site-64's Director Holman suggest potential for eventual promotion to administrative duties in the future.
エージェント サーシャ メルロ: Cyber Operations Specialist. Current commander of MTF Gamma-13 (Asimov's Lawbringers). Cheerful, if rather dry and sarcastic. Several disciplinary reports for reckless actions during MTF field operations. Current support from Site-64's Director Holman suggest potential for eventual promotion to administrative duties in the future.
Agent Navarro: Originally captured as a Person of Interest in Portland, Oregon in mid-2004, and acted as a double agent for the Foundation until he was officially employed in late-2005. Called in as a specialist in cases of anomalous art, also acts as liaison between the Foundation and various anartists. Friendly and easy-going to the point of bordering fault. Easily recognized by his perma-stubble.
Is a self-described "wizard" and is capable of using anomalous phenomena ("magic"), though is not himself anomalous. Has received multiple infractions for the unapproved use of anomalous items and phenomena.
エージェント ナヴァロ: Originally captured as a Person of Interest in Portland, Oregon in mid-2004, and acted as a double agent for the Foundation until he was officially employed in late-2005. Called in as a specialist in cases of anomalous art, also acts as liaison between the Foundation and various anartists. Friendly and easy-going to the point of bordering fault. Easily recognized by his perma-stubble.
Is a self-described "wizard" and is capable of using anomalous phenomena ("magic"), though is not himself anomalous. Has received multiple infractions for the unapproved use of anomalous items and phenomena.
Agent Dmitri Arkadeyevich "Waxx" Strelnikov: Former Site Security Director, most famously former acting Site Director of Site-19. Former leader of now-disbanded MTF Red Dawn. Russian in origin, operated extensively in Eastern Europe. Strange sense of humor; subject of numerous infamous practical jokes. Now happily retired with a large pension.
エージェント ドミトリー アルカディエヴィッチ "ワックス" ストレルニコフ: Former Site Security Director, most famously former acting Site Director of Site-19. Former leader of now-disbanded MTF Red Dawn. Russian in origin, operated extensively in Eastern Europe. Strange sense of humor; subject of numerous infamous practical jokes. Now happily retired with a large pension.
Agent V. A. LaFerrier: Agent LaFerrier is a bug in the system. We don't really know their first name, but we know it begins with V. We don't really know their middle name, but we know it begins with A. We don't really know where they came from. We don't know who hired them. Hell, we don't know their gender — biological or otherwise. What we do know is that they are an astonishingly loyal and skilled agent, no matter what assignment you give to them. They've done their fair share of small and filler assignments, but they've also acted admirably in the field with MTF Pi-1, "City Slickers", MTF Sigma-██, "Working Man", and also with several other MTFs. How Agent LaFerrier maintains being an agent in multiple MTFs is unclear.
Not even Agent LaFerrier themself knows what they are. Most people don't think they're anything more than a normal person already, but Agent LaFerrier especially can't be allowed to know this. At the very least, not until someone more qualified finds out.
エージェント V. A. ラフェリア: Agent LaFerrier is a bug in the system. We don't really know their first name, but we know it begins with V. We don't really know their middle name, but we know it begins with A. We don't really know where they came from. We don't know who hired them. Hell, we don't know their gender — biological or otherwise. What we do know is that they are an astonishingly loyal and skilled agent, no matter what assignment you give to them. They've done their fair share of small and filler assignments, but they've also acted admirably in the field with MTF Pi-1, "City Slickers", MTF Sigma-██, "Working Man", and also with several other MTFs. How Agent LaFerrier maintains being an agent in multiple MTFs is unclear.
Not even Agent LaFerrier themself knows what they are. Most people don't think they're anything more than a normal person already, but Agent LaFerrier especially can't be allowed to know this. At the very least, not until someone more qualified finds out.
Agent Cyrus Trauss: In enlisting only a few months before secrecy was compromised, Trauss never had a chance to experience the Foundation away from the scrutinizing eye of Site-42's surrounding towns. Outspoken and personable in his youth, he served to provide an example of the Foundation's newer, publicity-friendly attitude; though as the organization's political needs changed, the type of loyalty he showed was more directly utilized.
エージェント サイラス トラウス: In enlisting only a few months before secrecy was compromised, Trauss never had a chance to experience the Foundation away from the scrutinizing eye of Site-42's surrounding towns. Outspoken and personable in his youth, he served to provide an example of the Foundation's newer, publicity-friendly attitude; though as the organization's political needs changed, the type of loyalty he showed was more directly utilized.
Specialist Rhianne Watson: A thaumaturgy specialist working with Lambda-14, since their first encounter with the Ambrose Restaurant GoI. Known for her quick temper, but has been known to be more lighthearted at times.
Specialist Rhianne Watson: A thaumaturgy specialist working with Lambda-14, since their first encounter with the Ambrose Restaurant GoI. Known for her quick temper, but has been known to be more lighthearted at times.
Director Jean Karlyle Aktus: Director of Site-81 and a seemingly impossibly old man, known for his analytic approach to containment leading to thorough and successful containment procedures. Aktus serves as the head of the Foundation's Classification Committee, and is also involved with several exotic mobile task forces, including Alpha-9 and Kappa-10.
##blue|They say he died when he was in his thirties. Complications from leukemia, something he picked up shortly after the way. I've heard that an Overseer reached in and pulled his soul out from the void, pushed it back into his body and set him in motion again. "Too much work to do, Karlyle," they told him. "Death can't have you yet."
He'll disappear for weeks at a time, always coming back looking a little less like himself. Medicine, I'm sure. Something they're pumping in him to keep him alive. Keep him working. Only a matter of time before his body gives out, right? A man can't live forever, right?
Or maybe he can.
Won't you spare me over ‘til a another year?##
Jean Karlyle Aktus管理官: サイト81の管理官です。 and a seemingly impossibly old man, known for his analytic approach to containment leading to thorough and successful containment procedures. Aktus serves as the head of the Foundation's Classification Committee, and is also involved with several exotic mobile task forces, including Alpha-9 and Kappa-10.
