蓄音機は引き延ばされたパチパチという音を10秒ほど出し続ける。あなたは英語の音をはっきりと聞き取り — トーン、ペース、文章構造など。「s」の鋭さと「th」の抑えられた音。あなたはそれが何を言っているのか完全に理解することは出来なかった。
The gramophone makes a very drawn-out crackling sound, lasting something like ten seconds. You very clearly hear the sounds of English — the tone, the pacing, the sentence structure; the sharpness of 's' and the muffle of 'th'. You just can't quite make out what it's saying.
"That's speech." you tell it. "I can't tell what you're saying, but you're definitely saying something."
There's another crackle. This time, you are absolutely certain that it ends with the word 'quickly'.
"Quickly? Quickly what? What are you?" you ask. "I'm sure you can speak. Can you speak?"
先ほどと同じノイズだが、静的ではなく金属的だった。そこに前回より音質の良くなった — 言葉が埋め込まれていた。「話せます。」
「彼女?サリーのことか?彼女はここにはちょうどいない、私は — 理解できない。」
It's the same noise as before, but it's less static and more metallic. There's words buried in there — less deeply than they were before. "I can speak."
You clap your hands together. "I fucking knew it. What did you mean by 'quickly'?" For a moment, you forget that you're talking to an anomalous object instead of some other colleague.
You're getting good at distinguishing voice from noise now. "She suffocates the air. I can only speak to you. Your air is the clearest. You are the focal point."
"She? You mean Sally? She's not even here, I — I don't understand."
"No. It's too early. Talk to me again tomorrow. I will tell you everything I know."
"No, I want to talk to you now. What do you mean?"
There's no response.
You keep trying to get it to answer, your voice rising a little with each failed attempt, but it's a waste of time. As you're trying to get it to talk again, the door to the cell slides open.
"████, what are you doing?"
You've no other choice but to head back to your office and finish off the article. You'll have to do what it says and speak to it again tomorrow.
"It spoke, Sally! It was talking to me. Started off as noise but it was definitely talking."
"For real? It doesn't just speak."
"It's anomalous, Sally, it does what it wants."
"Sure. But look at you, you're exhausted. How about you go get some sleep and tell me whether or not it speaks tomorrow morning when you're more… sane?"
It was definitely talking!
She's right, you should get some sleep.
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