荷物をまとめ、サイトを離れて駐車場に向かい、車でゲートを出て家に帰る。交通量が少なく、非常に折よく帰宅できた。しばらく本を読んで、ペンネ・カルボナーラを作って — 平凡な出来だが — そしてベッドに入る。
朝、あなたは起きて、シャワーを浴びて、トイレに行って、服を着て、トーストを食べて、出かける。サイト-39までの交通量は非常に多い — どうやら昨日衝突事故があったようで、その渋滞の列はまだ進行中だった。あなたは事故の前に家に着いたに違いない。保安検問所を車で通り抜け、車を止めてオフィスに向かう。
2分も経たないうちに — 今日のために心を準備する時間はなく — ドアをノックする音が聞こえた。開けてみると、次席研究員のサリー・ホーソーンの顔が見える。
You pack your things, leave the Site, head to the car park, drive out of the gate and make your way home. Traffic is pretty light so you get home in a very timely manner. You read for a while, make yourself penne carbonara — it's mediocre — and then you go to bed.
In the morning, you get up, take a shower, shit, put on clothes, eat toast, and leave. Traffic is heavy on the way to Site-39 — apparently there was a crash yesterday, and the queues are still clearing up. You must have gotten home before it happened. You drive through the security checkpoint, get let in, park your car, and head to your office.
Not two minutes later — you've not had time to mentally prepare yourself for today, even — there's a knock at your door. You open it up to see the face of Junior Researcher Sally Hawthorne.
"Dr. ████████." she says.
"Sally." you reply. "Is everything okay?"
"Yes, sir, of course." The speed at which she speaks — as well as the fact that she's stood at your door in the first place — reveals her lie. "Well, actually… have you seen Dr. Rodriguez today?"
"Carlos?" You think back. "Not since yesterday, no. Why do you ask?"
"He was supposed to be here an hour ago." She steps into your office completely, and pulls the door shut behind her. "We had some work that needs doing. I've not been able to contact him at all this morning."
"I've not heard from him, no." A stern look takes over your expression. "Sally, be completely honest with me. All work on SCP-3939 goes through me, and there's nothing to be done on it before I came in today. Tell me why you needed to meet with him."
She makes eye contact with you. "Romantic relations, sir. I'll cut it off immediately."
Your mind goes numb. You push away thoughts of family, and let your mental autopilot reply. "Sally, you're an adult, you can do what you want. Everyone comes from somewhere. Just don't let it interfere with your work."
"No, we're not planning on…"
She stops, and blushes at what she was about to say. Without a further word, and under your gaze, she leaves your office. You sigh, and take a seat at your desk.
It takes you a moment to remember what you're supposed to be doing today. You've got to take a closer look at SCP-3939 to see if you can work out what's actually anomalous about it.
Check your messages to see if anyone has given you more information.
Head straight to the holding cell to see if you can work it out yourself.