They say he died when he was in his thirties. Complications from leukemia, something he picked up shortly after the way. I've heard that an Overseer reached in and pulled his soul out from the void, pushed it back into his body and set him in motion again. "Too much work to do, Karlyle," they told him. "Death can't have you yet."
He'll disappear for weeks at a time, always coming back looking a little less like himself. Medicine, I'm sure. Something they're pumping in him to keep him alive. Keep him working. Only a matter of time before his body gives out, right? A man can't live forever, right?
Or maybe he can.
Won't you spare me over ‘til a another year?
Director Shirley Gillespie and Dr. Ralph Roget: Director Shirley Gillespie is a part of the oldest guard in the Foundation — holding a directorship in Site-77, a storage facility now disguised as an Amazon.com shipping center, for over fifty years. Although constantly rumored to be retiring, she still exerts influence, sometimes through her grandson, Dr. Ralph Roget.
Dr. Roget was relegated to clerical work for the better part of a decade before proving himself to his grandmother. Through her influence — unbeknownst to him — he was placed at the center of an classified team assigned to research a large number of lower-priority SCP objects, a position in which he was particularly effective. Through this and through his connection to Director Gillespie, Dr. Roget has gained a significant degree of influence in the years following, despite a reputation for childishness, and has almost accidentally become a controversial figure.
Shirley Gillespie管理官 そして Ralph Roget博士: Director Shirley Gillespie is a part of the oldest guard in the Foundation — holding a directorship in Site-77, a storage facility now disguised as an Amazon.com shipping center, for over fifty years. Although constantly rumored to be retiring, she still exerts influence, sometimes through her grandson, Dr. Ralph Roget.
Dr. Roget was relegated to clerical work for the better part of a decade before proving himself to his grandmother. Through her influence — unbeknownst to him — he was placed at the center of an classified team assigned to research a large number of lower-priority SCP objects, a position in which he was particularly effective. Through this and through his connection to Director Gillespie, Dr. Roget has gained a significant degree of influence in the years following, despite a reputation for childishness, and has almost accidentally become a controversial figure.
Director Maria Jones: Director of Records and Information Security Administration (RAISA). Powerful and isolated, Director Jones ultimately controls much of the ebb and flow of information across the Foundation, both inside and between facilities. She has few friends, but is loyal to those few she has. Everyone knows her name as a matter of course, but few people know her.
マリア ジョーンズ管理官: Director of Records and Information Security Administration (RAISA). Powerful and isolated, Director Jones ultimately controls much of the ebb and flow of information across the Foundation, both inside and between facilities. She has few friends, but is loyal to those few she has. Everyone knows her name as a matter of course, but few people know her.
Dr. Tilda D. Moose: Current Site Director of Site-19 and Co-Director of Site-17, having inherited the positions from a string of previous Directors. Stern, anxious, mildly obsessive. Can become overly passionate once something gets her going. Considered to have an outsized degree of influence given relatively short official length of tenure with the Foundation (under a decade). Some of Site-19's bureaucracy sees her as a figurehead, whether accurately or not.
Specialist on K-Class scenario research. Advises on thaumotological anomalies. "Type Blue" status kept largely secret to stave off controversy. Considered risk factor due to past association with the Serpent's Hand, self-inflicted brain damage (non-amnestic memory alteration), and stresses of current positions. Subject to active O5 monitoring, and associated with Agent Troy Lament on a number of classified projects — much to Lament's chagrin.
Tilda D. Moose博士: 現在のサイト19管理官です。さらに、サイト17の共同管理官を務めており、一連の前管理官からその役職を受け継ぎました。Stern, anxious, mildly obsessive. Can become overly passionate once something gets her going. Considered to have an outsized degree of influence given relatively short official length of tenure with the Foundation (under a decade). Some of Site-19's bureaucracy sees her as a figurehead, whether accurately or not.
Kクラスシナリオ研究のスペシャリストです。 魔術に関する異常のアドバイスを行います。 "Type Blue" status kept largely secret to stave off controversy. Considered risk factor due to past association with the Serpent's Hand, self-inflicted brain damage (non-amnestic memory alteration), and stresses of current positions. Subject to active O5 monitoring, and associated with Agent Troy Lament on a number of classified projects — much to Lament's chagrin.
Director Ruslav Diaghilev: Director Diaghilev has been involved with the Foundation for an unknown period of time, but currently heads the Alchemy Department from Site-127. Director Diaghilev is the resident expert on Alchemical phenomena and has assisted in the containment of several alchemic SCP objects. Additionally any and all alchemic creatures fall under his purview, though outside consultants may be required from time to time.
Director Diaghilev is the primary contact and educator for Foundation Alchemists on staff. Any and all requests for consultation can be directed to his office. Additionally, Director Diaghilev is assigned a personal MTF for the assistance in recovery of significant alchemic objects.
Director Diaghilev has special dispensation for the classification and redaction of alchemic objects. Requests for the full details of Director Diaghilev's personnel file are restricted to A-6 clearance, only. Information will be granted on a need-to-know basis. Any and all rumors of Director Diaghilev's involvement in SCP-001 are grossly exaggerated, and spreading of these rumors will constitute disciplinary action.
Ruslav Diaghilev管理官: Director Diaghilev has been involved with the Foundation for an unknown period of time, but currently heads the Alchemy Department from Site-127. Director Diaghilev is the resident expert on Alchemical phenomena and has assisted in the containment of several alchemic SCP objects. Additionally any and all alchemic creatures fall under his purview, though outside consultants may be required from time to time.
Director Diaghilev is the primary contact and educator for Foundation Alchemists on staff. Any and all requests for consultation can be directed to his office. Additionally, Director Diaghilev is assigned a personal MTF for the assistance in recovery of significant alchemic objects.
Director Diaghilev has special dispensation for the classification and redaction of alchemic objects. Requests for the full details of Director Diaghilev's personnel file are restricted to A-6 clearance, only. Information will be granted on a need-to-know basis. Any and all rumors of Director Diaghilev's involvement in SCP-001 are grossly exaggerated, and spreading of these rumors will constitute disciplinary action.
