人事書類(原題:Personnel And Character Dossier)




The Foundation is made up of numerous personnel, each one bringing individual skills and abilities to the fore. Outside of the Foundation, there are thousands of people living in and around anomalous communities. Anartists, magic users and extradimensional beings are but a few instances of what the Foundation has encountered.




Dr. Charles Anborough: Director of Sites 59 and 117, Keter containment specialist. Curious and crippled, a nuclear physicist who can't seem to stay away from cataclysmic threats. Fortunately, through an absurd combination of improvisation and miracles, he seems to be the best man for the job. His sad smile and dry humor belie the confused past of a man always searching for answers.

チャールズ アンボロー博士: サイト59,117管理官、Keterクラス収容スペシャリストです。Curious and crippled, a nuclear physicist who can't seem to stay away from cataclysmic threats. Fortunately, through an absurd combination of improvisation and miracles, he seems to be the best man for the job. His sad smile and dry humor belie the confused past of a man always searching for answers.

Dr. Django Bridge: Foundation Archivist. Quiet but influential, with a touch of both melancholy and whimsy. Extraordinary memory. Known to be on a first-name basis with Dr. Bright, and has frequently acted as an informal assistant for him.

ジャンゴ ブリッヂ博士: 財団記録管理官です。Quiet but influential, with a touch of both melancholy and whimsy. Extraordinary memory. Known to be on a first-name basis with Dr. Bright, and has frequently acted as an informal assistant for him.

Dr. Jack Bright: Director of Foundation Personnel. Somewhat amoral. Extremely loyal to the Foundation. May or may not be friendly and/or terrifying; is certainly blunt. Attached to SCP-963, and is therefore immortal, using the body of whatever 963 has last touched.

ジャック ブライト博士: 人事局長です。 やや道徳心がかけています。 財団に非常に忠実です。 友好的であるかもしれませんし、そうでないか、もしくは恐ろしい存在であるかもしれません。 確かなのは素っ気ない人格であることです。 SCP-963と接続しているため、963が最後に触れた生物の体を使い、不死の状態にあります。

Dr. Jeremiah Cimmerian: An ethics committee liaison that takes his job only somewhat seriously. He never thought his doctorate in English Literature or his minor in philosophy would actually help him stay employed, but the former got him recruited into the Foundation as a researcher and the latter secured his employment in the long term. Has an unusual interest in puns and the ethical treatment of humanoids.

ジェレマイア キンメリア博士: An ethics committee liaison that takes his job only somewhat seriously. He never thought his doctorate in English Literature or his minor in philosophy would actually help him stay employed, but the former got him recruited into the Foundation as a researcher and the latter secured his employment in the long term. Has an unusual interest in puns and the ethical treatment of humanoids.

Dr. Alto Clef: A highly adaptable, clever liar. Former GOC operative, specializing in reality benders. Also former file clerk. Undergone anomalous alterations that provide resistance to reality shifts and prevent his face from being photographed. Has a long and checkered history, and a somewhat hidden streak of self-hatred. Reformed misogynist. Most rumors about him are exaggerated or off-point. Don't call him genre-savvy or enigmatic.

アルト クレフ博士: 適応力が高く、利口であり、 嘘つきです。元GOC工員であり、現実改変者を専門としていました。また元文書係です。 Undergone anomalous alterations that provide resistance to reality shifts and prevent his face from being photographed. Has a long and checkered history, and a somewhat hidden streak of self-hatred. Reformed misogynist. Most rumors about him are exaggerated or off-point. Don't call him genre-savvy or enigmatic.

Researcher Jacob Conwell: Anomalous Materials Analyst. Masters Degree in Analytical Chemistry. Current head of the Site-64 AMat Lab. Frequently called upon, Conwell has made a name for himself in the Foundation as a hard worker.

ジェイコブ コンウェル研究員: 異常精神分析家です。 Masters Degree in Analytical Chemistry. Current head of the Site-64 AMat Lab. Frequently called upon, Conwell has made a name for himself in the Foundation as a hard worker.

Dr. Kain "Pathos" Crow: Cross-disciplinary wunderkind researcher, specializing particularly in biochemistry and robotics. Rarely, if ever, seen in public. May or may not have been permanently transformed into a dog-like body as the result of a particular anomalous event.

ケイン "パトス" クロウ博士: 学際的な超常研究者で、特に生化学ロボット工学を専門としています。 Rarely, if ever, seen in public. May or may not have been permanently transformed into a dog-like body as the result of a particular anomalous event.

