A list of every major and minor GoI in the whole Foundation database in alphabetical order. This list includes GoI from every branch of the Foundation and what they do. Should any GoI on the list have their article deleted1 they will be moved to the deleted section of the list.
Table of Contents
EN: “0th Anti-Cult Regiment”
A Foundation precursor from British India.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (解散済)
CN: “05议会”
A major GoI from the CN Branch that is very hostile to the Foundation and can cause mass anomalous events and intrusion into the Foundation database. Normally leaves a note on SCP articles inscribed with 05-(Latin Letter) and the meaning of said Latin letter.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: メジャー
中央情報部 第十局 (KCIA 第十局)
KO: 중앙정보부 제10국

A South Korean government agency that operated between 1973 to 1981. The group operated for the restoration of the sovereignty of the treaty, with the aim of using anomalies to benefit the South Korean regime.
1973年から1981年にかけて活動していた韓国政府機関。The group operated for the restoration of the sovereignty of the treaty, with the aim of using anomalies to benefit the South Korean regime.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: メジャー
1st Anomalous Defence Corps ADC
EN: 1st Anomalous Defence Corps ADC
The British military's dedicated anti-anomalous unit. -Description from SCP-2887
The British military's dedicated anti-anomalous unit. -Description from SCP-2887
GoI番号: 0188
ステータス: マイナー
A minor GoI from the JP Branch. As the name implies, its a research institute. The number in the name of the GoI varies between article to article.
JP支部のマイナーGoI。As the name implies, its a research institute. The number in the name of the GoI varies between article to article.
GoI番号: 096-JP (Collectively refers to all numbers of the GoI)
ステータス: マイナー (Presumed 解散済)
A military organization from the JP Branch.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
388th Independent Special Company
An army unit of America's parascientists and anomalous entities deployed across the world in pursuit of various missions.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
507th Institute
CN: 507所
An anomalous agency of the People's Liberation Army.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The 616th Squadron ("Roswell's Revengers")
A squadron of the US Air Force involved with the paranormal.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The 8th Department of National Security Bureau, R. O. C.
ZH: 中華民國國家安全局第八處

A former highly militaristic governmental organization from the ZH Branch that was destroyed during the cold war by the GOC and MI666; has colonized many locations in parallel dimensions. Employs anomalous individuals within their ranks to increase combat efficiency. Very hostile to the Foundation and will annihilate any adversaries with maximum firepower if provoked.
GoI番号: 94138
ステータス: メジャー
Was a collective that would transform into a space resembling the inhabitant’s childhood. Infamously known for acting as a hideout for Daevite pacifists during the Third Occult War.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (解散済) (オネイロイ)
The Aberdeen Pack
FR: La Meute d'Aberdeen

An organization formed from various Scottish clans in the 15th century. Members have been in contact with the anomalous since childhood and are all part of the same extended family with some minimal abnormalities in their genealogy.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
Abnormality Institute
CN: 中华异学会

A major GoI from the CN Branch. Founded between the Jin and Tang dynasties by scholars. Kept info on anomalous objects on bamboo scrolls. Quality of the records diminished due to the attitude of the rulers of the Qing dynasty. Records by the group are now in Foundation possession. Now a Foundation Precursor and believed to be dissolved.
中国語支部のメジャーGoI。清朝、唐朝間で学者達により設立された。異常物品についての情報を竹簡に保存していた。Quality of the records diminished due to the attitude of the rulers of the Qing dynasty. 学会の記録は現在、財団が所有している。今日の財団の前身であり、解散済みであると考えられている。
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: メジャー (解散済)
The Abnormal Materials Information and Security System
IT: Sistema Informazione e Sicurezza Materiali Anomali
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: メジャー (PANGEA所属)
The Absent Party

The CPI version of Nobody.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Abyssal Light
**CN: 深渊之光

Foundation of another timeline. They study what people call 'abyss creations' (anomalies) and to protect people from the abyss.
別タイムラインの財団。They study what people call 'abyss creations' (anomalies) and to protect people from the abyss.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
Accelerate the Future (ATF)
An amateur entrepreneurial group that produces plush toys, mobile games and body pillows. Notable members being MPerry, Dylan99 and olliefox.
An amateur entrepreneurial group that produces plush toys, mobile games and body pillows. Notable members being MPerry, Dylan99 and olliefox.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
##blue|Global white supremacist group with anomalous capabilities.##
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Adi-um Empire
An ancient anomalous civilisation that practices thaumaturgic rites and anomalous rituals. The capital of the empire is Adytum.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (不明-Sarkic) (解散済)
AD Pharmatech
Medical corporation operating in the 2040s. Produces medicine such as TigersporinTM and occasionally associates with New Federated Health Industries to make medicine such as NanineTM.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Adytum's Wake
Active throughout the Northeastern United States, Adytum's Wake is thought to be the oldest Sarkic organization in North America with evidence of their existence dating as far back as 1650. The organization was presumably destroyed on November 28, 1952 but not before the creation of SCP-2480 - considered by the founders of Project: Sitra Achra to represent the "first shots" of what would become a complex and invisible conflict. -Description from Sarkicism Hub
GoI番号: 0432 / 490
ステータス: マイナー (Neo Sarkic)

Still unclear whether it is a group or an individual but, the group only consists of one host, and the territory it controls is considered to be the only city for the group.
グループなのか個人なのか、1つのホストで構成された団体という点以外は未だ明らかになっておらず、 and the territory it controls is considered to be the only city for the group.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (オネイロイ)
The Aesthetic of Music Sound
TH: สุนทรียศาสตร์แห่งเสียงดนตรี

A corporation from the TH Branch that produces medical anomalies. Founded by an Austrian musician named Adalric Medelstein. The granddaughter of Medelstein is currently married to the grandson of the founder of Knowing Publishing. Due to this relationship, The Aesthetic of Music Sound and Knowing Publishing are friendly towards each other. SCP-030-TH and SCP-201-TH are so far the only anomalies contained by the Foundation that belongs to the corporation; this caused the corporation to become hostile to the Foundation. People that are associated with the corporation have shown immunity towards auditory anomalies.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: メジャー
The African Office of Occult Affairs (AOOA)
FR: Le Bureau Africain des Affaires Occultes

A governmental organisation in charge of collecting, managing, studying and exploiting the anomalous in France's African colonies that was created by Louis-Philippe I in 1830. Reached its peak in the 1920s and 1930s and actively helped the Allied Occult Initiative (AOI) during WWII. Dissolved in 1962 after the independence of Algeria with most of the AOOA's resources and anomalies sold to the Foundation.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: メジャー (解散済)

A trading company from the JP Branch that deals with adult goods; has multiple subsidiaries such as AKI Products, AKI Sensei and AKI Transport.
アダルトグッズを扱うJP支部の商社; has multiple subsidiaries such as AKI Products, AKI Sensei and AKI Transport.
GoI番号: 1821 (AKI Medical Research Institute) 1844 (AKI Toy)
ステータス: メジャー
FR: Al-Taqîya
Initially a mystical brotherhood ("tariqa") established in Lebanon, the destabilization of the Middle East in the mid-20th century has made Al-Taqîya a mere Islamic research group to a paramilitary militia with terrorist objectives. Its members use anomalies, considered a gift from Allah to help their struggle, in close collaboration with Hezbollah and the Iranian Office of Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts. -GOC French Division.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Alchemist's Guild
Presumably a guild studying alchemy. A member of the GOC Council of 108.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (108所属)
Alexylva University

A GoI that originated from a dimension in which Latin and Greek cultures maintain dominance at least over the Western Hemisphere to this day; Uses a language approximating both Cherokee and Latin, with syntactic traces of Greek and Nahuatl included. Objects from this GoI are recovered by the Foundation via an agency known as "Phitransimun Combine" and accompanied by relevant paperwork.
ステータス: メジャー
Allied Occult Initiative
The precursor to the GOC during the 7th Occult War
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (解散済)
Known/Confirmed Members:
- Holy Order of Knights Templar, Reformed
- Universalist Order of the Æsir
- Polish Ministry of Occult Affairs
- Ancient Noble Order of the Gormogons
- The Brotherhood of Auspicious Survivors
- The Eternal Temple
- Australian Abnormal Intelligence Bureau
الموت للعدو
Arabic for "Death to the Enemy", the group is a covert political and religious terror organization.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
An anartist group in Germany that is mistaken for an AWCY? cell.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Unknown but presumably a corporation that produces artificial or products relating to potatoes.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Unknown but the name of the institution is the name of the goddess of the sun in Japanese mythology.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Amber Room
FR: La Chambre d'Ambre
The paranormal branch of Russia.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Note: The Amber Room does exist in real life but as a single room rather than an entire branch. Also thanks to DrGemini for confirming it as a paranormal organization. -
Ambrose Restaurants

