Release Date: Sept 6, 2019
リリース日: 2019/9/6
Duration: 15:23
再生時間: 15:23
Plot: Site-107 suffers a catastrophic dimensional shift. Dr. Harley tries to contact Overwatch Command. All personnel are trapped inside.
プロット: サイト-107は壊滅的な次元移動に巻き込まれた。ハーレー博士は監督司令部へのコンタクトを試みる。全ての職員は内部に囚われてしまったようだ。
リリース日: 2019/10/4
再生時間: 21:05
Plot: Harley narrates Site-107's tumultuous adjustment to life inside the void. Resources are limited. Morale is low. Newly appointed Site Director Dr. Klein conducts a test on SCP-6320.
プロット: 虚空に適応しようとするサイト-107職員らの奮闘を語るハーレー。資源は限られ、士気もない。新たにサイトディレクターに任命されたクライン博士はSCP-6320のテストを行う。
リリース日: 2019/11/1
再生時間: 21:00
Plot: Harley reviews a report on additional testing. Supplies continue to dwindle. Departments begin to argue. Klein makes a close call. Somebody is watching.
プロット: ハーレーは追加テストのレポートを確認している。備蓄は減ってゆくばかり。Departments begin to argue。クライン makes a close call。誰かが見ている。
リリース日: 2019/12/6
再生時間: 18:17
Plot: Harley and Lancaster watch a fight. Agent Love is unhappy. Harley stops a Dash One. Klein makes an announcement. Something is happening to the electrical system.
プロット: ハーレーとランカスターは watch a fight。エージェント・ラヴは不幸だ。ハーレー stops a Dash One。クライン makes an announcement。電気系統システムに何か起きたようだ。
リリース日: Jan 3, 2020
再生時間: 16:42
Plot: Site-107 is in crisis. Harley survives. Lancaster is missing. Clashing Departments are on the warpath.
プロット: サイト-107は危機の真っ只中。ハーレーは生きている。ランカスターは行方不明だ。Clashing Departments are on the warpath.
リリース日: 2020/2/7
再生時間: 12:18
Plot: Lancaster has a theory. Klein needs assistance. Harley is confused. Love loses her grip. Raddagher leaves her office. There's something in the corner.
プロット: ランカスターには持論がある。クライン needs assistance。ハーレー is confused。ラヴ loses her grip。ラダガー leaves her office。There's something in the corner。
リリース日: 2020/5/6
再生時間: 11:26
Plot: Harley fights a monster. Love finds Gravett's lemon tree. Klein gets injured. Lancaster notices something. Raddagher loses something important. The monsters are a secondary concern.
プロット: ハーレーが化け物と戦っている。ラヴ finds Gravett's lemon tree。クラインは傷を負った。ランカスターが何かに気づく。ラダガーは大切な何かを失った。化け物は二次的な問題に過ぎない。
リリース日: 2020/4/3
再生時間: 22:24
Plot: Time isn't real. Supplies are restored. Injuries are not. Harley indulges a habit. Lancaster tries to help. Love makes a choice. Raddagher wants to be alone. Klein is under pressure. Site-107 is back where it started.
プロット: Time isn't real. Supplies are restored. Injuries are not. ハーレー indulges a habit。ランカスター tries to help。ラヴ makes a choice。ラダガー wants to be alone。クライン is under pressure。サイト-107 is back where it started。
リリース日: 2020/5/1
再生時間: 16:30
Plot: A strange memetic effect is impacting the minds of personnel. Harley and Lancaster find something in the walls. Love joins Raddagher in the surveillance office, and the two of them theorize that somebody may have tampered with the anomaly during the blackout.
プロット: A strange memetic effect is impacting the minds of personnel。ハーレーとランカスター find something in the walls。ラヴ joins ラダガー in the surveillance office, and the two of them theorize that somebody may have tampered with the anomaly during the blackout。
リリース日: 2020/6/5
再生時間: 17:06
Plot: Love and Raddagher struggle to find a balance while sharing surveillance duties. After days of arguing and passive aggression, a friendship begins to form between the two, until Love oversteps her bounds.
プロット: ラヴとラダガー struggle to find a balance while sharing surveillance duties。After days of arguing and passive aggression, a friendship begins to form between the two, until ラヴ oversteps her bounds。
リリース日: 2020/7/3
再生時間: 17:21
Plot: Harley and Lancaster begin their excavation of the mysterious wire in the walls. They make progress in their project, but their friendship hits a rocky patch as they struggle to cope with their own (and each other's) vices.
プロット: ハーレーとランカスター begin their excavation of the mysterious wire in the walls。They make progress in their project, but their friendship hits a rocky patch as they struggle to cope with their own (and each other's) vices。
リリース日: 2020/8/7
再生時間: 18:30
Plot: Klein rewrites 6320's database entry, struggling to fit into her leadership position. The site experiences a sudden unexpected catastrophe after a D-class starts acting strangely.
プロット: クラインが6320のデータベースエントリを書き換え, struggling to fit into her leadership position. The site experiences a sudden unexpected catastrophe after a Dクラス starts acting strangely.
リリース日: 2021/1/1
再生時間: 13:14
Plot: Site-107 is split among multiple anomalous effects, set off by a rogue D-class. As communications fail and confusion wracks the site, Harley and Klein come to terms with their roles in stopping the chaos and keeping everyone safe.
プロット: サイト-107 is split among multiple anomalous effects, set off by a rogue D-class。As communications fail and confusion wracks the site, ハーレーとクライン come to terms with their roles in stopping the chaos and keeping everyone safe。
リリース日: 2021/1/15
再生時間: 15:20
Plot: With Harley back in his groove, the staff of Site-107 go about rescuing their site. Love and Raddagher encounter a Dash Two, Klein and Lancaster make a monumental discovery. Site-107 might finally be winning.