Dr. Michael Edison: Level-3 Researcher, current head of the Site-19 Metafiction department, as well as its only member. Dr. Edison has received disciplinary action on multiple occasions due to a repeated pattern of unsanctioned and ill-conceived behavior. These behaviors have resulted in temporary reassignment to the Site-██ Antarctic base. His current assignment at Site 19 is contingent on approval from his assigned therapist.

マイケル エジソン博士: Level-3研究者で、 current head of the Site-19 Metafiction department, as well as its only member. Dr. Edison has received disciplinary action on multiple occasions due to a repeated pattern of unsanctioned and ill-conceived behavior. These behaviors have resulted in temporary reassignment to the Site-██ Antarctic base. His current assignment at Site 19 is contingent on approval from his assigned therapist.

Dr. Chelsea "Photosynthetic" Elliott: Plant specialist, both anomalous and non-anomalous. Dedicated, friendly, prone to tunnel vision. Often in the field; excessively 'hands-on' in her lab and field research, leading to a number of injuries. Scars cover her hands and arms.

Dr. チェルシー "フォトシンセチック"2 エリオット博士: Plant specialist, both anomalous and non-anomalous. Dedicated, friendly, prone to tunnel vision. Often in the field; excessively 'hands-on' in her lab and field research, leading to a number of injuries. Scars cover her hands and arms.

Dr. Charles Gears ("COG"): A man strangely lacking in emotional response (to the point of lacking a startle response) and possessing unusual levels of logic and intellect. Former Euclid-class object specialist before having his area of study expanded. Has been deeply involved with research regarding a truly shocking number of SCP objects both major and minor. A figure of great influence in recent Foundation history.

チャールズ ギアーズ博士 ("COG"): 不思議なほど感情が欠落した(驚愕反応が見られないほどのものです。)男性であり、異常なほどの論理能力と知性を持ち合わせています。彼の研究範囲が広まる前は、Euclidクラスオブジェトのスペシャリストであり、まさに衝撃的といえる数のSCPオブジェクトに関する研究に重要さにかかわらず3携わってきました。近年の財団史に大きな影響を与えました。

Dr. Simon Glass: Head of Psychology. Trusted with performing psychological evaluations of highly ranked Foundation personnel. Very empathetic. Sometimes considered "soft" — and that's true, for a Foundation researcher, but he's still well-trusted. In the course of his interviews, he has gained knowledge of more and more terrible secrets, yet still holds on to both his sanity and empathy.

サイモン グラス博士: Head of Psychology. Trusted with performing psychological evaluations of highly ranked Foundation personnel. Very empathetic. Sometimes considered "soft" — and that's true, for a Foundation researcher, but he's still well-trusted. In the course of his interviews, he has gained knowledge of more and more terrible secrets, yet still holds on to both his sanity and empathy.

Dr. Frederick Heiden: Neurology specialist. Anxious, uncertain, empathic, focused on logic. Involved in a number of highly classified projects, despite initially being barred from any non-Safe-classed objects.

フレデリック ハイデン博士: Neurology specialist. Anxious, uncertain, empathic, focused on logic. Involved in a number of highly classified projects, despite initially being barred from any non-Safe-classed objects.

Dr. Everett King: One of the Foundation's most experienced mathematicians, Doctor King's reputation has nevertheless been overtaken by his testing record involving unusual results. Despite this, he regularly contributes to internal Foundation intellectual periodicals.

エヴァレット キング博士: 財団内で最も経験豊富な数学者の一人でありますが、それよりも彼の評判の内容は異常な結果を伴う彼の実験記録についてです。彼は財団内部の知的な定期刊行物に定期的に寄稿しているのにも関わらずです。

Dr. Zyn Kiryu: Highly prolific researcher. Involved in a number of classified Foundation projects. Obsessive, driven, often not eating or sleeping in favor of finishing tasks. Joined the Foundation before finishing her schooling; finished through an accelerated Foundation program. Initially closed-off and withdrawn, but opened up due to a latent ambitious streak. She often volunteers to handle new Foundation member intake, hoping to give new members a positive introduction to an often deeply horrifying organization. Has a private flair for poetry. Has accidentally inherited the absent Dr. Kondraki's affiliation with anomalous butterflies, including SCP-408 after Kondraki's disappearance.