Vincent Anderson: Highly intelligent, cybernetically augmented, and a skilled thaumaturgist, Vincent Anderson is the Founder and CEO of the Anderson Robotics Group of Interest. Most of Anderson's interactions with the Foundation have been in retaliation to Foundation efforts to contain his operation, including multiple security breaches, and impersonation of Foundation personnel by Saker Androids. Anderson currently maintains strong business ties with MC&D and has numerous supporters within the Maxwellist Church.
ヴィンセント アンダーソン: 非常に賢く、人工脳科学的に拡張され、熟練した魔術師であるヴィンセント アンダーソンは要注意団体アンダーソン ロボティクスの創設者であり、CEOです。 アンダーソンと財団のやり取りのほとんどは財団が行った彼の活動の妨害を理由にした数々の収容違反やセイカー・アンドロイドによる財団職員のなりすましといった報復です。現在、アンダーソンはMC&Dと強いビジネス関係を維持しており、マクスウェリズム協会に多数の支持者が存在しています。
Chaz Ambrose: Owner and occasional chef of the Ambrose Restaurant Group of Interest. Rumored to be far more moral than initially suspected.
チャズ アンブローズ: 要注意団体アンブローズ レストランのオーナーであり時たまシェフでもあります。最初に予測されていたよりもはるかに道徳的であると噂されています。
Adrian Baudin: A solitary anomalous artist of minor repute. Baudin's status is unknown following the events of the Greenwich Incident, with which he was tangentially involved. Currently believed to be in hiding, detained, or deceased.
Regardless, Baudin is not believed to pose a threat to Foundation interests.
エイドリアン ボーダン: あまり有名ではない孤独な異常芸術家です。ボーダンの状況は彼が関与から外れたグリニッジ事件の後、分からなくなっています。 Currently believed to be in hiding, detained, or deceased.
Regardless, Baudin is not believed to pose a threat to Foundation interests.
Alexei Belitrov, "Father Anvil," "Roach": Contained at Site-17 as SCP-2273 in most observed reality constructs. Classified as a Type-C Sapient Anomaly, Alexei Belitrov has been compliant and cooperative with the Foundation in Baseline reality and most observed derivatives. He is fluent in Russian and German and has excelled in his English lessons. Alexei is believed to be of extra-universal origins and claims to have a military background. Mr. Belitrov has a general aversion to violence. However, if his claims of combat experience and memory retention are to be believed, it is likely that Alexei Belitrov remains capable of acts of armed violence.
Of note is that, in Reality Construct MM15JS, an entity resembling SCP-2117 manifested momentarily in Alexei Belitrov's quarters on 22 March 2015. Upon de-manifesting, Alexei Belitrov was no longer present in the cell. This event coincided with a mass containment breach within this reality construct. Contact with this reality construct was lost soon after. Both the significance of this event and Alexei Belitrov's status within this reality construct are currently unknown.
Additionally, in Reality Construct FZ27GO, multiple persons resembling Alexei Belitrov spontaneously manifested, and were frequently sighted fighting at nighttime. In most occasions, these iterations of Alexei Belitrov are accompanied by a unidentified human with a red tattoo on one of their hands.
Alexei Belitrov, "Father Anvil," "Roach": Contained at Site-17 as SCP-2273 in most observed reality constructs. Classified as a Type-C Sapient Anomaly, Alexei Belitrov has been compliant and cooperative with the Foundation in Baseline reality and most observed derivatives. He is fluent in Russian and German and has excelled in his English lessons. Alexei is believed to be of extra-universal origins and claims to have a military background. Mr. Belitrov has a general aversion to violence. However, if his claims of combat experience and memory retention are to be believed, it is likely that Alexei Belitrov remains capable of acts of armed violence.
Of note is that, in Reality Construct MM15JS, an entity resembling SCP-2117 manifested momentarily in Alexei Belitrov's quarters on 22 March 2015. Upon de-manifesting, Alexei Belitrov was no longer present in the cell. This event coincided with a mass containment breach within this reality construct. Contact with this reality construct was lost soon after. Both the significance of this event and Alexei Belitrov's status within this reality construct are currently unknown.
Additionally, in Reality Construct FZ27GO, multiple persons resembling Alexei Belitrov spontaneously manifested, and were frequently sighted fighting at nighttime. In most occasions, these iterations of Alexei Belitrov are accompanied by a unidentified human with a red tattoo on one of their hands.
Reverend Archon Celebration "Big Cheese" Horace: A humanoid entity currently located in SCP-1982. Acts in a similar manner to Southern Baptist preachers, but is heavily implied from their sermons to be of Fifthist faith. Evidence from other anomalies suggests that their influence is not limited to SCP-1982, though there is no physical evidence of this. Likewise, their status as a human is unconfirmed.
Reverend Archon Celebration "Big Cheese" Horace: A humanoid entity currently located in SCP-1982. Acts in a similar manner to Southern Baptist preachers, but is heavily implied from their sermons to be of Fifthist faith. Evidence from other anomalies suggests that their influence is not limited to SCP-1982, though there is no physical evidence of this. Likewise, their status as a human is unconfirmed.
Alison Chao, "The Black Queen": Highly intelligent, highly driven, and possesses extensive knowledge of Foundation structure, activities, and contained items. Sometimes said to be highly malevolent, murderous, and destructive; sometimes said to be more benevolent, even assisting some Foundation endeavors in secret. Involved with many major GOIs and world governments. Seems to be aiming to take down the Foundation. Maybe. For more information on the Black Queen, see the GOI entry.
アリソン チャオ, "黒の女王": 非常に賢く、とても意欲的であり、財団の構造、活動、そして所有している物品についての幅広い知識を有しています。 Sometimes said to be highly malevolent, murderous, and destructive; sometimes said to be more benevolent, even assisting some Foundation endeavors in secret. Involved with many major GOIs and world governments. Seems to be aiming to take down the Foundation. Maybe. For more information on the Black Queen, see the GOI entry.
A Kind Man: This is not an entry; it is a hole where someone has passed through on their journey as they seek a story that they love enough to stay with 'till The End.
Their footsteps can still be felt, impressed into the pages.
A Kind Man: This is not an entry; it is a hole where someone has passed through on their journey as they seek a story that they love enough to stay with 'till The End.