A large scale chain of fine-dining restaurants, located around the globe and a few extradimensional locations such as Backdoor SoHo; founded by Chaz Ambrose and Marius. Normally harmless and wary of the Foundation.
GoI番号: 116
ステータス: メジャー
American Anomalous Companies Association
An association of anomalous companies in the US.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
Known Members:
American Secure Containment Initiative
Foundation precursor that operated in the United States between the 1790s to the 1940s. Most assets from the ASCI are in Foundation possession. Now defunct.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (解散済)
Other Names
- ASCI Tag
- Wrong Proposal
- SCP-1851-EX : Drapetomania
- SCP-2750 : Navajo Skinwalkers
- Interviews with Prospective Groups of Interest
Note: This entry will only include the pages tagged with ASCI.
Amrita Therapeutics
Formerly a subsidiary of Prometheus Bioengineering, Amrita Therapeutics rebranded itself after the collapse to continue manufacturing the highly profitable All-Natural Automatons. In recent years, Amrita has begun expanding into the development and commercialization of stem-cell based technologies in the field of regenerative medicine, but remains committed to the continued development and support of ANAs. -Description from Third Law Hub.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
A paranormal community about anagura4 in the Chūgoku region.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
The general term for Macrochaosism that existed before large expansion. It seems to have spread in Europe, etc., which was influenced by the flow of Gnosticism and Discordianism, but there are still traces in various places. As a result of the oppression as a heresy, many of them have a low degree of Macrochaosism, but the proportion of pure Macrochaosists occupying the population is very high. -Description from Kankan's Author Page
大膨張以前に点々と存在したマクロカオシズムの総称。グノーシス主義やディスコーディアニズムの流れに影響されたヨーロッパ等で多く興ったようだが、それ以外の各地にもその痕跡が残る。多くは興って早々に異端として弾圧を受けた為、マクロカオシズムとしての程度は低いが、その人口を占める純マクロカオシストの割合は非常に高い。 - KanKanの著者ページより
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (Macrochaosism)
Ancient form of Magurokatsuosism, the SPC version of Macrochaosism
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (SPC) (Macrochaosism)
Ancient Noble Order of the Gormogons
Founded in the 18th century to oppose the Freemasons, the Gormogons have evolved into a corps of demolition experts specializing in destroying anomalous structures and breaking defensive wards. -Description from Third Law Hub.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (108 member)
JP支部のGoI; most if not all SCPs related to this GoI have the engraving, "Andersen". Has a strong connection with the works of Hans Christian Andersen, mainly his fairy tales.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
Anderson Robotics / Frostman Robotics (circa 2044)

Anderson Robotics is a paratech firm specializing in the sale of anomalous robots, androids, artificial intelligence, computer programs, and cybernetics. While it is believed that Anderson Robotics has been in operation since the 1990s, the firm first came to the Foundation's attention in 2007, after the capture of SCP-1360 during a raid on a paratech trafficking warehouse in Seattle. Since this initial contact, Anderson Robotics has been recognized as the foremost dealer of robotics paratechnology. -Description from Anderson Robotics Hub.
GoI番号: 1115
ステータス: メジャー
Angry Computer System Nerd
CN: Angry Computer System Nerd
An organization that collects, studies and creates abnormal computer programs and computer-like anomalies, with personnel distribution and activities in many countries. -Description from SCP-CN-1485.
GoI番号: 405
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Note: The GoI name is not mistranslated. This is actually the name of the GoI. -hhenry
UA: Анігілізм

Annihilism is the radical philosophical doctrine, that insist to the non-sense and futility of existence, and stands on position that live will always bring more suffering than pleasure and humanity will always execute more evil than good. That's why, according to the doctrine of annihilism, the only worthy thing, that everybody can do is the actively promotion of elimination of humanity, Earth and all Universe and even all Existence. -Description from UA GoI Hub.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: メジャー
不明 but hostile to the Foundation
GoI番号: 3425
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Anomalous Equal Rights Parliament
CN: 平异会
不明 but presumed to be an organization dedicated to the equal rights of the anomalous.
Goi Number: CN-0279
ステータス: マイナー
Anomalous Retrieval, Containment, and Research Agency (ARCRA)

An organization from SCP-4994-1 that possesses the same goals as the Foundation but without needing to conceal normalcy. Containment and capture rate has a higher rate than the Foundation and has more advanced technology.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Anomalous Warfare Battalion
An anomalous warfare battalion that operates within the Philippine Archipelago.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
Anomaly Control Department
**CN: 异常管理署

An organization dedicated to controlling anomalies.
GoI番号: 289
ステータス: マイナー
公安調査庁 第三部 特異案件対策室
Department of the Public Security Intelligence Agency involved with the anomalous. Also a member of JAGPATO
GoI番号 不明
ステータス: マイナー (JAGPATO所属)
Anonymous Eyes, Ltd
PT: Olhos Anônimos Ltda

Anonymous Eyes, Ltd is a private espionage company that deals with collecting information relating to anomalies. Its goals are to acquire and sell data to contractors in the form of blueprints, software and etc. The GoI only cares about profit; prices for its services depends on the difficulty of acquiring the information. Although the organization has a wide area of expertise, the organization does not acquire anomalous objects for itself. The organization has multiple powerful clients all over the world from large corporations to churches.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: メジャー
Antares Society for the Renewal of the Human Spirit
ES: Sociedad Antares para la Renovación del Espíritu Humano

An organization with masonic characteristics that studies the occult. The organization was founded in 1953 by Claudin Oparin. The group believes in the existence of higher beings which will guide humanity into a new era without war, poverty and inequality. The group is neutral to the Foundation and will kill innocents if necessary. -Few excerpts from here.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: メジャー
Anti-Anomaly Disaster Team, Cabinet Office
JP: 内閣府 超常災害担当

Presumed to be an organization in charge of preventing anomalous disasters. Also a member of JAGPATO.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (JAGPATO所属)
Antihuman Faction
DE: Antihuman-Fraktion

The Antihuman Faction is a GoI from the DE canon, Machina. It's members are former Foundation androids that have concluded that the human race should not be brought back. The group does not have a leader or a controlling body but instead are a loose alliance between like-minded androids. The group opposes everything related with the human race, going so far as to reconstruct their own bodies into nonhumanoid appearances.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
不明 but presumed to be some kind of auction house or a website similar to Amazon.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
FR: Anti-Skill
A group consisting of non-abnormal people. This group is not free of movement and must receive an order from a PE-0051 administrator or a request for intervention from Judgment to be deployed. Nevertheless, they provide a constant level of surveillance and patrol. They have standard equipment corresponding to current technological standards. -Description from The Ecological City
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Anziano’s Curio Shoppe
A curio shop that sells anomalous items.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Aodaishō's Hand
JP: イラストレーション

Japanese branch of the Serpent's Hand.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
Apollodorus Construction Combine
不明 but presumed to be an anomalous construction company located in the same universe with Alexylva University.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
AquaS Conservancy for Penguins
An organization that operates by conserving penguin habitats; it has the same name as a now defunct Foundation front organization but it is still unknown whether this is related or just a coincidence.
GoI番号: 3004
ステータス: 非常にマイナー

##purple|Arcadia was a video company involved with occultism and drugs. Many of their customers were exploited and damned. The 1983 video game crash caused interest in Arcadia to decline that they have not recovered since. Former employees of Arcadia are still among the general populace. Products by Arcadia still exist in thrift stores and garage sales across the US. ##
Arcadiaはオカルト主義や薬物を内包するビデオ会社だ。Many of their customers were exploited and damned. The 1983 video game crash caused interest in Arcadia to decline that they have not recovered since. Former employees of Arcadia are still among the general populace. Products by Arcadia still exist in thrift stores and garage sales across the US.
GoI番号: 078
ステータス: メジャー
Formerly Archimedes Solar, a subsidiary of Prometheus Energy, Archimedes rebranded itself and widened the scope of its operations following the collapse of Prometheus Labs. The core of Archimedes remains centered on solar power generation, but the company has expanded into related areas such as heating, electrical wiring, desalination, and wireless power transmission. -Description from Third Law Hub
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Are We At Ease Yet?
FR: Sommes-nous à nos aises, désormais ?
Are We Cool Yet predecessor organization in France.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (解散済)
Are We Cool Yet?