ジュン キリュウ博士: Highly prolific researcher. Involved in a number of classified Foundation projects. Obsessive, driven, often not eating or sleeping in favor of finishing tasks. Joined the Foundation before finishing her schooling; finished through an accelerated Foundation program. Initially closed-off and withdrawn, but opened up due to a latent ambitious streak. She often volunteers to handle new Foundation member intake, hoping to give new members a positive introduction to an often deeply horrifying organization. Has a private flair for poetry. Has accidentally inherited the absent Dr. Kondraki's affiliation with anomalous butterflies, including SCP-408 after Kondraki's disappearance.

Dr. Mark Kiryu: Senior researcher and director of an anomalous items processing lab. Upon initial recruitment, had a successful career as a therapist (licensed psychologist). Worked extensively with SCP-1457 in his first years with the Foundation but doesn't talk about that, and has spearheaded several projects involving sapient SCP entities. Cheery attitude and a good listener; looks out for his coworkers and interns like a bit of a mother hen sometimes. Has a ceramic seahorse and potted bamboo on his desk.

マーク キリュウ博士: Senior researcher and director of an anomalous items processing lab. Upon initial recruitment, had a successful career as a therapist (licensed psychologist). Worked extensively with SCP-1457 in his first years with the Foundation but doesn't talk about that, and has spearheaded several projects involving sapient SCP entities. Cheery attitude and a good listener; looks out for his coworkers and interns like a bit of a mother hen sometimes. Has a ceramic seahorse and potted bamboo on his desk.

Dr. Adam Leeward: Emotionally confused and ethically conflicted humanoid containment specialist from Site-11 and living in Site-81. May or may not have made a few mistakes, may or may not have cleaned up a few mistakes. Not without the standard degree of coldness in personality traits, but with a few (sometimes painful) soft spots.

アダム リーワード博士: Emotionally confused and ethically conflicted humanoid containment specialist from Site-11 and living in Site-81. May or may not have made a few mistakes, may or may not have cleaned up a few mistakes. Not without the standard degree of coldness in personality traits, but with a few (sometimes painful) soft spots.

Dr. Sophia Light: Biologist, surgeon and Site Director with far, far too many secrets. A likeable yet frightening person. Blunt, determined, calculating; good under pressure. Putting effort into remaining friendly and open (and emotionally stable). Bears minor facial scarring, and an old injury in her left hand sometimes impairs its functionality. Somewhat traumatic childhood; caretakers forced her to learn outdoor survival by leaving her stranded in the African wilderness for days on end. Joined the Foundation after a classified anomalous incident that killed eleven people, including her then-fiancee. Currently or formerly romantically linked with Troy Lament.

ソフィア ライト博士: Biologist, surgeon and Site Director with far, far too many secrets. A likeable yet frightening person. Blunt, determined, calculating; good under pressure. Putting effort into remaining friendly and open (and emotionally stable). Bears minor facial scarring, and an old injury in her left hand sometimes impairs its functionality. Somewhat traumatic childhood; caretakers forced her to learn outdoor survival by leaving her stranded in the African wilderness for days on end. Joined the Foundation after a classified anomalous incident that killed eleven people, including her then-fiancee. Currently or formerly romantically linked with Troy Lament.

Dr. Samuel M. Lloyd: English memeticist and part-time HMCL Supervisor who shows up all over the place. Likes to keep tabs on whatever's going on, and likes interacting with anomalies more than is good for him. Cynical, self-centred, generally well-meaning but in over his head. Younger than you'd expect.

サミュエル M. ロイド博士: English memeticist and part-time HMCL Supervisor who shows up all over the place. Likes to keep tabs on whatever's going on, and likes interacting with anomalies more than is good for him. Cynical, self-centred, generally well-meaning but in over his head. Younger than you'd expect.

Dr. Everett Mann: Unconventional medical researcher with few scruples and a specialty in unusual forms of surgery. Jokingly referred to as a "mad scientist". Sometimes not-so-jokingly. (He objects to the term "mad scientist", claiming that "mad doctor" would be more accurate, and further that the difference should be plain to anyone with a proper academic background to speak of.) Easily willing to do monstrous things in the name of research. Possesses a dramatic mustache. Due to his upbringing, his cultural and popular knowledges are woefully out of date, leading to anachronistic and ridiculous situations.