プロット: With ハーレー back in his groove, the staff of サイト-107 go about rescuing their site。ラヴとラダガー encounter ダッシュ・トゥー, クラインとランカスター make a monumental discovery。サイト-107 might finally be winning。
リリース日: 2021/2/5
再生時間: 20:44
Plot: Harley and the others reflect on what brought them to the Foundation in the first place.
プロット: ハーレー and the others reflect on what brought them to 財団 in the first place.
リリース日: 2021/2/19
再生時間: 14:23
Plot: Dr. Lancaster interviews D-1, the D-Class responsible for setting a chain of Dash Ones and putting the site in peril. Meanwhile, Klein and Harley investigate the reality anchor, discovering that it's not what it initially seems.
プロット: ランカスター博士はD-1へインタビューし、Dr. Lancaster interviews D-1, the D-Class responsible for setting a chain of Dash Ones and putting the site in peril。Meanwhile, クラインとハーレー investigate the reality anchor, discovering that it's not what it initially seems。
リリース日: 2021/3/5
再生時間: 17:18
Plot: Things seem to be looking up in Site-107 and independent projects start cropping up all over. Harley writes a code, Raddagher teaches Love maritime knot tying, and Lancaster reveals to Harley a plan he's been working on for weeks.
プロット: Things seem to be looking up in サイト-107 and independent projects start cropping up all over。ハーレー writes a code, ラダガー teaches ラヴ maritime knot tying, and ランカスター reveals to ハーレー a plan he's been working on for weeks。
リリース日: 2021/4/2
再生時間: 14:12
Plot: As Research conducts tests on the anomaly, Lancaster makes his way around site with a petition. Harley gets a tattoo, Klein successfully creates a new Dash Two, and Love makes a pet.
プロット: As Research conducts tests on the anomaly, ランカスター makes his way around site with a petition. ハーレー gets a tattoo, クライン successfully creates a new Dash Two, and ラヴ makes a pet。
リリース日: 2021/5/7
再生時間: 21:55
Plot: Site-107 executes Psychology's morale-boosting scheme: a giant site-wide game of Capture the Flag. The participants give it their all until an undiscovered nest of Dash Twos inside the vents is awakened, converting the game into a caffeine-fueled bloodbath.
プロット: サイト-107 executes Psychology's morale-boosting scheme: a giant site-wide game of Capture the Flag.。The participants give it their all until an undiscovered nest of Dash Twos inside the vents is awakened, converting the game into a caffeine-fueled bloodbath。
リリース日: 2021/6/4
再生時間: 15:09
Plot: Harley finally attends a Department Head meeting to present his work on a cipher system designed to preserve information between Resets via tattoos. Things in the site are beginning to look up, even if secrets are still being kept
プロット: ハーレー finally attends a Department Head meeting to present his work on a cipher system designed to preserve information between Resets via tattoos。Things in the site are beginning to look up, even if secrets are still being kept。
リリース日: 2021/7/2
再生時間: 16:23
Plot: Site-107 conducts more tests on the Dash Two instances created by SCP-6320, discovering more about how they work, including their surprising tendency to restrain human victims rather than kill them. Harley gets the key to the Body Code tattooed on his back.
プロット: サイト-107 conducts more tests on the Dash Two instances created by SCP-6320, discovering more about how they work, including their surprising tendency to restrain human victims rather than kill them. Harley gets the key to the Body Code tattooed on his back.
リリース日: 2021/8/6
再生時間: 15:23
Plot: Love and Raddagher attempt to train Dumptruck in an effort to prove his harmlessness to Klein. Their efforts result in the accidental creation of a small Dash One and a little bit of trouble as the two of them become closer.
プロット: ラヴとラダガー attempt to train Dumptruck in an effort to prove his harmlessness to クライン。Their efforts result in the accidental creation of a small Dash One and a little bit of trouble as the two of them become closer。
リリース日: 2021/9/3
再生時間: 22:03
Plot: Harley navigates throughout the site as he consults each Department on their individual use of the Body Code, giving a glimpse into the strange lives of the other personnel on site. After a long day, Harley comes to a hard realization.
プロット: ハーレー navigates throughout the site as he consults each Department on their individual use of the Body Code, giving a glimpse into the strange lives of the other personnel on site. After a long day, Harley comes to a hard realization。
Release Date: October 1, 2021
Duration: 20:30
Plot: As Klein tries to negotiate moving up the date of the detonation, butting heads with other Department Heads in the process, Harley laments his strange feeling of emptiness in the wake of his code's success. Lancaster is acting increasingly strangely.
Release Date: November 5, 2021
Duration: 18:41
Plot: Site-107 suddenly and mysteriously floods with water. Unable to do much to stop it, and only a couple days from the site resetting to normal, the personnel of Site-107 decide to kick back and enjoy it for a moment.
Release Date: December 3, 2021
Duration: 14:09
Plot: Klein and the Research Department study anamorphic Dash One instances, to frustrating ends. Harley tells Love a long series of various highly unprofessional shenanigans that have happened in Site-107 before the Incident.
Release Date: January 7, 2022
Duration: 15:55
Plot: The 14B gang do some team-building in the form of a tabletop roleplaying game. The fun is cut short by an unusual and slightly more extreme turn in Lancaster's behavior.
Release Date: February 4, 2022
Duration: 20:54
Plot: Harley and company dream about the possibility of escaping the rift, until the detonation on SCP-6320 goes disastrously wrong, resulting in the worst effect Site-107 has seen from the anomaly.
Release Date: March 4, 2022
Duration: 24:22
Plot: With the site on its side and Lancaster in containment, Love tries desperately to get any of her friends to acknowledge the other major event that occurred after the detonation. Nobody is coping with it well.
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