A collective of anomalous artists, or anartists, members of Are We Cool Yet? are capable of either obtaining or producing anomalous objects and entities, and using them to create art installations. These installations are placed for maximum public exposure, and have been fatal to bystanders; the phrase "Are We Cool Yet?" is always present in some way. -Description from GoI Hub.
A collective of anomalous artists, or anartists, members of Are We Cool Yet? are capable of either obtaining or producing anomalous objects and entities, and using them to create art installations. These installations are placed for maximum public exposure, and have been fatal to bystanders; the phrase "Are We Cool Yet?" is always present in some way. -Description from GoI Hub.
ステータス: メジャー
Are We PETA Yet?
SPC version of Are We Cool Yet?
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (SPC)
Argentium Astrum
FR: Argentinum Astrum

The A∴A∴ is a spiritual organization described in 1907 by occultist Aleister Crowley. Its members are dedicated to the advancement of humanity by perfection of the individual on every plane through a graded series of universal initiations. Its initiations are syncretic, unifying the essence of Theravada Buddhism with Vedantic yoga and ceremonial magic. -Wikipedia.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (108 member)
Argo Automotives
Known as Prometheus Automobile Group prior to the collapse of the conglomerate, Argo Automotives operated from 1998 to 2009, when it was forced into liquidation following the failure of the paraeconomic investment strategy it had relied on for funding. During this time, it had a reputation for selling high-tech, high-performance vehicles. -Description from Third Law Hub.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (解散済)
A.R.G.U.S. Inc.
PL: A.R.G.U.S. Inc.

A.R.G.U.S. Inc. is a paramilitary organization with a wide range of operations on the international stage. Our corporation founded in the turn of millennia deals with wide spectrum of activities, such as leasing highly-trained security personnel, training and practice of independent personnel and manufacturing and selling of personal efficiency enhancers.
GoI番号: PL-007
ステータス: メジャー
The Arkroll Collective
JP: アークロール・コレクティブ
不明 but caused mass disappearances throughout オネイロイ.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (オネイロイ)
The Arm of the Law
ES: El Brazo de la Ley
A mafia which seeks to be the main force for smuggling anomalous weapons in Latin America. -Description from Facility-57 Hub.
GoI番号: 1023
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Army of the New Dawn
不明 but presumably an organization that worships the stars. Also hostile to the Serpent's Hand.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Arselius Interactive
JP: アルセリウス・インタラクティブ
不明 but the organization deals with special equipment.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Artists Cultural Collective

CPI version of AWCY?.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Ascetics to Heaven's Pillar
A Mahayana Buddhist-inspired religious movement, known for its veneration of figures such as Victorious Fighting Buddha (斗战胜佛; dòu zhàn shèng fó) -SCP-1186
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Asmodeus Labs
A company that produces demonic products via occult technology.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Associates of Apotheosis
A religious club for people interested in metahumanism.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
The Association of the Abnormality Amateurs
FR: L'Amicale des Amateurs de l'Anormal

The Association of the Abnormality Amateurs is a small organization of no more than twenty members (all unknown, with the exception of a certain "Gégé"), who use their relatively limited knowledge of the anomalous to assemble and create singular artifacts for their own use or to offer these to the Foundation. -Description from French GoI Hub.
GoI番号: 348
ステータス: メジャー
Association of Black Magic Power Users
TH: สมาคมผู้ใช้อำนาจแห่งศาสตร์มืด

A group of people that practice and utilise black magic or the occult. Members from around the world carry anomalous items on their person. The GoI tried to purchase SCPs from the Foundation but failed and then they attempted a raid that also failed. Hostile towards to the Foundation for the reasons above and mostly doesn't care about others.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: メジャー
Association of Mutants
TH: สมาคมกลายพันธุ์

An organization from the Thai Branch that was formed by human anomalies that were hunted or exploited by other organizations including the Foundation. They only wish for a life in peace. They currently reside within the "Hidden City", a city somewhere deep in the jungle. They are currently hostile towards the Foundation and they don't harm anyone that isn't an enemy.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: メジャー
The Association for the Restoration of Japan
Military organization dedicated to the revival of the Empire of Japan. Similar in history with IJAMEA despite no ties to it. Lead by an individual named General Yukio Kurata, whom shares a name with the previous IJAMEA leader.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Association for the Rights of Paranormal Entities
PT: Associação pelos Direitos das Entidades Paranormais
Presumed to be an organization with the goal of providing rights for anomalous entities.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Asterism Communications
Former Aethernet subsidiary of Prometheus Labs. Now the ISP of Three Portlands.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Astrolabe Institute
The Astrolabe Institute is a scientist-run Public Media & Containment Company dedicated to Containment of the Anomalous. -Description from Ad Astra Per Aspera Hub.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Astronomical Department
JP: 天文方
It is a paranormal organization of the Edo shogunate. It took the right to change the calendar from the Onmyoryo and other unusual items. It was originally placed under Jisha-bugyo (magistrate of temples and shrines), but later became independent. Description from here.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Atlas Private Military Corporation
CN: 阿特拉斯私人军事承包商

An anomalous private military corporation.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Atsumi Aerospace Inc.
JP: 株式会社 Atsumi AeroSpace
An aerospace manufacturer company that utilizes anomalous equipement via human consciousness. The company has close relations to JOICL.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Atypical Woodland Preservation Institute
An organization that preserves anomalous animals.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (解散済)
Australian Abnormal Intelligence Bureau
Presumed to be a government organization of Australia dedicated to researching the anomalous.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (Presumed 108所属)
Australian Church of Australia
不明 but presumed to be some cult that is based in Australia. The Department of Theological Affairs has contacts to this group according to SCP-3868. The group has also been absorbed by the Horizon Initiative.
GoI番号: 055Y
ステータス: マイナー (Presumed to be defunct)
The Australian Paranormal Drag Racing Association
The only paranormal drag racing association compliant with the Foundation.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
Autocephalous Mission of Moldova

The Autocephalous Mission of Moldova is a catholic group6 situated in Moldova. They believe anomalies as God's Miracles instead of magic. It's founder, Ezekiel Valeriy Iepureanu, was born in Warsaw, Indiana and then moved to Europe; he later founded the Autocephalous Mission of Moldova 11 years after he moved to Europe.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
Autumn Firm
An auction firm that auctions anomalous objects.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Avelar Professional Products Incorporated
A group of interest specializing in the production and sale of anomalous office products and supplies. -Description from SCP-3923.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
The Avengers
CN: 复仇者联盟
A group of superheroes that save the world. Part of a crossover tale with the MCU.
GoI番号: 1963
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
A cult surrounding the worship of several pagan deities involving avian imagery. -Description from SCP-4397.
GoI番号: 301
ステータス: マイナー

A radical organization made up of journalists that are trying to achieve free press.
GoI番号: 503
ステータス: マイナー
Ayazono Construction
JP: 綾園建設
Presumed to be a construction company that utilizes anomalies.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Bab-i Mukhfi
The normalcy preservation organization for the Ottoman Empire.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (解散済)
A Dionysian cult that had relations with the ASCI.
GoI番号: 不明 (The ASCI referred to it as Organization-028)
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (Presumed 解散済)
BackDoor Soho Artistic Associates
Presumed to be an anart organization located within Backdoor Soho
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Bavarian Illuminati
An organization originally founded in 1776 to oppose superstition and promote human rights. One of the most powerful global conspiracies, and a major supporter of the Global Occult Coalition. -Description from GOC Hub Page.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (108所属)
The Bearers
不明 but members of the group are anomalous and wants to help the Foundation in combating EoI-090.
GoI番号: 089
ステータス: マイナー
Bearpuncher Solutions
不明 but has multiple subsidiaries.
GoI番号: 2666
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Beatdown Acrobatics
A loose militia of writers and disused fanfiction characters aiming to create a continuation of the webcomic "open to all of humanity." -Description from SCP-4413
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Bell Thrower
ZH: 拋鈴人

An organization from the ZH branch that is currently based in the 47th parallel universe. It is made up of a humanoid species called the Xingren. They are currently working to gain rights for their species in our universe as their universe is dying. They are peaceful unless provoked.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: メジャー
Better Earth Initiative
Extremist minimalist group.
GoI番号: 809
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The BetterU Company®
Presumed to be an anomalous juice company. Their slogan is BetterU®: Because U Deserve It. Also has employed an octopus.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Beyond Entropy
KO: 엔트로피를 넘어서