Their footsteps can still be felt, impressed into the pages.
Lord Blackwood: Gentleman-explorer turned sea-slug, known for Munchausean tales of adventure and derring-do in exotic lands.
Lord ブラックウッド: Gentleman-explorer turned sea-slug, known for Munchausean tales of adventure and derring-do in exotic lands.
##blue|The Black Rabbit Company (Space Wizard and the Commando Catgirls): A sextet of anarchist cyborg troublemakers (Boss, Momoko, Hana, Nanami, Tomi, and Wizard) out to stick it to the man and get into space while doing so. Armed with guts, hot bloodedness, and many, many bullets.
An adaptation by Bones Studio of their rumored spaceship theft has been confirmed for the winter 2018 season never.##
The Black Rabbit Company (Space Wizard and the Commando Catgirls): A sextet of anarchist cyborg troublemakers (Boss, Momoko, Hana, Nanami, Tomi, and Wizard) out to stick it to the man and get into space while doing so. Armed with guts, hot bloodedness, and many, many bullets.
An adaptation by Bones Studio of their rumored spaceship theft has been confirmed for the winter 2018 season never.
Ruiz Duchamp: Obscure anartist. Dead.
ルイス デュシャン: 世にあまり知られていない異常芸術家です。 死亡しました。
Veronica Fitzroy: Anartist musician, partially responsible for the creation of SCP-952. In custody following two failed suicide attempts Missing, presumed dead.
Veronica Fitzroy: Anartist musician, partially responsible for the creation of SCP-952. In custody following two failed suicide attempts Missing, presumed dead.
##blue|Herman Fuller The Man With The Upside-Down Face & Icky the Magic Clown: Believed to be the current leaders of Herman Fuller's Circus of the Disquieting. Icky serves as the Ringmaster, whereas the Man With The Upside-Down Face works behind the scenes.
Icky is believed to be one of many ontokinetic humanoids employed as Clowns by the Circus, though investigations have led the Foundation to believe she was originally a non-anomalous girl named Veronica Mason. She is often accompanied by her stage assistant and lover, Li'l Lollipop, another ontokinetic humanoid. Lollipop's affliation with the Ringmaster appears to have granted her a privileged status in the Circus as well.
To date, the Foundation has been unable to confirm any information regarding The Man With The Upside-Down Face, including whether or not his face is actually upside-down.##
ハーマン フラー 逆さまの顔を持つ男 & 魔法のピエロ イッキィ: Believed to be the current leaders of Herman Fuller's Circus of the Disquieting. Icky serves as the Ringmaster, whereas the Man With The Upside-Down Face works behind the scenes.
Icky is believed to be one of many ontokinetic humanoids employed as Clowns by the Circus, though investigations have led the Foundation to believe she was originally a non-anomalous girl named Veronica Mason. She is often accompanied by her stage assistant and lover, Li'l Lollipop, another ontokinetic humanoid. Lollipop's affliation with the Ringmaster appears to have granted her a privileged status in the Circus as well.
To date, the Foundation has been unable to confirm any information regarding The Man With The Upside-Down Face, including whether or not his face is actually upside-down.
L.S.: One of the more radical leaders of the Serpent's Hand, known for never being seen. L.S.'s followers receive letters, books, artifacts, and other gifts from their mysterious leader, but no one can quite remember what L.S. looks like - though some swear they have met "him" or "her" or "them". Possesses a talent for seriously breaching Foundation security; has never been witnessed or captured.
"He" may be fictional, but a code-word used by Hand members to identify friendlies, standing for "Lease Signatory". If not fictional, certainly under the effects of SCP-268. May or may not be Alison Chao, aka the Black Queen, and the letters may stand for Little Sister. Other reports claim both are true. Other reported possibilities for the meaning of L.S. include "Lonely Serpent", "Last Saint", "Lost Sinner", and "Loki Scar-lip". Either way, L.S. is definitely only one well-respected "leader" among many in the Hand; L.S. is, however, unique in their focus on targeting the SCP Foundation. (Other Hand leaders tend to primarily target the Global Occult Coalition as their first priority, with the Foundation coming second.)
L.S.: One of the more radical leaders of the Serpent's Hand, known for never being seen. L.S.'s followers receive letters, books, artifacts, and other gifts from their mysterious leader, but no one can quite remember what L.S. looks like - though some swear they have met "him" or "her" or "them". Possesses a talent for seriously breaching Foundation security; has never been witnessed or captured.
"He" may be fictional, but a code-word used by Hand members to identify friendlies, standing for "Lease Signatory". If not fictional, certainly under the effects of SCP-268. May or may not be Alison Chao, aka the Black Queen, and the letters may stand for Little Sister. Other reports claim both are true. Other reported possibilities for the meaning of L.S. include "Lonely Serpent", "Last Saint", "Lost Sinner", and "Loki Scar-lip". Either way, L.S. is definitely only one well-respected "leader" among many in the Hand; L.S. is, however, unique in their focus on targeting the SCP Foundation. (Other Hand leaders tend to primarily target the Global Occult Coalition as their first priority, with the Foundation coming second.)
Midnight: Sapient female cat, well-regarded member of the Serpent's Hand. Known to have some anomalous abilities due to thaumaturgical training, or "magic". Expert on "Ways". (See files on the Wanderer's Library.)
Midnight: Sapient female cat, well-regarded member of the Serpent's Hand. Known to have some anomalous abilities due to thaumaturgical training, or "magic". Expert on "Ways". (See files on the Wanderer's Library.)
Mr. Marshall, Mr. Carter, and Mr./Ms. Dark: The leaders of Marshall, Carter and Dark. Little information is known on any of the members. Reports on Marshall and Carter have been wildly inconsistent. A number of reports characterize Carter as wheelchair-bound, and presenting Marshall as younger; these reports are contradicted completely by other sources saying exactly the opposite. For more information on Marshall, Carter, and Dark, see the GOI entry.
##blue|The reports on Carter that claim he is wheelchair-bound also claim that he is using anomalous life extension — apparently feeding off a bagged and drugged (but still aware) human attached to the back of his wheelchair. This may or may not be a lurid rumor.
