To: サイト管理官(サイト-39)
From: ████ ████████研究員
元の連絡文を確認しました。私が配属されたのは間違いなくSCP-3939です。O5-3もO5-9も、この1週間に何度かメールでこのことを確認しています。サイト-39には仮収容のSCP-3939があることは間違いない — 少なくとも、O5にはそう考える十分な理由があります。
████ ████████研究員
To: Site Director (Site-39)
From: Researcher ████ ████████
I've just checked the original correspondence. It's absolutely SCP-3939 that I've been assigned to. Both O5-3 and O5-9 have confirmed this over the course of several emails in the past week. There's no doubt that there's an SCP-3939 in pre-containment at Site-39 — or at least, the O5s have good reason to think so.
I'd much appreciate it if you could take another look to see if you can find anything. I can cc O5-3 and O5-9 if needed.
Researcher ████ ████████
You feel a bit shitty for name dropping the O5s — even though everything you've said is true. Maybe you should have just lied and said you made a mistake. Your risk pays off, though — it works. You get a response after no more than two minutes.
To: ████ ████████研究員
From: サイト管理官(サイト-39)
O5を関与させる必要はありません — すぐに調査します。
サイト管理官 アマンダ・ソールズベリー
To: Researcher ████ ████████
From: Site Director (Site-39)
No need to get the O5s involved — I'll look into this immediately.
It's unreasonable to expect you to make any headway on this without information. I'd suggest you go home, get a good night's sleep, and make a strong start on this with information that I find today rather than a weak one now.
Site Director Amanda Salisbury
その一方で、明日有利に始めなくても、不利に始めても何の問題もない。今日はまだ時間がある— 無駄にする意味はあるのか?
Overall, this is a good result. The best solution now would be to wait for more information. Make a strong start, as she puts it.
On the other hand, there's nothing wrong with a weak start which becomes a strong not-start tomorrow. You still have time today — why waste it?
Strong start — time to go home.
Weak start — start making headway on this without her help.