出典: SCP-4093
著者: Zyn
作成日(EN): 2018/09/05
SCP-4093 - Share the Road
SCP-4093 - シェア・ザ・ロード
tags: keter mind-affecting scp uncontained
タグ: keter scp 未収容 精神影響
Item #: SCP-4093
アイテム番号: SCP-4093
Object Class: Keter
オブジェクトクラス: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: A team of ten researchers, aided by Foundation webcrawlers, is to regularly monitor online and televised media for mentions of SCP-4093. Any news broadcasts involving SCP-4093 that receive unusually high viewership or attention are to be documented and investigated for any anomalous individual or Group of Interest involvement. Locations frequently associated with SCP-4093 are to be evaluated yearly for any patterns of anomalous behavior exhibited by the civilian population.
特別収容プロトコル: 財団webクローラによって補助される10名の研究者のチームが、オンライン/テレビ放送のメディアにおいて定期的にSCP-4093に関する言及を監視します。著しく高い視聴率/注目を得たSCP-4093に関するニュース放送は記録され、異常人物/要注意団体との関連が調査されます。頻繁にSCP-4093が使用される地点は一般市民の異常行動のパターンについて年に1度評価が行われます。
A disinformation campaign is to maintain the public explanation of SCP-4093 as a recent trend inspired by “secret handshakes” between high school friends and sweethearts of various rural American towns.
Additional support may be requested should international manifestations or additional variants of SCP-4093 be discovered.
Description: SCP-4093 refers to an anomalous sequence of hand gestures, used while signaling a pedestrian or driver from the driver’s seat of a motor vehicle. While the exact pattern of motions is not confirmed, the current series1 of gestures attributed to SCP-4093 are as follows:
説明: SCP-4093は自動車両の運転席から歩行者もしくは運転手に合図を送る際に使用される異常な連続したハンドジェスチャーです。正確な動作のパターンは確認されていない一方で、SCP-4093を起源とする現在の一連のジェスチャー2は以下のようです。
- Driver waves (greeting wave hand shape) and attracts the attention of the target
- Driver adjusts rearview mirror, sun visor, decoration hanging from either, or otherwise touches some part of the car on or near the ceiling
- Driver holds hands upright, palms resting on the steering wheel, and wiggles their fingers for approximately three seconds
- Driver waves again (“move on”/“go on” wave hand shape) while simultaneously nodding head
- Driver mouths or says aloud the phrase “have a nice day” while tapping rapidly on the top of the steering wheel, alternating between both hands (hands must lift off the wheel in between each tap)
- Driver lightly touches the driver's side window (or space where the window would be) with an open-palm hand, mimicking a “high-five”
- 運転手が手を振り(挨拶の際の手の形)、対象の注意を引く
- 運転手がバックミラー、サンバイザー、そのいずれかから吊るされている装飾を調整する、あるいは車の天井、もしくはその付近のいくつかの部分に触れる
- 運転手が両手を真っ直ぐにして掌をハンドル上に置き、指を約3秒間小刻みにくねらせる
- 運転手が再度手を振り(「発進」/「前進」の際の手を振る形)、同時に軽く会釈する
- 運転手がハンドルの上部を両手で交互に素早く軽く叩きながら、「良い1日を(have a nice day)」という語句を口の形だけで言う、または発声する(叩きと叩きの間、手はハンドルから離れていなければならない)
- 運転手が運転席のサイドウィンドウ(もしくはサイドウィンドウがあるはずの空間)に、「ハイタッチ」を真似た開いた掌で触れる
Based on Foundation trials staged at local private roads, it is believed that SCP-4093’s primary anomalous effect will only manifest when both the signaler and the target are both stopped at an intersection with no traffic signal. Should this condition be met, the following results may occur:
- (observed in 85% of trials) The target’s cortisol3 levels will drop, blood pressure will stabilize, and dopamine4 levels increase. All of these changes, while markedly unnatural, appear to improve a target’s overall health rather than worsen it.
- (observed in 60% of trials) The target will able to better distinguish signs and words at a distance than before observing SCP-4093.
- (observed in 43% of trials) The target becomes less responsive to ambient noises considered to be annoying or disruptive.
- (observed in 7% of trials) For targets who are similar in age to the signaler (age difference < 5 years), targets will feel a sudden and inexplicable sense of kinship and camaraderie with the signaler.
- (実験の85%で観測) 対象のコルチゾール5値の下降、血圧の安定及び6値の上昇が発生する。これらの変化は全て、著しく不自然であるにもかかわらず、対象の健康全般を悪化させずむしろ改善するように見える。
- (実験の60%で観測) 対象はSCP-4093の観察前よりも離れた位置からの標識や単語の区別が可能となる。
- (実験の43%で観測) 対象は「うるさい」もしくは「破壊的」であるとみなされる周囲の騒音に対して鈍感になる。
- (実験の7%で観測) 対象の年齢が合図をした人物と近い(年齢差が5歳未満)場合、対象は合図をした人物に対して突然かつ不可解な親近感・友情を覚える。
Results collected are not mutually exclusive. Of all test subjects, approximately 50% experienced at least two of the determined effects, while 40% experienced three effects.
Of note, the results collected are based on non-intensive scales designed for SCP-4093 experimentation, and as such are very likely not comprehensive. Supplementary trial designs involving an increased number of recorded measurements are currently in development.
Addendum SCP-4093-1: The existence of SCP-4093 was first brought to Foundation attention when security cameras in a private office block recorded footage of an unidentified driver in Seattle, Washington, apparently using SCP-4093 to prevent a car accident that would have involved a small luxury vehicle and a pedestrian. The driver of the vehicle in question had appeared to be extremely irate, and was also attempting to use a mobile phone and eat from a small container at the same time.
After witnessing SCP-4093, the luxury vehicle driver was observed to suddenly change expression, place both the phone and container of food aside, and allow the passenger to exit the crosswalk before proceeding into the intersection themselves. Foundation personnel later interviewed the individual; no meaningful data was collected.
Attempts to locate the driver that enacted SCP-4093 have proven unsuccessful. However, for a brief period of time, Foundation webcrawlers identified social media accounts of Washington state residents that occasionally mentioned observing “drivers making the same strange hand game motion”. The posts appeared to be deleted shortly after they were recorded by Foundation analysts; investigation into the disappearance is underway.
任意A任意B任意C- portal:5477413 (10 Jul 2019 10:56)
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