A group of environmentalists from the Korean Branch that are trying to overcome the Second Law of Thermodynamics. It stole info on ecteontropic anomalies from the Foundation. The group views anomalies as a natural thing and are opposed to the destruction and imprisonment of friendly anomalies. The group works in cells with each cell having its own goals. The group is hostile towards the Foundation and tries to keep casualties as low as possible.
GoI番号: Kappa-12
ステータス: メジャー
The B.G. Hoadley Group
Founded by industrialist Baron Leeman Hoadley and Garrison Hoadley. Had multiple sub-organizations such as the B.G. Hoadley Mining Group and the B.G. Hoadley Rail Line. Now acquired by Kervier International. The rest of the Foundation other than the O5 Council and the Administrator are not aware of Baron Leeman Hoadley being O5-8.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (解散済)
Biles Institute of Life Sciences
CN: 比勒斯生命科学研究院
Bils Research Institute is a large educational institution located in Shanxi Province, the specific location is unknown. The organization focuses on the research of anomalous technology related to biology, and will selectively sell the anomalous technology and application samples they have developed. At the same time, it will purchase anomalous technology related to biological science when necessary. -Description from SCP-CN-1792
GoI番号: CN-021
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Black Arc
ES: El Arca Negra
不明 but presumed to be some religious organization due to it being monitored by the Horizon Initiative. The group also has a few anomalous artifacts.
GoI番号: 072
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Known Organizations
- The One Purist Church
- The Techno-Purist Order
- The Third Age Order
- The Proto-Purist Association
- The Purist Unified Scientific Association
- The Revealed Yerahtic Order
- Exchange of Information
- Interviews with Possible Foundation-ES Interest Groups: The Black Ark (Extended Registration)
Note: I did find this which says that it also appears here but I couldn't find anything that mentions it. - hhenry
Blackbox Industrial
The company is a hole in reality, left behind when its higher-ups ascended to a higher plane of existence. Doesn't have a name, a purpose, or any leadership. Does have resources (sort of) and ambition (sort of). Sometimes, other things move in to fill its numerous cracks. -Description from GoI Field Guide. The group previously had a name which was Scott Industrial.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (解散済)
Black-clad Anticarnism
JP: 黒服のアンチカーニズム
An organization that expresses anti-carnistic claims via animals and anomalous goods. However the nature of the object is used more for performance rather than protection the animal.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
Black Dragon Co.
不明 but operates in China. The company "Cherry Imperial Goff Applications" is presumed to be a front organization for them.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Black Ocean Society
FR: La Société de l'Océan Noir
The Dark/Black Ocean Society (Japanese: 玄洋社, Hepburn: Gen'yōsha) was an influential Pan-Asianist group and secret society active in the Empire of Japan, and was considered to be an ultranationalist group by GHQ in the International Military Tribunal for the Far East. -Wikipedia.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (108所属)
The Black Queen

Very little conclusive information has been recovered about the person of interest called the Black Queen. She claims the given name "Alison Chao", the name of the daughter of researcher Dr. ██████ Gears and ██████ ███ Chao before Gears' recruitment by the Foundation.-Description from GoI Hub.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: メジャー
The Ble’nesh Authority
不明 but it is some kind of secret order.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Blood Children
The Blood Children or the Reypay 'Eveng is a religion similar to the Children of the Scarlet King but more peaceful and less violent.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Blue Club
ZH: 藍色俱樂部
A multinational association established by an unnamed entrepreneur. The club buys or produces various artworks and handicrafts for its members to bid for and collect, which contains some unusual things. -Description from マイナー ZH GoI Hub.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
Boatswains of the Cog of God
SPC version of the Church of the Broken God.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (SPC)
Boeing Aquatics
Presumed to be an alternate reality version of the Boeing Company.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
Bojeonwon (Preservation Division)
KO: 보전원
A paranormal organization established by the Joseon dynasty in 1654. A majority of its members have been absorbed by IJAMEA.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (解散済)
The Bonifay Family
A family of people affected by the aftermath of a hurricane.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (Presumed 解散済)
- Bonifay Tag (Now Unused)
- SCP-1890 : The Family Photo Album
- SCP-1928 : The Family Banjo
- SCP-1896 : The Family Tire Swing
- SCP-ZH-255 : Bonifay's Last Refuge
Note: I had previously exempt the family from the list but SCP-ZH-255 listed as a GoI. -hhenry
Bōsō Legends Radio 515.6kHz
JP: 房総奇譚放送局515.6kHz
A paranormal 'nicommunity'7 formed after the dissolution of the Former South Kanto Kitankai.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Bowe Commission
Established between the SCP Foundation and the US military for the weaponization of SCPs. Dissolved after the failure of Omega-7
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (解散済)
The Bramberly Family
The Bramberly Family and followers: Group of 216 individuals located in North Dakota, United States. Central belief that the head of the Bramberly family was in contact with alien life forms, and as such was to serve as the liberator of mankind from evil through various sexual rituals. Possession of artifacts suspected but never confirmed. Compound was raided by agents of the Global Occult Coalition. Current ステータス: 解散済. Last Activity: 1982. -Description from Shepherds.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (解散済)
The Brazen Heart
A Moloch worshipping cult eradicated during the Spanish Inquistion.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (解散済)
The Brazilian Superintendence of the Paranormal
PT: A Superintendência Brasileira do Paranormal

A secret military intelligence governmental institution in Brazil that was founded in 1965 when the Brazilian Military Government attempted to compete with the Foundation. Annexed to the Lusophone Branch of the Foundation in 1989. The organization studied the anomalous on the territory of Brazil. It sabotaged and interupted operations of the Foundation until its acquisition in 1992.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: メジャー (解散済)
The Bremen Society
KO: 브레멘 학회
A sub-organization within the Serpent's Hand that is made up of animals with human level intellectucal abilities.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
The Bringers of the Cloud
不明 but the group is related to a mythical figure known as "He Qinshi". Now defunct.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (解散済)
The Broken Church

The oldest sect of the Church of the Broken God. Currently lead by Robert Bumaro who gained this title in 1946.
GoI番号: 004A
ステータス: マイナー (CotBG)
The Brotherhood of Auspicious Survivors
Presumed to be a group consisting of former members of the Janissary corps of the Ottoman Empire.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (Presumed 108所属)
Brotherhood of Night
GoI-188 was formed under the leadership of Martha Grande with the premise that SCP-1627-B was "the next step of humanity." This group's stated purpose is to aid in the spread of SCP-1627-B, either through the SCP-1627 ritual, or assisting the entities in finding food and corpses to inhabit. However, due to the radical actions taken by members of GoI-187 (Daylight Huntsmen), a large portion of the membership of the Brotherhood came from townspeople who were displeased with the changes the Huntsmen had mad. -Description from SCP-1627.
GoI番号: 188
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Brother-in-law&Brother-in-law Motorized
PL: Szwagier&Szwagier Motorized
An organization pretending to be a civil law company founded in the early 21st century, deals in production, modification and trade of anomalous means of transport. Most likely works for an unknown project not known to the Foundation. The group has achieved the status of an urban legend, which increases the range of influence it has. It is possible that through such forums they find buyers for their products. It is officially known about the existence of two members of the group, but the existence of a grid that helps in conducting its operation is not excluded. There is a fanatical group that believes that the company's works are gifts from the gods and the creators themselves are the saviors of this world. -Excerpts from here.
GoI番号: PL-1o6
ステータス: メジャー
Brothers of Death

A trio of grim reapers, The All-Death, The Great Death, and The Small Death. Each Death represents a different level of death.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
Brunhild Tech
CN: 伯伦希尔科技公司
不明 but presumed to be linked with developing.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Budai Kamukura Theatre Company
JP: 布袋劇団福神座

An organization that does plays with dolls. Plays have been performed all over Japan after the war but in recent years, this number has increased, such as the broadcasting of broadcasts from unknown sources.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Bureau 749
CN: 749局
A secret unit under the Science and Technology Commission of China
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Bureau of the Abnormal and Thaumaturgy
The state anomaly department of the Polish People's Republic. Collaborated with the GRU-P and probably Section XXV.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
Bureau of Folklore Investigation
CN: 民俗事务调查局
Presumed to be a bureau that investigates folklore.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Bureau of Mystery
ZH: 秘辛局
A historic GoI, which later became part of the foundation of ZH-Branch. -Description from here.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (解散済)
Bureau of Onmyō
A Foundation precursor originating from the Edo period of Japan. The group's name is sometimes mistranslated as the 'Holy Emperor's Council on Unearthly Matters' according to SCP-2478.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (解散済)
- Bureau of Omnyo Tag (JP EXCLUSIVE)
- Wrong Proposal
- SCP-2953 : Polymorphism-Inducing Rocks
- SCP-2478 : Ordinary Japanese People
- SCP-2781 : Bodhisattva of the High Seas
- Document 2237 Bravo
Note: This is one of two organizations that exclusively have a tag on the Japanese Branch. The other being Light Courier Enterprise. Although both of these groups first appeared on the English Branch, the Japanese Branch has expanded upon both by adding more articles and a tag.
Bureau of Paranatural Affairs
Organization formed by the United States to deal with anomalies.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense
An organization founded by the government of the US and UK for paranormal research and defense.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Butterfly Collective
JP: 胡蝶組

A collective that mostly consists of physical オネイロイ. The collective is so exclusive, intruders are first welcomed into a strange labyrinth that contains traps.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (オネイロイ)
The Cabal
ES: "El Cabal"
Secret society dedicated to the immerse of joy in paedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality and more. Has billionaires, dictators, and drug traffickers in its ranks.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Caecus Carneliana-Collective
DE: Caecus Carneliana-Kollektiv

A collective of anomalous beings that are incapable of feeling emotions. The group aims to free all sentient anomalies. The collective is hostile to the Foundation due to the conflicting ideologies of both groups.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: メジャー
Calice Co.
FR: Calice Co.
Paratechnology brand from France.
Paratechnology brand from France.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Calico Solutions
不明 but located in the SPC universe.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (SPC)
California Grey School of Wizardry
CN: 格雷魔法學校

