I am going to make you cry.
あなたを泣かせてしまうのでしょう。Subject designate "Black Queen", first documented communication.
Welcome to my tiny corner of myth.
So, what we have here is an almost “micro-canon”. That is to say, it's not really a major change to the “standard” Foundation universe…just an addition. The addition comes in the form of The Black Queen. Some old-timers may remember this person from a very long time ago, but other than the name and some basic habits, they share no real relation. What's more, she comes in two different flavors.
ということで、ここにあるのはおおよそ"マイクロカノン"となるものです。言うなれば、"標準的な"財団世界観の大幅な変更ということでは実際なく……単に追加ということになるでしょう。The addition comes in the form of 黒の女王。古参の何人かはとても昔に見たこの人物を思い出してくれたかと思いますが、その名前といくつかの基本情報の他に彼女らが共有している実際の繋がりは存在しません。その上、彼女は異なった2つのフレーバーを有しています。
First, the things that are the same. The universe, The Foundation, and the other groups are all here. The world is more or less the same as it's always been. So the stage itself is not very different than your standard tale, to be tweaked or adjusted in the same way as basically any other. The origins of The Black Queen are also consistent. It is very likely that she is the daughter of Dr. Gears, left behind when he was absorbed into The Foundation. He had apparently been growing estranged from them for a time, but the final break, sudden and total, appears to have unhinged his wife, and left his daughter with the burning question of why.
1つ目は物事は同一であるということ。宇宙、財団、その他団体は全てそこに。世界はほとんど今まで通り。ですから、舞台自体はあなたが描くような世界と大差ないですし、ここ以外でやっているのと同じように手を加えたり、調節したりすることが可能です。黒の女王の起源も一貫しています。ほとんどの場合、彼女はギアーズ博士の娘であり、彼が財団に吸収された際置き去りにされています。彼はどうも家族と長年疎遠になっているようですが、He had apparently been growing estranged from them for a time, but the final break, sudden and total, appears to have unhinged his wife, and left his daughter with the burning question of why.
On the Black Queen side of the coin, she snaps. Coupling her father's focus with her own intellect and sociopathic drive, she begins to try and scrape and cut her way into finding out what happened to her family. Once she discovers the edge of the veil the groups and Foundation operate behind, she starts a slow, pinpoint assault. She uses and manipulates with threats, money, seduction, or terror, whatever brings about her goals best. The Black Queen is driven by a desire to get her father back…however it may be that the game itself is becoming the goal. She is implied to be working with MC&D, primarily for funding, but would not be above working with anyone, or wrecking anyone who gets in her way.
On 黒の女王 side of the coin, she snaps. Coupling her father's focus with her own intellect and sociopathic drive, she begins to try and scrape and cut her way into finding out what happened to her family. Once she discovers the edge of the veil the groups and Foundation operate behind, she starts a slow, pinpoint assault. She uses and manipulates with threats, money, seduction, or terror, whatever brings about her goals best. The Black Queen is driven by a desire to get her father back…however it may be that the game itself is becoming the goal. She is implied to be working with MC&D, primarily for funding, but would not be above working with anyone, or wrecking anyone who gets in her way.
On the Broken Hearted side, she keeps it together. Rising in the ranks as a brilliant, if somewhat withdrawn researcher, her hobbies are taking care of her slowly degenerating mother, and trying to unravel the mystery of what happened to her father. In so doing, she gets on the radar of both The Foundation, and various other groups. Some see her as a bargaining chip, to use against The Foundation in some way. Others, an annoyance. Others see her as simply another asset, to be taken in or used however is most efficient. She herself is stumbling into this blind… but she has a steel in her spine, and a desire to succeed, to thrive. How she'll develop under these new pressures remains to be seen.
On the Broken Hearted side, she keeps it together. Rising in the ranks as a brilliant, if somewhat withdrawn researcher, her hobbies are taking care of her slowly degenerating mother, and trying to unravel the mystery of what happened to her father. In so doing, she gets on the radar of both The Foundation, and various other groups. Some see her as a bargaining chip, to use against The Foundation in some way. Others, an annoyance. Others see her as simply another asset, to be taken in or used however is most efficient. She herself is stumbling into this blind… but she has a steel in her spine, and a desire to succeed, to thrive. How she'll develop under these new pressures remains to be seen.
The Black Queen is easy to work into other universes, and the time-line established by the “seed” stories is very adjustable. There are plenty of holes for side-stories, prequels, and progression. Her slippery, near-supernatural ability to subvert people and security allows her to deal with major groups on a level of threat they're probably not used to from a single person. Even her non-deadly generation is still remarkably good at not getting swatted.
黒の女王 is easy to work into other universes, and the time-line established by the “seed” stories is very adjustable. There are plenty of holes for side-stories, prequels, and progression. Her slippery, near-supernatural ability to subvert people and security allows her to deal with major groups on a level of threat they're probably not used to from a single person. Even her non-deadly generation is still remarkably good at not getting swatted.
The Root/ルーツ
Splinters by Dr. Gears
The Black Queen stories/黒の女王のお話
Opening Moves by Dr. Gears
Queen To Pawn by Dr. Gears
Quiet Game by Dr. Gears
Kriegspiel by Dr. Gears
The Broken Hearted stories/壊れた心のお話
Work Journal 2 by Dr. Gears
Work Journal 2 Cont by Dr. Gears
Work Journal 3 by Dr. Gears
What happened before the start of the seed stories?
What happened before the start of the seed stories?
Has the Black Queen knocked on the door of any other groups, for good or ill?
On the Broken Hearted side, has her life not been quite as simple as she thinks? Has this final step been building for a while, by other groups hoping to position her to their advantage?
On the Broken Hearted side, has her life not been quite as simple as she thinks? Has this final step been building for a while, by other groups hoping to position her to their advantage?
What's happening to the things she steals?
Is she having a larger impact on the world? She doesn't care about the Veil at all…could she be leaking information out?
任意A任意B任意C- portal:5653117 (12 Sep 2019 08:13)
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