アートワーク BY OLICUS
After I'm gone, your Earth will be free to live out its miserable span of existence, as one of my satellites.
After I'm gone, your Earth will be free to live out its miserable span of existence, as one of my satellites.
And that's how it's going to be.
And that's how it's going to be.
Welcome to The Void. Down here, you're here to stay. But it doesn't have to be your punishment.
虚空へようこそ。Down here, you're here to stay. But it doesn't have to be your punishment.
The Void's more malleable than most things most folks have ever known. It might look like a blank slate, but you can push it. With practice, you can shape it to your mind's eye (providing you haven't lost that along the way). What matters is, this place is yours and yours only. Others may come here; they may shape things the way they want. But there's no monsters. There's no doomsayers. And there's no one telling you how you ought to live.
虚空's more malleable than most things most folks have ever known。It might look like a blank slate, but you can push it. With practice, you can shape it to your mind's eye (providing you haven't lost that along the way). What matters is, this place is yours and yours only. Others may come here; they may shape things the way they want. But there's no monsters. There's no doomsayers. And there's no one telling you how you ought to live.
Because that world's ended, baby, whether you like it or not. And in this place, where They can no longer dictate your life, all you've got is a memory and your own imagination. And you can create some truly marvellous things.
Because that world's ended, baby, whether you like it or not. And in this place, where They can no longer dictate your life, all you've got is a memory and your own imagination. And you can create some truly marvellous things.
But only if you believe it.
But only if you believe it.
— フレッド
Author's Note: This is a story of the ones who were Forgotten. They rest here, now, though their minds may never again be at ease.
著者注: これは忘れられた者の話です。They rest here, now, though their minds may never again be at ease.
A lone dancer in The Void dangles from above. She twists and tangles on strings extending into infinity. She alludes to A GAME, of which the rules, objectives, and players are all as-yet-unknown. Somewhere out there is an agent, one of both order and chaos, commanding that it be played. And our protagonists are without a choice.
A lone dancer in 虚空 dangles from above. She twists and tangles on strings extending into infinity. She alludes to A GAME, of which the rules, objectives, and players are all as-yet-unknown. Somewhere out there is an agent, one of both order and chaos, commanding that it be played. And our protagonists are without a choice.
The Story So Far/
Loading Screen by Lt Flops (2018–2020)
- The Abyss Gazes Back (and It's ASCII on a CRT Screen)
- Buggy Hardware (or Why I Don't Play Violent Video Games)
- A Scene From a Meme(-ory)
To Be Continued…
Further Reading (References)/
- You Ain't No Family, by Decibelles
- SCP-2852: Cousin Johnny, by kinchtheknifeblade
- SCP-3004: Imago, by kinchtheknifeblade
- SCP-2, by Lt Flops
- [And More To Come]
They're welcome here, though they may not know it yet.
They're welcome here, though they may not know it yet.
Some of these I picked out — as it were — from your Jailors' toolkit. You may not like 'em, but they knew exactly what they were doing, and it's not good.
If there's more, don't hesitate to let me know. I'll keep this updated. All right?
- narrativohazard: A cascading hazard affecting elements of a narrative and its mode of transmission, often leading to their mutual destruction. Now, doesn't that sound inconvenient?
- 物語災害: A cascading hazard affecting elements of a narrative and its mode of transmission, often leading to their mutual destruction. Now, doesn't that sound inconvenient?
- pataphysical: We don't use it much, but you know it when you see it. It'll piss you right off, but when the imagined monsters turn real, you'll be glad you knew better. Don't let me indulge you. And more importantly, don't indulge Them.
- 空想科学: We don't use it much, but you know it when you see it. It'll piss you right off, but when the imagined monsters turn real, you'll be glad you knew better. Don't let me indulge you. And more importantly, don't indulge Them.
- The Void: A substrate of “nothingness” and the foundations of observable existence. Entities that enter this place may find that their experience gives it form; that it populates it; that their perception shapes reality; and that imagination equals power. The Void is inaccessible for entities within the Cosmos (meatspace, dreamspace, et al.). Access can only occur through use of incredibly powerful narrative-bending manipulations. Entities who attempt these manipulations do, of course, face a high probability of incurring narrativohazards, or retroactively ceasing to have ever existed across their past life. Transit into The Void is inherently one-way — unless you somehow know better than I.
- 虚空: A substrate of “nothingness”でありthe foundations of observable existence。Entities that enter this place may find that their experience gives it form; that it populates it; that their perception shapes reality; and that imagination equals power. 虚空 is inaccessible for entities within the Cosmos (meatspace, dreamspace, et al.). Access can only occur through use of incredibly powerful narrative-bending manipulations. Entities who attempt these manipulations do, of course, face a high probability of incurring narrativohazards, or retroactively ceasing to have ever existed across their past life. Transit into 虚空 is inherently one-way — unless you somehow know better than I.
- Them: The gods of the old world. The architects of our persistent peril. Formerly known as “The Authors.” That was a lie then, and it's a lie now. Truth is, you can kill 'em. But only if you can find 'em. I'm sure they wouldn't put up too much of a fight, though. Not inside their pitiable domain, at any rate.
- 彼ら: 我らが世界の神々。The architects of our persistent peril. かつては"著者ら"として知られていた。That was a lie then, and it's a lie now. Truth is, you can kill 'em. But only if you can find 'em. I'm sure they wouldn't put up too much of a fight, though. Not inside their pitiable domain, at any rate.
You're asleep. Or maybe you skimmed all this. Or maybe you scrolled down here first.
君は眠りについている。Or maybe you skimmed all this. Or maybe you scrolled down here first.
Ah, well. I should have expected this.
Ah, well. I should have expected this.
I guess it's always useful to recognise your audience.
I guess it's always useful to recognise your audience.
任意A任意B任意C- portal:5653117 (12 Sep 2019 08:13)
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