A school that teaches the occult based in California.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
KO: 동백나무
A research institute in the Korean Peninsula that are researching curing techniques such as immortality.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (108所属)
A company that produces anomalous cannabis.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Catalan Society of Parks and Forests.
FR: Société Catalane des Parcs et forêts
A Foundation front company classified as an unknown group of interest to unauthorized individuals.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Caverage Company
不明 but presumed to be manufacturing playground equipment.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Note: The reason why this group is on here is due to the fact that the Foundation are researching it and the SCP related to it. Although the D-Class could've forgotten or misremembered the name, the Foundation has an interest in the company; therefore it counts as a group of interest. -hhenry
C&D Holdings Ltd,
A splinter company of MC&D Ltd. The group sells various fossil fuels, chemicals and anomalous substances. Formerly designated as SCP-5802.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Canines of Sapient Ability and Universal Suffrage Group
不明 but presumed to be a group of sentient dogs in eternal suffering.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
CC Pandation
Organization that are trying to get the Chinese business sector to open up to the modern commercial world via posters depicting 'panda diplomacy'.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
KO: 셀레스트

A private education business in Korea that aims to improve academic performance via anomalous products and services. The organization has multiple front companies and affiliate businesses.
ステータス: メジャー
Center for Eschatological and Transcendental Research (CETRes)
不明 but presumed to be a research organization with that advocates transcendentalism.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Central Bureau for Paranormal Cases
PL: Centralne Biuro do Spraw Paranormalnych

Established in 2007 on the initiative of the head of the Military Counterintelligence Service, the CBSP is a secret government organization dealing with hiding anomalies from civilians and conducting investigations that are highly likely to have anomalous connections. Basically Polish UIU.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (Unused by Polish Branch. Still remains here due to a few tales related to it.) (PANGEA Member)
Note: The reasons why this GoI is still here are due to a few tales and also because of its inclusion here. - hhenry
不明 but the group does projects and likes anime. They are united under a mission but what this mission is still unknown.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
The Cétlaidí
The Cétlaidí (The Singers in English) are a druidic cult based around the Cicadetta luculenta. The group had members across Wales and Scotland.
GoI番号: 不明, probably 4 digits as it may have been mentioned in SCP-3461.
ステータス: マイナー
Cha Ling Standing Team
ZH: 茶嶺常備隊
Cha Ling standing team was an anomalous guerrila organization active in the anomalous space of Cha Ling during World War II, with about 60 members in its heyday. By using the characteristics of the anomalous space its in and a few anomalies, the organization carried out guerrilla operations against the Japanese army who occupied Hong Kong at that time. The organization was dissolved after the end of World War II, and most of its former members were absorbed by other organizations in New Cha Ling. -Description from Secondary GoI-ZH
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (解散済)
- Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Abnormal Constituency Database: New Cha Ling Constituency
- An Anthropological Approach to Sarkicism - Case Study 03: The Luo Ting People of New Cha Ling
- (Liangyitong) Abnormal Space Memorandum Catalogue No.022
- Gru-P Case File "Dream Report Machine Телеграф снов"
The Chamber for Investigation of the First Philosophy
A Foundation precursor founded by René Descartes and his colleagues.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (解散済)
The Chaos Insurgency

Splinter group of the Foundation formed by rogue Red Right Hand operatives that went AWOL in 1924. The group steals anomalies and does raids on Foundation sites. It makes use of authoritarian regimes in poor and developing countries, often using their populations in the same manner as the Foundation does D-Class personnel. -Few excerpts from here.
GoI番号: 055 / 003 / 03 / 0002 / 3BA-Alpha-C
ステータス: メジャー
Cherished Leaders
A collective that directs and controls members (known as “Associates”) through both mundane peer pressure, cult programming and anomalous positive/negative reinforcement. -Description from 4694.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Chicago Outfits
The Chicago Outfit (also known as the Outfit, the Chicago Mafia, the Chicago Mob, the Chicago crime family, the South Side Gang or The Organization) is an Italian-American organized crime syndicate based in Chicago, Illinois, which dates from the 1910s. It is part of the larger Italian-American Mafia and originated in South Side, Chicago. -Wikipedia
GoI番号: 070
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (解散済)
The Chicago Spirit

A criminal organization founded in 1895 by Richard D. Chappell. The group exploited and created anomalies for its own gain. Group became defunct in 1938 following Chappell's apprehension in 1933. A group called the Chicago Spectre emerged and uses a modus operandi similar to the Chicago Spirit.
GoI番号: 001
ステータス: メジャー (解散済)
The Children
A polish cult practicing Sarkic based thaumaturgy. The group is lead by Damien Nowak.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (Sarkic but unknown whether its Neo or Proto)
Children of the Barrow
A group that are skilled in the medical field. The group aims to cure plagues and seeks to create a world where they are no longer needed.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
Children of the Black Blood
Sarkic cult operating in South Korea
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (Probably ネオ・サーキック)
Children of the Forest
DE: Kindern des Waldes
不明 but presumed to be some kind of cult that worships a forest deity.
GoI番号: 4732-213
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (CotNG)
The Children of the Forge
ES: Los Hijos de la Forja
解散済 organization that had a company called "Iron Currencies" as its front.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (解散済)
Children Of God
A group that worships SCP-2440.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Children of Liber
A cult that practices of hedonism during SCP-3455.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Children of the Light
INT: Children of the Light
A splinter organization of the Order of Light. Their goal is to counteract the goals of the Order of Light. They believe all of the metaphyisical forces of the universe still reside in all of creation, which has caused them to develop techniques to seperate the energies to create new things.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Children of Love and Joy
ES: Hijos del amor y la alegría
Sect founded in 1983 in Colombia by a former member of the FARC, who after facing the horrors of war experienced a divine revelation. His cult was based on the preaching of love and the expression of that same love in all its forms, living in community and practicing vegetarianism and pacifism. It came to have 300 members living in an agricultural commune; they were raided by the Colombian police in 1996 after it was discovered that they encouraged the practice of incest and sex with minors (from 12 years of age) as "a way of expressing the filial love". Their leader disappeared and 16 adults received different sentences for sexual abuse. -Description from here
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (Probably defunct)
Children of the Night
SCP-1000, Bigfoot. A technologically advanced species that was destroyed by humanity during an event called The Day of Flowers.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
Children of the Scarlet King
A thaumaturgic cult that worships the Scarlet King, a demonic entity that hates all of existence.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
- The Scarlet King Tag
- SCP-231 : Special Personnel Requirements
- SCP-2317 : A Door to Another World
- Tufto's Proposal
- Dust and Blood
Note: This will include both the Children of the Scarlet King and the Scarlet King itself as both are related to each other. - hhenry
Children of the Sun
A group of outcasts of the Serpent's Hand that has been completely destroyed by the Foundation.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (解散済)
Note: This entry will only refer to the Serpent's Hand outcast, not humans in general.
Children of the Torch
The Children of the Torch, also known as the Huǒjù zhi Zi, is a Chinese occultist organization that worships the sun and a group of gods called the Golden Crows.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
Children of Verus
不明, but they intend on bringing a horrendous fate upon this world by collecting five stones.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Chinese Dream Fulfilling Committee
CN: 中华圆梦委员会
不明 but presumed to be an organization that fulfils dreams in China.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Chinese Paranormal and Community Watchdog Committee
CN: 中国灵异现象与社群监察委员会
不明 but presumed to be a community devoted to the tracking of anomalies.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (108所属)
Chitin Creations, Inc.
A health organization that uses anomalous phenomenon to 'cure' people by changing parts of their body into insectoid parts such as mandibles and other.
GoI番号: 2567
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Chopinian Cult
PL: Kult Chopinowski
A cult formed in the 1900s by a Anthony Bukowski in Żelazowa Wola, Poland. The cult does anomalous concerts and their main goal is to gather once a year at an established location and attempt to summon Frédéric Chopin, whom they refer to as the 'great composer'. The cultist that is the closest to remaking Chopin's work will receive "a gift from God" in the form of incurable tuberculosis. There are two factions of the cult. The "Neo Chopinians", use genres other than classical music to praise Chopin. The "Bloody Chopinian Cult" use anomalous manifestations that can kill listeners.
GoI番号: PL-009
Ideology of Interest Number: 484
ステータス: メジャー
Known Chopinian Organizations
- GoI-484E ("Society of Soundmagi for the Revival of St. Chopin")
- GoI-484B ("Church of the Plasma Scores")
- GoI-484A ("St. Chopin's Orthodox Church")
The Christian Church
CN: 基督教会
Refers to the Catholic Church and Orthodox Church in SCP-CN-1225.
GoI番号: 13
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Christian Ministries of America
The CMA are a pan-denominational Christian organization but in reality, they are an anomalous organization, albeit with a system aligned neatly with Nicene Christianity. They operate multiple churches throughout America.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
Chronos Controlos
Corporate entity that creates technology related to time.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Church of the Broken God