Reports on Dark fall into three categories. The first category presents Dark as being a role filled by multiple people (of all genders, but possibly originally and currently male) over the last few centuries. The second category presents Dark as a single semi-immortal sapient entity, humanoid in nature if not always in form, able to change bodies and gender to suit current purposes. A third category presents both as true.
It seems that Marshall and Carter do not themselves fully understand Dark either, and while they handle most operations, Dark has more ultimate control over MC&D than they do. Regardless, it is certain that Dark predates Marshall and Carter significantly.
Curiously, it seems that Dark may be less malevolent than MC&D itself — whoever they are, their morality seems highly situational, though they are extremely capable of monstrous acts above and beyond the capabilities of their organization.##
Mr. Marshall, Mr. Carter, and Mr./Ms. Dark: The leaders of Marshall, Carter and Dark. Little information is known on any of the members. Reports on Marshall and Carter have been wildly inconsistent. A number of reports characterize Carter as wheelchair-bound, and presenting Marshall as younger; these reports are contradicted completely by other sources saying exactly the opposite. For more information on Marshall, Carter, and Dark, see the GOI entry.
The reports on Carter that claim he is wheelchair-bound also claim that he is using anomalous life extension — apparently feeding off a bagged and drugged (but still aware) human attached to the back of his wheelchair. This may or may not be a lurid rumor.
Reports on Dark fall into three categories. The first category presents Dark as being a role filled by multiple people (of all genders, but possibly originally and currently male) over the last few centuries. The second category presents Dark as a single semi-immortal sapient entity, humanoid in nature if not always in form, able to change bodies and gender to suit current purposes. A third category presents both as true.
It seems that Marshall and Carter do not themselves fully understand Dark either, and while they handle most operations, Dark has more ultimate control over MC&D than they do. Regardless, it is certain that Dark predates Marshall and Carter significantly.
Curiously, it seems that Dark may be less malevolent than MC&D itself — whoever they are, their morality seems highly situational, though they are extremely capable of monstrous acts above and beyond the capabilities of their organization.
"Nobody": An individual who appears to be under anomalous effects partially stripping them of their identity in exchange for anomalous ability. May or may not be multiple people (but only one at a time). Usually reported as an unidentifiable European man dressed in a grey suit and fedora (with the notable exception of an equally unidentifiable woman in a grey suit, fedora, and purple tie). For more information on Nobody, see the GOI entry.
No one in the Foundation seems to know if Nobody is working for or against the Foundation; if reports are to be believed, the answer is "both". However, many doubt 'his' existence. It is almost certain that many incidents associated with "Nobody" actually had nothing to do with that figure.
"何物でもない": An individual who appears to be under anomalous effects partially stripping them of their identity in exchange for anomalous ability. May or may not be multiple people (but only one at a time). Usually reported as an unidentifiable European man dressed in a grey suit and fedora (with the notable exception of an equally unidentifiable woman in a grey suit, fedora, and purple tie). For more information on Nobody, see the GOI entry.
No one in the Foundation seems to know if Nobody is working for or against the Foundation; if reports are to be believed, the answer is "both". However, many doubt 'his' existence. It is almost certain that many incidents associated with "Nobody" actually had nothing to do with that figure.
Saturn Deer: Saturn Deer is a serial reincarnator and oftentimes false prophet. Possesses vaguely understood abilities to control written texts, abilities which are directly connected to his hugely overblown ego. His motivation is either to scam someone, to humiliate someone, or both.
Saturn Deer: Saturn Deer is a serial reincarnator and oftentimes false prophet. Possesses vaguely understood abilities to control written texts, abilities which are directly connected to his hugely overblown ego. His motivation is either to scam someone, to humiliate someone, or both.
The Serpent's Nest: A small group of Serpent's Hand leaders. No names have been discovered, but figures that have repeatedly been reported include a bipedal female bull moose, a patchwork man, a satyr, and "the silver woman", always accompanied by a varying cast of other Hand members.
The Serpent's Nest: A small group of Serpent's Hand leaders. No names have been discovered, but figures that have repeatedly been reported include a bipedal female bull moose, a patchwork man, a satyr, and "the silver woman", always accompanied by a varying cast of other Hand members.
Baron Löwen Silberescher: A wealthy Lithuanian baron who has been extremely helpful to local Foundation assets. Instrumental in retrieving a number of significant SCP items, including a number located continents away.
The Baron has been accidentally exposed to a large number of anomalies, and has therefore become psychologically unstable. Foundation personnel are instructed to indulge him to ensure continued cooperation.
Baron Löwen Silberescher: A wealthy Lithuanian baron who has been extremely helpful to local Foundation assets. Instrumental in retrieving a number of significant SCP items, including a number located continents away.
The Baron has been accidentally exposed to a large number of anomalies, and has therefore become psychologically unstable. Foundation personnel are instructed to indulge him to ensure continued cooperation.
Sylvain: Bird Mage in training, uses "Ailier" as a courtesy surname when prompted (allegedly, his family name is something that only birds can pronounce correctly). Is noted to have lots of random friends who live in the forest. A Serpent's Hand affiliate and Wanderers' Library associate, Sylvain occasionally interferes with Foundation agents.
Sylvain: Bird Mage in training, uses "Ailier" as a courtesy surname when prompted (allegedly, his family name is something that only birds can pronounce correctly). Is noted to have lots of random friends who live in the forest. A Serpent's Hand affiliate and Wanderers' Library associate, Sylvain occasionally interferes with Foundation agents.
##blue|Kenneth Spencer & Robin Thorne: A pair of UIU agents assigned to Three Portlands. Both agents and their investigations are of continuing interest to the Foundation. They have collaborated with the Foundation on several occasions, including playing an instrumental role in the joint Foundation/UIU raid of Anderson Robotics World Headquarters. Additionally, both agents are members of Joint Task Force Delta-3 ("Organic Free Trade"), with Agent Spencer assuming command of the task force during operations in Three Portlands.