エヴァレット マン博士: 良心をあまり持たず異常形態手術を専門とした型にはまらない医学研究者です。冗談としてですが"マッドサイエンティスト"と言われます。 時々それは冗談になりません。 (彼は"マッドサイエンティスト"という名辞には異を唱えており、"マッドドクター"がより適切だと主張しており、さらに適切な学歴を持っている人なら誰でもその違いを明白にすべきだとも主張しています。) 研究の名のもとにあっさりとおぞましいことを進んで行います。立派な口ひげを持ちます。生い立ちの影響で、彼の文化的、民衆的な知識は嘆かわしいほど時代遅れであり、時代錯誤でバカバカしい状況につながります。

Dr. Jaime Marlowe: Average researcher, specializing in space-time, extra-dimensional, and visual, spatial, and cognitohazardous anomalies. Previously described as "painfully, painfully, painfully average", notable more for minor interpersonal incidents and inappropriate outbursts when under stress. Marlowe's profile has slightly increased due to apparent unexplained connections to unrelated anomalous events which only appear to have increased in frequency.

ハイメ マーロウ博士: Average researcher, specializing in space-time, extra-dimensional, and visual, spatial, and cognitohazardous anomalies. Previously described as "painfully, painfully, painfully average", notable more for minor interpersonal incidents and inappropriate outbursts when under stress. Marlowe's profile has slightly increased due to apparent unexplained connections to unrelated anomalous events which only appear to have increased in frequency.

Dr. Riven Mercer: Veterinary-focused researcher, the second-in-command of Kiryu Labs. Handles personnel allocation for incoming anomalous item caches, and often goes on outside assignments. Good with animals, and owns a grumpy bearded dragon lizard who lives in the lab.

レイヴァン マーサー博士: Veterinary-focused researcher, the second-in-command of Kiryu Labs. Handles personnel allocation for incoming anomalous item caches, and often goes on outside assignments. Good with animals, and owns a grumpy bearded dragon lizard who lives in the lab.

Technical Researcher David Rosen: Technical Advisor and Researcher. Responsible for ensuring the continued functionality of Site-19's technical infrastructure. Known for being acerbic and marginally accident-prone, he also manages the facilities technical department very well and is widely see as a thrifty leader.

デイビット ローゼン技術研究者: Technical Advisor and Researcher. Responsible for ensuring the continued functionality of Site-19's technical infrastructure. Known for being acerbic and marginally accident-prone, he also manages the facilities technical department very well and is widely see as a thrifty leader.

Dr. Katherine Sinclair: Acting head- and one of only two members- of the Occult Studies and Thaumatology division at Site-87 in Sloth's Pit, Wisconsin. Has been involved in numerous incidents, including the assault on Sloth's Pit by the now defunct Group of Interest Satyr's Reign, and the the 2014 Christmas Incident. Has burn scarring on her forearms from a botched flame ritual.

キャサリン シンクレア博士: Acting head- and one of only two members- of the Occult Studies and Thaumatology division at Site-87 in Sloth's Pit, Wisconsin. Has been involved in numerous incidents, including the assault on Sloth's Pit by the now defunct Group of Interest Satyr's Reign, and the the 2014 Christmas Incident. Has burn scarring on her forearms from a botched flame ritual.

Dr. Johannes Sorts: Memetic specialist and field researcher, with a doctorate in art history. Caucasian, late 30s, unshaven with greying brown hair. Slightly overweight, usually wears a grey cap. Obsessive, cowardly and paranoid in mundane situations, but solid and focused when presented with memetic or information based hazards. Multiple disciplinary reports due to poor choice of action under pressure, including the shooting of a guard while under my influence. Currently under psychiatric evaluation and restricted to safer projects.

ヨハネス ソーツ博士: Memetic specialist and field researcher, with a doctorate in art history. Caucasian, late 30s, unshaven with greying brown hair. Slightly overweight, usually wears a grey cap. Obsessive, cowardly and paranoid in mundane situations, but solid and focused when presented with memetic or information based hazards. Multiple disciplinary reports due to poor choice of action under pressure, including the shooting of a guard while under my influence. Currently under psychiatric evaluation and restricted to safer projects.

Dr. Thaddeus Xyank: Presently low-level but extremely significant Foundation researcher. Specializes in temporal anomalies. Somewhat arrogant and long-winded, but considered an up-and-coming genius.

サデウス シャンク博士: Presently low-level but extremely significant Foundation researcher. Specializes in temporal anomalies. Somewhat arrogant and long-winded, but considered an up-and-coming genius.



















































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