Shortly after the discovery and containment of SCP-882, several members of this "church" came forward and demanded the return of "the heart of god". Led by one Robert Bumaro, they are a group of zealots, believing many of the SCP items to be parts of a "god" that was broken after the creation of the universe. By restoring it to its whole state, they will also gain godhood. Since first contact, three other key components of the "god" have also been tentatively identified: SCP-217, SCP-271 and SCP-1139. -Description from here.
GoI番号: 004
ステータス: メジャー
Known Sects or Other:
- GoI-004A ("The Broken Church")
- GoI-004B ("Cogwork Orthodox Church")
- GoI-004C ("Church of Maxwellism")
- GoI-004F ("The New Ferrous Brotherhood")
- GoI-004X / 100 ("Xia Anomalous Culture Group")
- GoI-3862 ("Turing's Wrath")
- Molten Tongs
- The Shattered Deus
- The Mekhanics
- The Church of Saint Hedwig
- Lefngap Syura
- The Followers of Mekhane
- The Hospital
- The Eastern Clockwork Orthodox Church
- GoI-004D ("Sanctuary of the Holistic")
- Shattered Transcendents
- GoI-004K ("Susindo")
The Church of California Rolls
JP: カリフォルニアロール教会

A sushi organization that believes that California rolls are the only sushi that can do reincarnation.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (108所属)
Church of the Chaos Gods/Chaos Gods
CN: 混沌諸神教

A liberal political armed cult that advocates freedom and the abolishment of totalitarianism.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
The Church of the Eternal Harmony
ES: Iglesia de la Eterna Armonía
A group created by a former evangelical pastor who after a divine revelation concluded that true holiness could only be achieved through the absolute suppression of all sexual desire, inside and outside of marriage. In 1965, three hundred members of this Church created a self-sufficient agricultural community in the province of Misiones, Argentina, where they lived according to their values, including abstaining from all forms of sexual activity. -Description from here
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Church of the Eternal Mother

The Church of the Eternal Mother is an small sect found (SCP-4476) deep in the S. Louisiana Bayou represents what is the oldest example of Sarkicism being transplanted to the North American continent. Practiced exclusively by the members of La Famille Natau, the rituals and practices of the Church can trace their lineage as far back as the fall of Gyaros and the Karcist Meksa. -Description from Sarkicism Hub.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (Proto-Sarkic)
The Church of the First Language
A group worshipping a deity known as Asuzak. They believe the English language is a tool used by a demon known as Qrtiyu to spread sin. To combat this, they invented SCP-4635 to stop the spread of the English language which will weaken Qrtiyu. After they 'cleanse the world of their sin', they believe they will rise and rule alongside Asuzak for the future of humanity.
GoI番号: 5640
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Church of Iðunn
不明 but presumably a religious organization dedicated to the worship of Iðunn, a Norse goddess associated with youth and apples.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
The Church of Maxwellism

The "Church of Maxwellism" (GOI-004C) represents a modernized, computation and network oriented means of worship. No central organizing church body is known to exist. Maxwellists favour small-scale body modification through the use of advanced cybernetics and organ enhancement. While artificial limbs or reinforced skeletons have been observed, Maxwellist implants focus primarily on communication, data storage, networking capabilities, and sensory enhancement -Description from CotBG Hub.
GoI番号: 004C
ステータス: マイナー (CotBG)
The Church of the New Gods
DE: Kirche der neuen Götter
Presumed to be some religious group that worships multiple gods.
GoI番号: 4732
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Known sects or other:
- GoI-4732-136 ("Cult of Kronos")
- GoI-4732-213 ("Children of the Forest")
- GoI-4732-777 ("Servants of the Lord of Ice")
The Church of Patteeism
Religious organization that preaches squirrel and human equality.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Church of the Plasma Scores
JP: 血漿楽譜教会
A Chopinist organisation that probably performed self mutilation, murder and cannibalism due to its influence over GoI-484E.
GoI番号: 484B
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (CotPP)
The Church of the Pocket Pistol
JP: 中銃教会
A paranormal organization that believes the creation of heaven was due to the assassination of Abraham Lincoln by John Wilkes Booth. The group aims to create the world again by re-enacting the assassination.
GoI番号: 不明 but its a number from 01 to 99 as only two digits are blacked out here.
ステータス: マイナー
Known Sects or Other:
- The Freedom-gun Association
- The Church of St. Wilkes and the 44. Caliber
- The Star-Shooters Collective
The Church of Purity
不明 but presumed to be some kind of cult dedicated to purifying people. Currently absorbed by the Horizon Initiative.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (解散済)
The Church of Quantum Observers
JP: 量子的観測者の教会
A sect/organization of Macrochaosism. The practice of the doctrine of Macrochaosism is difficult and the COQO interprets this as an inconvenience to reality. They aim to change reality via Macrochaosism.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (Macrochaosism)
- Ambrose on The Gears
- Lecture #0003 - What is Macrochaosism?
- Kankan's Author Page (More info can be found here)
Note: The description on multiple articles of Macrochaosism is kinda difficult to translate accurately. It is advised to not take the description of multiple Macrochaosism sects/organizations that are on this list. If anyone is able to translate them, please rewrite the description. -hhenry
The Church of the Red Harvest
The Church of the Red Harvest were discovered at SCP-2133 in 1936 by GRU Division "P". The Foundation became aware of the sect shortly after gaining control of SCP-2133 following the dissolution of the USSR. -Description from Sarkicism Hub.
GoI番号: 0074
ステータス: マイナー (Proto-Sarkic)
The Church of Saint Hedwig
Maxwellist denomination of the Church of the Broken God.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (CotBG)
The Church of Santa María, Giver of Fruits
ES: Iglesia de Santa María La que da frutos
Cult that practices a syncretism between the Catholic beliefs and the worship of Pachamama (Incan goddess of the Earth), turning the Virgin Mary into a protector of agriculture and of the way of life of the common peasant. Their practices include the burial of images of the Virgin in areas where crops will later be sown. Very popular in rural areas of Bolivia; the number of practitioners is unknown, but there are probably at least several thousand. They do not possess any anomalous artifacts. -Description from here
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
The Church of the Scorched Earth
A Proto-Sarkic cult originating in Siberia and was known as the Church of Oastrikyo. Moved to Mexico then Arlingpool, Nevada after being hunted and driven away by Tsar forces in 1815. Presumed defunct after a 1 kiloton nuclear bomb was dropped on the settlement by the United States government.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (解散済) (Proto-Sarkic)
The Church of the Second Hytoth

The Church of the Second Hytoth is an occult organization of human and alien entities that adhere to the extraterrestrial Ortothan religion, aiming to aid a universal guardian deity ("Rakmou-leusan") in combat against extrauniversal threats (known as "Voruteut"). The central beliefs of the religion are that the current universe, the "Second Hytoth," was preceded by a different universe, which used to exist until it was consumed by an extrauniversal entity. A group of survivors fled to the newly created Second Hytoth, our reality, with seven of them choosing to ascend to godhood to ensure the universe's safety. Six of these gods died over time, leaving Rakmou-leusan as the last survivor. -Description from CotSH Hub.
GoI番号: 3088
ステータス: メジャー
Known Ortothan Groups:
- The Earthly Ortothan Kingdom
- The Society of the Second Hytoth
- SoI-002
- Terzan 2 Ortothan Coalition
- The Fifth Church of Hytooth
- The New Islands
The Church of the Starved Goddess
A loosely-organized monotheistic cult estimated to possess a following of approximately 15,000 individuals. Its main objective is to prepare Earth for what it refers to as "The Day of Eternal Pleasure," in which Earth is terraformed by SCP-3918 into a state resembling the Moon, through the use of thaumaturgic energy generated by a species-wide collective sexual act. -Description from SCP-3918
GoI番号: 3918
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Church of St. Wilkes and the 44. Caliber
JP: 44口径と聖ウィルクスの兄弟教会
A sect of The Church of the Pocket Pistol
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (CotPP)
The Church of Yong Heng
ZH: 永衡教會
不明 but the group has been around since the mid Qing dynasty.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
Cicada 3299
FR: Cicada 3299
不明 but might be related to Cicada 3301.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (108所属)
The Civilian
TH: เดอะซีวิลเลียน

The Civilian are large organized groups of civilian protest groups across Southeast Asia. They are against the anomalous but some members use anomalies in secret. The movement began in 1981 and have been increasing in violence ever since.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: メジャー
Class of ‘76
Not really a group of interest, but more of a series of loosely related concepts. Something happened to the Kirk Longwood High School in 1976, likely caused by an instrument store called Syncope Symphony, and now it won't leave the minds of those affected. Nostalgia is a heavy theme here, but don't be afraid to engage in other themes involving education and childhood. -Description from GoI Field Guide
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (Presumed 解散済)
The Club of Friends of Sociosophy
Presumed to be some secret club practicing "Sociosophy".
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Cobweb International
ZH: 蛛網國際