Agent Thorne is a natural thaumaturge of moderate ability with extensive occult training; Agent Spencer is believed to be non-anomalous, but has significant experience in paranormal affairs. Both agents make extensive use of paratechnology and occult devices in the field, employing a number of custom items in addition to their standard issue UIU equipment. They should both be considered roughly equal to a Foundation agent in terms of capability and effectiveness.##
Kenneth Spencer & Robin Thorne: A pair of UIU agents assigned to Three Portlands. Both agents and their investigations are of continuing interest to the Foundation. They have collaborated with the Foundation on several occasions, including playing an instrumental role in the joint Foundation/UIU raid of Anderson Robotics World Headquarters. Additionally, both agents are members of Joint Task Force Delta-3 ("Organic Free Trade"), with Agent Spencer assuming command of the task force during operations in Three Portlands.
Agent Thorne is a natural thaumaturge of moderate ability with extensive occult training; Agent Spencer is believed to be non-anomalous, but has significant experience in paranormal affairs. Both agents make extensive use of paratechnology and occult devices in the field, employing a number of custom items in addition to their standard issue UIU equipment. They should both be considered roughly equal to a Foundation agent in terms of capability and effectiveness.
Dr. S. Vang: Specializes in memetics, and by all accounts was an an excellent researcher, despite a poor memory and poor social skills. Defected from the Foundation and is currently considered missing and dangerous.
Dr. S. Vang: Specializes in memetics, and by all accounts was an an excellent researcher, despite a poor memory and poor social skills. Defected from the Foundation and is currently considered missing and dangerous.
Tim Wilson: A Southern animal caretaker and founder of a wildlife solutions company based in Oregon, Tim Wilson is primarily on the side of the protection of normalcy and is responsible for some Safe and Euclid-class animal objects based in Oregon.
Tim Wilson: A Southern animal caretaker and founder of a wildlife solutions company based in Oregon, Tim Wilson is primarily on the side of the protection of normalcy and is responsible for some Safe and Euclid-class animal objects based in Oregon.
##blue|Dr. Isabel Helga Anastasia Parvati Wondertainment V, PhD: A young woman of considerable creative potency. Not an ordinary toy maker by any stretch of the imagination. Always accompanied by her ever-unflappable assistant, Emma Aieselthorpe-Brown, and her pet corgi(s), Jeremy.
Her connection to the "Little Mister" series in indirect, detoured through an older bearer of the Wondertainment name - she is but one of many to bear the moniker.##
Dr. Isabel Helga Anastasia Parvati Wondertainment V, PhD: A young woman of considerable creative potency. Not an ordinary toy maker by any stretch of the imagination. Always accompanied by her ever-unflappable assistant, Emma Aieselthorpe-Brown, and her pet corgi(s), Jeremy.
Her connection to the "Little Mister" series in indirect, detoured through an older bearer of the Wondertainment name - she is but one of many to bear the moniker.
"Agent Priscilla Locke": Alleged to be a Foundation agent of an alternate timeline. A transgender high school student matching the description of "Agent Locke" was reported missing in 1996. Her remains were recovered and identified by former MCF Director and sibling Rhiannon Locke. Ms. Locke claimed no knowledge of recent sightings of Priscilla Locke or her alleged involvement with the Manna Charitable Foundation. "Agent Locke" may or may not be in possession of Foundation property and an as-of-yet unrecovered anomalous object referred to as "Anabasis".
"Agent Priscilla Locke": Alleged to be a Foundation agent of an alternate timeline. A transgender high school student matching the description of "Agent Locke" was reported missing in 1996. Her remains were recovered and identified by former MCF Director and sibling Rhiannon Locke. Ms. Locke claimed no knowledge of recent sightings of Priscilla Locke or her alleged involvement with the Manna Charitable Foundation. "Agent Locke" may or may not be in possession of Foundation property and an as-of-yet unrecovered anomalous object referred to as "Anabasis".
Martina Bauer, "Spiffy Dodger": Former Manna Charitable Foundation operative. Current affiliation and whereabouts unknown. Key figure in the MCF-backed investigation of a group of interest known as "The Stuff Industry". She is believed to have had previous dealings with the Foundation, either under an alias or through a third party source. Described variously as being tall, short, red-haired, blue-haired, blonde, "beautiful", and variously missing an eye, nose, or teeth. Believed to suffer from asthma and/or frequent panic attacks. Only certainties are that she is narcissistic and insufferably annoying, and always manages to avoid getting arrested.
Martina Bauer, "Spiffy Dodger": Former Manna Charitable Foundation operative. Current affiliation and whereabouts unknown. Key figure in the MCF-backed investigation of a group of interest known as "The Stuff Industry". She is believed to have had previous dealings with the Foundation, either under an alias or through a third party source. Described variously as being tall, short, red-haired, blue-haired, blonde, "beautiful", and variously missing an eye, nose, or teeth. Believed to suffer from asthma and/or frequent panic attacks. Only certainties are that she is narcissistic and insufferably annoying, and always manages to avoid getting arrested.
##blue|Dr. Darryl Loyd: A supposed former researcher that was at some point attached to the Foundation. There are conflicting documents as to what position he worked in, and to date paperwork has been found that associates him with the Memetics Department and the Anomalous Items office, as well as the Department of Para-Archeology.
Supposedly he has died, but this information is conflicting as well. His remains were found at Site-███ following the activation of its onsite nuclear device. But he was also confirmed to have been executed due to his role in starting an MK-Class Scenario. Additionally, the body of a researcher from early in the Foundation's history shares the name and DNA of modern records of Loyd. Little else is currently known about this figure.##
Dr. Darryl Loyd: A supposed former researcher that was at some point attached to the Foundation. There are conflicting documents as to what position he worked in, and to date paperwork has been found that associates him with the Memetics Department and the Anomalous Items office, as well as the Department of Para-Archeology.
Supposedly he has died, but this information is conflicting as well. His remains were found at Site-███ following the activation of its onsite nuclear device. But he was also confirmed to have been executed due to his role in starting an MK-Class Scenario. Additionally, the body of a researcher from early in the Foundation's history shares the name and DNA of modern records of Loyd. Little else is currently known about this figure.
In retirement or death, no rank distinction is made.
General ██████ Bowe, ████: More than anyone, the man who represents the old sins of the Foundation. Promoted after the death of his father, General Stan Bowe, by the effects of SCP-935. As his father's protege, he was assigned as the head of the Bowe Commission, which began for murky still-classified reasons and expanded in scope under the younger Bowe, ending with a nearly sole focus on weaponizing SCP objects before its dissolution. Has since left the Foundation.
Under the younger Bowe, the Bowe Commission shifted the Foundation's paramilitary focus from defense to offense. The Bowe Commission was responsible for the creation of "Project Able" and Mobile Task Force Omega-7 ("Pandora's Box"), given permission for the project after a number of successful operations against several dangerous groups of interest. Bowe was personally responsible for much of the worst excesses of the project; he allowed SCP-076-2 to take a leadership role and have say in which SCP items were allowed to join, and he personally ordered the project to continue after an incident in which 076-2 killed a number of researchers. When 076-2 disabled its restraints and slaughtered most of the other Mobile Task Force members and caused the destruction of Containment Area-25, Bowe was assigned primary blame. MTF Omega-7 was dissolved, as was the Bowe Commission. As a result of this, and the SCP-935 incidents, Much of the Foundation's paramilitary arm was censured or defected after this, and many of the Bowe Commission's supporters defected to the Chaos Insurgency or the Global Occult Coalition.
██████ バウ将軍, ████: 昔、財団の犯したことを誰よりも表すような人物です。彼自身の父親であるスタン バウ将軍の死をSCP-935の影響によって後押ししました。父の被保護者であったため、彼はバウ委員会の委員長に任命されていました。バウ委員会は財団にとって機密扱いで後ろめたい理由により発足し、当時若かったバウの下、活動の範囲を広げていましたが、解散前にはほとんどSCPオブジェクトの兵器化にのみ活動の焦点を置いていました。既に財団を離職しています。
当時まだ若かったバウの下、バウ委員会は財団の準軍事的焦点を防衛から攻撃に移しました。バウ委員会は"プロジェクト・アベル"と機動部隊 オメガ-7 ("パンドラの箱")の作成に対して責任を負っており、そのプロジェクトはいくつかの危険な要注意団体に対する作戦を多数成功させた後、許可されました。 バウはSCP-076-2を隊長役職として任命させることや、SCiPの入隊指示のようなプロジェクトにおける多くの行き過ぎた行動について個人的に責任を負っており、076-2が多くの研究員を殺した事件の後も彼は個人的にプロジェクトの続行を命じました。076-2が拘束を破り、機動部隊員のほとんどを殺害し、収容エリア-25を破壊した際、バウは責任の大部分を負いました。バウ委員会がそうであるように、機動部隊 オメガ-7は解散しました。SCP-935インシデントの影響もあり、財団の武装勢力は亡命、もしくは非難を受け、バウ委員会の支持者もカオス・インサジェンシーや世界オカルト連合に亡命しました。
Agent Jack "PoorYoric" Dawkins: Generally referred to as Yoric. Known for his murky past and harsh, incisive attitude. Former protege of Dr. Bright. Now vanished.
エージェント ジャック "ダメなヨリック" ドーキンス: たいていヨリックと呼ばれています。 彼は暗い過去と攻撃的で鋭い態度で知られています。元ブライト博士の弟子でした。今は消息不明です。
Mr. David Eskobar: Former head researcher for GOI Alexylva University. Missing and presumed killed during a Site-38 containment breach.
デイヴィッド エスコバ氏: 元GOI Alexylva大学に関する研究の主任です。 現在行方不明であり、サイト-38の収容違反の際に殺害されたと予測されています。
Dr. "Iceberg": Egotistical, narcissistic former protege of Dr. Gears. Eventually committed suicide due to the stress of working under Gears; replaced by Agent Lament. Denied promotion due to usefulness as Gears' assistant. All the way up until the day he shot himself.
"アイスバーグ"博士: ギアーズ博士の自己中心的で、自己陶酔的な元被保護者です。Eventually committed suicide due to the stress of working under Gears; replaced by Agent Lament. Denied promotion due to usefulness as Gears' assistant. All the way up until the day he shot himself.
Dr. R. Gerald: Former Head Research Assistant. A good researcher, but notorious for involvement in a number of high-profile dangerous accidents. Now retired.
R. ジェラルド博士: 元研究主任助手です。 よい研究者ですが、多くの危険で目立った事故を巻き起こしていることで悪名高いです。現在、退職しています。
Agent Bantay Masipag: Former Site-19 Security Agent. Obtained the SCP-148 ("Telekill") anomaly from Prometheus Labs for the Foundation through unknown means. Now retired.
エージェント バンタイ マシパッグ: 元サイト-19セキュリティエージェントです。財団の任務として、プロメテウスラボからSCP-148 (『テレキル』)などの異常物を未知の手段で回収していました。現在は離職しています。
Dr. Agatha Rights: Developed a remarkable reputation as a researcher-analyst and became an influential Site Director before disappearing under murky circumstances. Known for being extremely empathetic towards Foundation personnel and anomalous humanoids.
アガサ ライツ博士: ひどい事件の中、姿を消すまでは、研究者、アナリストとして高い評価を獲得し、有力なサイト管理官となっていました。財団職員と異常人型実体に対してとても愛着を持っていることで知られています。
Agent Max Lombardi: Gruff, plain-speaking, down-to-earth veteran "agent's agent". Now deceased.
Yet some agents say in many parts of the Foundation that Agent Lombardi is not dead, but had by the will of our lords the O5 Council into another place; and men say that he shall come again, and he shall win the Thaumiel Crown. I will not say it shall be so, but rather I will say, here in this world he changed his life. But many men say that there is written upon his tomb this verse: Here Lies Lombardi, Once and Future Agent.