An anomalous military organization founded in 1995 by former Serpent's Hand member, Li Siben and former GOC agent, Valentina de Oliveira Martins.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: メジャー
A "neurocracker" group that claims to be the operator of SCP-2801-W on various black market websites.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Cogwork Orthodox Church

The "Cogwork Orthodox Church" (GOI-004B) espouses a form of literal religious iconography known as "Standardization", whereby adherents submit to anomalous mechanical enhancement with the stated goal of remaking themselves in the image or plan of their deity. Due to the extent of their mechanical augmentation, members of this sect often emit audible ticking or tapping sounds, and have been referred to disparagingly as "Tickers" by members of the other two sects. -Description from CotBG Hub
GoI番号: 004B
ステータス: マイナー (CotBG)
Coharmonius Pelagic Society
A group made up of sharks that are trying to fight against the Shark Punching Centre.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Coili Company/Energy
CN: Coili公司

An energy company that has equipment and energy that lasts forever.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Collectors/Magpies
An organization similar to the SCP Foundation. Called the Magpies by the Serpent's Hand.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
The College of Doctrines of Nostredame
FR: Le Collège des Doctes de Nostredame
A confidential circle of scholars dedicated to the study of the Prophecies of Nostradamus. Based in Lyon, the College of Doctrines is part of the GOC's predictive forces that attempt to anticipate future world events and threats. -Description from Supplemental Information: GOC's French Division
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (108所属)
The Color of Freedom
KO: 자유의 빛깔
Anartist organization in South Korea
GoI番号: 334K
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Command Three Enclosures
ZH: 三垣

Highest administrative group of the ZH branch with clearence equal to the O5 Council.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
Commissariat for the Occult
DE: Kommissariat für Okkultes

The Brotherhood canon version of the UIU. It is a Germanic department consisting of commissioners entrusted with the task of investigating supernatural incidents and prosecuting crimes related to the supernatural. -Brotherhood Canon
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Commission on Unusual Cargo

The Commission on Unusual Cargo was a group that contained anomalies from the 16th century to the 18th century. Still unknown if the group is active.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
Committee of Paranormal Ethics
A Foundation precursor.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (解散済)
Compendium Phenomic Inquiry

CPI version of the SCP Foundation.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
CPI Universe Based Organizations and Other (12):
- The Wanderers of All Creation (Wanderers Library, Chaos Insurgency, Serpents Hand)
- The Unbound Charity (Manna Charitable Foundation, Wondertainment)
- The Synthetic Assembly (Andersons Robotics, Church of the Broken God)
- The Partnership of Three (Marshall, Carter, and Dark)
- The Artists Cultural Collective (AWCY?)
- The Absent Party (Nobody)
- The Workshop Union (The Factory, Prometheus Labs)
- The Shared Apex Ascension (Wilsons Wildlife Solutions)
- The Nightland Covenant (Children of the Night)
- The Watchers Forum (Parawatch, Gamers Against Weed)
- The Unnamed (The Fae)
- The Global Peacekeeping Initiative (GOC, UIU)

A federation of islands that exist in a different world. The islands previously existed within our world until the 14th to the 16th century, when they moved to the different world to avoid being colonized by major powers.
異世界に存在する島々の連合。所属する島々は14世紀から16世紀の間にmajor powersによる植民地化を回避するため、異世界への移動をする以前は基底世界に存在していた。
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: メジャー
- Confederate Island Countries of Phantom Tag (JP)
- SCP-712-JP : Marquis Hyacinth's Sleepless Tea Party
- SCP-2935-JP : Sarkic Culture and Sign Language on Ikima Island
- The Confederate Island Countries of Phantom - Webb Edition
- Japanese Language and its history in the Confederate Island Countries of Phantom
Confederation of Adytum's Lakes
An abyssal Sharkicism state within the SPC universe. SPC version of Adytum's Wake.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (SPC)
Confederation/Council of St. Andromeda
ES: Confederación de Andrómeda
Founded in the early 7th century in Teotihuacan by the extraterrestrial rodent of the species known as the Cillerban from the Andromeda galaxy. After several centuries of observing the Earth's landscape, he decides to join humans to form a prototype organization tasked with maintaining normalcy. -Description from Gazing Upon Dead Stars Hub
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (解散済)
Confraternity of Saint George's Knights
IT: Confraternita dei Cavalieri di San Giorgio

A secret order by the Catholic Church that was created in 453 by Pope Leone I to contain or destroy anomalies within the Roman Empire and destroy pagan groups.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: メジャー
Consortium of the Dark Ocean
An interest group of Todai students that focuses on summoning extra-universal entities.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Constellation Starfish

A west coast Fifthist band.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (Fifthist)
SPC version of the RECHAOSIZERS. Also a sub-group of Naginatamanamazunism.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (SPC)
The Cooperation of Undying Nationalist Theorists for Homogenous Overall Liberty and Equality
A group of reality bending individuals. They were previously known as the A.S.S.8
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Corporate Outsourcing of Foundation and Federal Exchange Extradition Party
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Cosmic Courant
Extradimensional newspaper.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Cosmos Foundation
ZH: 宇宙基金會
Presumed to be an alternate universe version of the Foundation.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Council of Five Overseers
A Foundation precursor.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (解散済)
The Council of Gabriel
ES: el Concilio de Gabriel
不明 but related to the Vatican.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Council of the Tylwyth Teg
Fae group that utilizes SCP-2952.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Covenant of Hunger
ネオ・サーキック cult in Temecula, California. Founded by Charles Brosnan whom wants to raise an army to invade Los Angeles to make it a new Adytum.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (ネオ・サーキック)
The Cowboys
不明 but hostile towards SCP-5875. Also pataphysical.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
Creative Commons
Creative Commons is an American non-profit organization and international network devoted to educational access and expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share. -Wikipedia
GoI番号: 2001
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Note: Technically they appear in every article but they are only mentioned as a GoI in the article above. - hhenry
The Crimson-Sash Mining Co.
A company that produces mining equipment and mining activities.
GoI番号: 945
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Crow's Nest
CN: 鸦巢
不明 but is tracked by MTF-Xinsi-13-“Hollow Man".
GoI番号: 5182
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Cuban Ministry of Anomalies
ES: Ministerio de Anomalías de Cuba

A Cuban based occult organization focused on weaponizing anomalies. The group has disappeared but a small cell still exists within Venezuela.
GoI番号: 1221
ステータス: メジャー
The Cult of the Fifth Star
Predecessor of the Fifth Church during the Hellenistic Period.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (Fifthist) (解散済)
Cult of the Great Eye of the Mediterranean
IT: Culto del Grande Occhio del Mediterraneo

A religious sect that has existed since the 9th century BC. The group worships something known as the Great Eye. Its members consist of humans and a sea dwelling humanoid species and is capable of controlling sea creatures and a variety of anomalous powers.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: メジャー
Cult of the Great Green God
ES: Culto al Gran Dios Verde