エージェント マックス ロンバルディ: 無愛想で率直な、地に足がついたベテランで「エージェントの中のエージェント」。 現在は亡くなっています。
それでも財団各地のエージェントの一部は、エージェント ロンバルディはまだ死んでいないが、私たちのトップであるO5評議会の意思で別の場所に移されたと言っている。そして人々は、彼は帰ってくる、Thaumielの王冠を勝ち取ると言っている。そうなるとは言いませんが、あえて言いましょう、この世界のこの場所で彼は自分自身の人生を変えることができたのです。しかし、多くの人々が彼の墓にはこのような詩が書かれていると言っています。ここにロンバルディが眠る。かつての、そして未来のエージェント。
Dr. Kondraki: Former Site Director of Site-17. Extremely controversial figure who vanished from the Foundation some time ago. Ambitious, artistic, chaotic, paranoid, anti-social, spiteful; seen by many as an archetypal anti-hero. Known to run roughshod over others; reprimanded for abuse of lower-ranked or newer Foundation employees. A strong flair for the dramatic. An excellent photographer. Formerly associated with SCP-408 to a possibly inappropriate degree. Grew rivals on trees; most famously former rival of Dr. Alto Clef.
Extensively researched SCP weaponization for now-shuttered programs. Likely gone on the run from the Foundation. Possibly dead. May have been executed by O5 order by Dr. Gears. (Rumors of execution by Dr. Clef per O5 order are certainly untrue. Almost certainly.) May still be alive and working for the Foundation under deep cover.
コンドラキ博士: 元サイト17管理官です。 Extremely controversial figure who vanished from the Foundation some time ago. Ambitious, artistic, chaotic, paranoid, anti-social, spiteful; seen by many as an archetypal anti-hero. Known to run roughshod over others; reprimanded for abuse of lower-ranked or newer Foundation employees. A strong flair for the dramatic. An excellent photographer. Formerly associated with SCP-408 to a possibly inappropriate degree. Grew rivals on trees; most famously former rival of Dr. Alto Clef.
Extensively researched SCP weaponization for now-shuttered programs. Likely gone on the run from the Foundation. Possibly dead. May have been executed by O5 order by Dr. Gears. (Rumors of execution by Dr. Clef per O5 order are certainly untrue. Almost certainly.) May still be alive and working for the Foundation under deep cover.
Researcher James Martin Talloran: A loyal Level 3 Researcher noted for his work with Keter Class objects. Extremely loyal to The Foundation, his family and to his former boyfriend and with a will of steel. He died in mysterious circumstances preventing a containment breach, the details of which are a mystery throughout the Foundation.
There are conflicting theories as to the nature, and eventual fate of Talloran. The official record is they died. Some say they made it back alive but were changed, some say they broke through somewhere after facing a god. We are even still uncertain if Talloran is James Martin or Jessie Ari. They are a blur, a toughness unmatched by even the best of us, an enigma and a fighter. They cannot and will always die in the dark, surrounded by light.
ジェームズ マーティン タローラン研究員: Keterクラスオブジェクトの研究で有名な、忠誠心の強いレベル3研究員です。極めて、財団や家族、元ボーイフレンドに忠誠的であり、鋼の意思を持ちます。彼は収容違反防止における奇妙な状況下で死にました。 その詳細は財団全体の謎となっています。
There are conflicting theories as to the nature, and eventual fate of Talloran. The official record is they died. Some say they made it back alive but were changed, some say they broke through somewhere after facing a god. We are even still uncertain if Talloran is James Martin or Jessie Ari. They are a blur, a toughness unmatched by even the best of us, an enigma and a fighter. They cannot and will always die in the dark, surrounded by light.
O5 Command: 13 people who have ultimate control over the Foundation. Unusual personalities with way too much power. They do not and cannot come into contact with any anomalous entities. Mostly everyone is afraid of them. They know absolutely everything there is to know about the Foundation and its activities. They rarely intervene in the containment of SCPs… except when they do. They have their own Mobile Task Force, the Red Right Hand. O5 Command are the masters of the Foundation, and not everyone knows they exist.
… Maybe. Maybe there are 13, maybe they are people. They're not supposed to come into contact with anomalous entities, but in secret, sometimes they do. Who are they? Where did they come from? What secret goals are they striving towards? Either way, O5 Command is the cornerstone of the Foundation. At the very least, they have the Foundation's best interests at heart… Maybe.
O5評議会員: 最終的に財団を管理している13人の存在です。強すぎる権力を持った異常な人々。彼らはいかなる異常存在とも接触せず、できません。たいていの人は彼らを恐れます。彼らは財団とその活動について知っておくべきことはすべて知っています。彼らはめったにSCiPの収容にかかわりません……彼らがそれをなす時を除いて。彼らは直属の機動部隊、赤の右手を所有しています。O5評議会は財団の管理者であり、彼らの存在はすべての人が知っているわけではありません。
……多分。 もしかすると13人いるかもしれないし、きっと彼らは人間だ。彼らはそうならないとされていますが、時々彼らは秘密裏に異常存在と接触しています。彼らは何者なのでしょうか。どこから来たのでしょうか。彼らは何を目指しているのでしょうか。いずれにせよ、O5評議会は財団の基礎となっています。少なくとも、彼らは中心部で財団の最善を尽くしています……多分。
"The Administrator": Figure of little-known nature playing a role best understood by O5 Command. Possibly anomalous, possibly multiple people. Once represented the Foundation in meetings with major world government figures; has since relinquished this role.
It's an open secret amongst the upper echelons of the Foundation that "The Administrator" (as popularly known) never at any point existed, but was a clever fiction created by another person or persons (or… something else) within the Foundation for the purposes of unifying of a fractious organization. As for what should be made of that, no one agrees.
"管理者": O5評議会に最も理解されている役職を果たしているほとんど知られていない存在。もしかしたら異常存在、あるいは複数人。かつて世界政府の主要人物との対談では財団の代表として出席した。その後は、役割を放棄しています。
"管理者"(一般に知られているような)が決して存在しないことは財団の上層部の間では公然の秘密となっています。 しかし、それはある人物、または複数人(もしくは……ほかの何か)が複雑で手の負えないような組織を統一する目的で作った巧妙な嘘でした。それで何をすべきかに関しては誰も賛同していません。
You know why you're here.
They were never going to give you the whole story. Half of the truth can fool most people, most of the time. They'll just give you enough that you don't keep looking. Especially when it comes to the people with the most to hide.
If you'd like more than stale breadcrumbs, keep reading.
Your friend,
—The Black Queen
[エラー: 不正なアクセスが検知されました]
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