An anomalous religion that started in Ancient Egypt around the 12th dynasty; the group worships a vegetal like entity known as the Great Green God. Extinct for two thousand years until a resurgence in modern times especially in South America.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: メジャー
Known Sects or Other
The Cult of Khonsu
Presumed Egyptian cult that worships Khonsu, the Egyptian god of the moon.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Cult of Kronos
DE: Kult des Kronos
Presumed to be a cult that worships the Greek Titan, Kronos.
GoI番号: 4732-136
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (CotNG)
The Cult of New Umbra
Cult that thinks SCP-017 should to be freed.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
Cult of the Shadow God
JP: 神影教団
A religious organization that teaches apocalyptic ideologies. The group is headed by PoI-████ whom claims to be a prophet. They believe anomalies to be divine and have acquired a few already.
GoI番号: 不明 but here it shows that its four digits.
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Cult of the-uh-Bad Guys who imprison fucking dogs for no reason whatsoever
A cult of bad guys that imprison dogs for no reason whatsoever.
GoI番号: 8305
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Cult of the Wordsmith
Christian-descendant group of approximately 250. Language is considered sacrosanct in both verbal and written form: destruction of written material considered gravely sinful. In possession of the Gospel of Bartholomew. -Description from here Now integrated into the Horizon Initiative.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (解散済)
The Cura Praetoria Sapientiae Occultae
The Cura Praetoria Sapientiae Occultae or the Praetorian Office of Secret Wisdom was a Foundation-esque organization for the Roman Empire.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (解散済)
- SCP-2766 : Aqua Caligula
- SCP-3668 : Provenance
- SCP-4017 : An Epilogue, Too Late to Matter
- 'Hadrian's Well' (M4UDB/HF74T/JU2FA)
Note: The original name was "Cura Praetoria Sapientae Occultae", which according to this post, is incorrect. I have corrected this immediately.
Curios of the Worlds
Curio shop that sold multiple anomalous items. Presumed to be defunct after a Foundation raid.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (解散済)
The Customhouse
ZH: 稅關
An organization that conducts financial affairs in the anomalous field.
An organization that conducts financial affairs in the anomalous field.
GoI番号: 2448
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Cyber Technologies
DE: Cyber Tecnologies
An organization that produces cyber anomalies.
GoI番号: 7384
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Note: While doing further research in the German Branch, I found this page. It lists more sects of the Church of the New Gods and further info on Cyber Technologies.
Czech Abnormal Depository
CS: Český Depozitář Nenormálna
A Czech organization that operated between 1926 and 1947
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (解散済)
A pharmacist that produces anomalous medication.
PoI Number: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
- dado Hub
- dado Tag
- SCP-3521 : Forced Banana Equivalent Dose by dado
- asmr by dado
- 'A Second Chance At Today' (IZ229/AN78A/GI753)
Note: I would rather put this in the PoI category instead of the GoI category due to dado being only one person; but multiple articles have listed dado as a GoI rather than a PoI so I'm putting him in the GoI category. - hhenry
The Daevites
An anomalous civilization of a humanoid race originating in Siberia. The Daevite empire spanned from East Asia to Europe and the Middle East. They existed from at least 11000 BCE to the 1200s when they were defeated by Genghis Khan. They practiced human sacrifice, thaumaturgy and warmongering.
An anomalous civilization of a humanoid race originating in Siberia. The Daevite empire spanned from East Asia to Europe and the Middle East. They existed from at least 11000 BCE to the 1200s when they were defeated by Genghis Khan. They practiced human sacrifice, thaumaturgy and warmongering.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
Daikoku Central Financial Group
JP: 大黒中央銀行
The organization is a megabank and is a top company of the Daikoku Group
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Daikoku Film
JP: 大黒フィルム
Presumed to be a film production company in the Daikoku Group.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Daikoku Group
JP: 大黒グループ
A group of autonomous Japanese multinational companies in multiple industries with all known members having some affiliation with the anomalous.
A group of autonomous Japanese multinational companies in multiple industries with all known members having some affiliation with the anomalous.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
Known Members
- Daikoku Industry, Ltd.
- Daikoku Central Financial Group
- Daikoku Real Estate Ltd.
- Daikoku Trading Co.
- Daikoku Film
- Daikoku Printing
Daikoku Industry, Ltd. was a large manufacturing company in the Daikoku Group of the "Daikoku Zaibatsu" that dealt with general technology and was operated as the central company of the "Daikoku Zaibatsu", but was already dead in the world of the paranormal society. -Description from here
元々は一般技術を扱って表社会で真っ当に「大黒財閥」の大黒グループの中枢企業として運営されていた製造系の最大手、大企業です。しかし超常社会に振り回され既に死に体。 - こちらの説明
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Presumed to be an organization that deals with printing.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Presumed to be a member of the Daikoku group affiliated with real estate.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
A member of the Daikoku group, presumed to be a trading company dealing with anomalous goods.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
A secret religious organization that follows Nyx, the Greek goddess of night.
GoI番号: 7834
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
A group of sushi chefs that deal with food related anomalies, primarily sushi.
GoI番号: 8134
ステータス: メジャー
The Darkwater Lodge
A ネオ・サーキック cult located within La Rue Macabre.
La Rue Macabre内で活動するネオ・サーキックカルト。
GoI番号: 504D
ステータス: マイナー (ネオ・サーキック)
Daughters of Bogal Mountain
Unknown but seems to be in Corbenic as Bogal Mountain is located in Corbenic.
詳細は不明だが、 seems to be in Corbenic as Bogal Mountain is located in Corbenic.
GoI番号: 24174
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (解散済)
Daughters of Eden
A group of far left naturalist pseudo-occultists.
A group of far left naturalist pseudo-occultists.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
Daughters of Noon
An apocalyptic cult in China that does self-immolation, public exaltations and the consumption of ashes.
An apocalyptic cult in China that does self-immolation, public exaltations and the consumption of ashes.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Dawn Farm and Ranch
Farm in the US that produces anomalous produce.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Daylight Huntsmen
GoI-187 (Daylight Huntsmen) was organized by Regis Newman as a group of people who had decided to support the SCP-1627-A instances and actively attempted to combat SCP-1627-B. Due to SCP-1627-B's hunting and killing methods, members of the group usually wore gas masks and were extremely hesitant in trusting people outside of the group. It is reported that prior to Foundation containment of SCP-1627, these individuals refused to interact with persons that weren't in the group and often did not let anyone else join. -Description from SCP-1627
GoI番号: 187
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Dead Household Registration Managing
CN: 逝者户籍登记办
An organization consisting of angels with the goal of registering the dead.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Deer College

A coeducational liberal arts and occult sciences college located in Three Portlands. Deer College is most often referred to as the liberal arts counterpart to ICUST, a rival college sponsored by the GOC.
スリーポートランドに位置するA coeducational liberal arts and occult sciences college。Deer College is most often referred to as the liberal arts counterpart to ICUST, a rival college sponsored by the GOC.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: メジャー
The Defiled
The Defiled: Buddhist-derived group, consisting of one hundred and eight individuals. Group is in possession of at least four anomalous artifacts. Primary goal is destruction of the physical universe, so as to help the entire human race achieve nirvana. -Description from -Shepherds
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Dentist's Collective of Britain
An organization originally created as a workers union for dentists of Britain but has since shifted their efforts into the study of anomalous practices and dental disorders.
本来、イギリスの歯医者の労働組合として設立されたものだが、has since shifted their efforts into the study of anomalous practices and dental disorders.
GoI番号: 0435
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
The Department of Abnormalities
A department that is supposedly a part of the SCP Foundation although almost no records about it exist. Multiple sites belonging to the department have been found in the UK, Japan and even the moon. The department is either the proto-Foundation or a department only known to the O5.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (Presumed 解散済)
- Department of Abnormalities Tag (CS)
- SCP-3790 : Department of Abnormalities
- SCP-4220 : Dark Side of the Moon
- SCP-3220 : Panopticon II
- To Never Again See The Light Of Day
Note: So far, the Czech Branch is the only branch to have the Department of Abnormalities as a tag.
Department of Abnormal Threats of the Security Service of Ukraine
UA: Відділ Аномальних Загроз СБУ

A Ukrainian state organization within the territory of Ukraine. The DAT SSU researches and decontaminates anomalies. The group is relatively weak due to the lack of resources and experience they have. The group is friendly to the Foundation.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: メジャー (PANGEA Member)
Department of Parapsychology of Andra Pradesh University
Parapsychology department of Andra Pradesh University. They helped the Foundation with RAINBOW BODY as a part of the RAINBOW ASTRA programme.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー

A hybrid collective of enemy dreams and nightmare entities. Structural elements symbolize common ghosts and monsters, or primitive lightning, black waves, and flame vortices.
敵対夢と悪夢存在の複合コレクティブ。Structural elements symbolize common ghosts and monsters, or primitive lightning, black waves, and flame vortices.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー (オネイロイ)
DetErKwAn Corp.
KO: DetErKwAn Corp.
Unknown but based in South Korea.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
Deviant Artifacts Research Division of the Unified Empire
Presumed to be an alternate version of the Foundation.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
逸脱性事件対応部Deviantation Incidents Response, Grouped Element (DIRGE)
JP: 逸脱性事件対応部
A task-force consisting of personnel from the United States Intelligence Community and others for the collection and control of information necessary for the operations of deviant warfare forces.
A task-force consisting of personnel from the United States Intelligence Community and others for the collection and control of information necessary for the operations of deviant warfare forces.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー
合衆国逸脱戦対応軍 (DEVWARCOM)9
A superordinate organization of CRITICS and multiple others.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (108 Observer)
A splinter group of the Children of Verus; the group stole five stones from the aforementioned group to prevent a world ending fate.
the Children of Verusの子団体。世界終焉の運命を回避するため、前述の団体から5つの石を盗んだ。
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
KO: 능구렁이 손

Korean branch of the Serpent's Hand.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: メジャー
外務省 特異情報統括官

Occult branch of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: マイナー (JAGPATO所属)
Disaster Kidz
EN: Disaster Kidz
A paranormal street racing club that is a front for a cult trying to activate a XK-Class Reality Ignition scenario. Active in most of Southern Africa.
A paranormal street racing club that is a front for a cult trying to activate a XK-Class Reality Ignition scenario. Active in most of Southern Africa.
GoI番号: 不明
ステータス: 非常にマイナー
任意A任意B任意C- portal:5653117 (12 Sep 2019 08:13)
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