出典: SCP-4066
作成日(EN): 2018/07/28
SCP-4066 - The Byzantine Empire Was Secretly Aliens
SCP-4066 - つまり、歴代ビザンツ帝国皇帝は秘密裏に地球にやってきた宇宙人だったんだよ!!
tags: 4000 cool-war-2 euclid extraterrestrial historical scp second-hytoth
タグ: 4000 en クールな戦争2 euclid scp 地球外 歴史 第二ハイトス教会
3/4066 LEVEL 3/4066CLASSIFIED |
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Item #: SCP-4066Object Class: Euclid |
Special Containment Procedures: All archaeological excavations of sites in the former Byzantine Empire are to be monitored by Research Task Force Digamma-7 ("Classical Cosmonauts") for instances of SCP-4066-A and -B. SCP-4066-A instances are to be documented and then defaced in ways consistent with decay, vandalism, or iconoclasm1 and returned; SCP-4066-B instances are to be confiscated and contained in an anomalous object storage vault at Site-77. Civilians who have come into contact with SCP-4066-A or -B instances are to be treated with Class-A amnestics.
特別収容プロトコル: かつてのビザンツ帝国遺構での全ての考古学的発掘調査は、特務研究部隊ディガンマ-7 (“古典主義者の宇宙飛行士”)によってSCP-4066-A、-B実例の発掘の有無を監視されます。SCP-4066-A実例は記録が行われた後、腐敗、落書き、あるいは聖像破壊運動2に一致する様式による汚損加工を施して返却します。SCP-4066-B実例は没収され、サイト-77の異常物品保管庫に収容されます。SCP-4066-Aもしくは-B実例と接触した民間人にはクラスA記憶処理が施されます。
Proposals for the study or reverse-engineering of SCP-4066-B instances should be submitted to the SCP-4066 containment lead, Dr. Kristin Maur, and require the approval of Site Director Gillespie.
Description: SCP-4066 is the collective designation for the dynasties of Byzantine emperors that were founded by, supported by, or composed of extraterrestrial or extradimensional entities. Between the ascension of Constantine I as sole Roman Emperor in 312 and the sack of Constantinople by the Ottoman Empire in 1453, almost every ruling family in the Byzantine Empire was in some way associated with extraterrestrial activity; during this period, there was very little confirmed extraterrestrial activity elsewhere on Earth. As of yet, no explanation for this trend has been found.
説明: SCP-4066は地球外実体、もしくは異次元実体によって創始、支援、あるいは構成がなされていた、ビザンツ帝国皇帝の王朝の総称です。312年にコンスタンティヌス1世が唯一のローマ帝国皇帝として即位して以来、1453年にオスマン帝国によってコンスタンティノープルが陥落するまでビザンツ帝国を支配した一族のほぼ全てが何らかの形で地球外活動と関連を持っていました。この期間中、地球上の他の地域において確認された地球外関連活動はごく僅かです。この傾向には今日まで未だ説明がつけられていません。
Art and literature from the Byzantine Empire that describes or depicts extraterrestrial entities and activities is designated SCP-4066-A; extraterrestrial technological artifacts from this period are designated SCP-4066-B.
Addendum: Emperors and Dynasties with Extraterrestrial Influences
補遺: 地球外からの影響を受けた皇帝と王朝
This addendum contains short descriptions and summaries of the Byzantine dynasties with known extraterrestrial/extradimensional affiliations, alongside supplementary documents and data that serve to identify the nature and scope of those affiliations. These dynasties are designated SCP-4066-α through SCP-4066-π. For full dossiers on the individual dynasties, contact the containment lead, currently Dr. Kristin Maur.
Constantinian Dynasty - SCP-4066-α (312-363)
コンスタンティヌス朝 - SCP-4066-α (312-363)
The emperor Constantine was the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity. Mainstream historical sources claim that this conversion was the result of a vision Constantine experienced before the Battle of the Milvian Bridge in 312, in which he was instructed to adopt the sign of the Chi-Rho, a Christian symbol, to ensure his army's victory. Constantine's private journals, preserved in the library of the Great Lavra Monastery on Mount Athos, reveal that he received visions from the same entity throughout his reign; Constantine identifies this entity as either Sol Invictus or the Christian God, and says that the visions always came from "the morning sun himself". These visions gave Constantine advice on military, political, and economic matters, and encouraged him to support both the pagan cults of Mithras and Sol Invictus and the Christian church.
皇帝コンスタンティヌス1世はキリスト教に改宗した最初のローマ皇帝です。主流の史料では、この改宗は312年のミルウィウス橋の戦いの前にコンスタンティヌス1世が「キリスト教のシンボルであるカイ(Χ)とロー(Ρ)を組み合わせた印を取り入れれば自軍の勝利は保証される」という啓示を受けたことによるものだとされています。アトス山中のメギスティス・ラヴラ修道院の図書室で保存されていたコンスタンティヌス1世の日誌から、彼は自身の治世を通して同一の実体からの“天啓”を複数回受け取っていたことが判明しています。コンスタンティヌス1世はこの実体をソル・インウィクトゥス3もしくはキリスト教の神のどちらかであると推定しており、これらの“天啓”は常に「暁の日輪そのものたる彼(the morning sun himself)」から来たとしています。これらの“天啓”はコンスタンティヌス1世に対し軍事、政治、経済の各方面の問題に関する助言を与えるものであり、ミトラース4やソル・インウィクトゥスといった異教徒とキリスト教の教会の双方を支援するよう彼に奨励しました。
Constantine's dynastic successors continued to receive these visions and for the most part followed them, with the exception of his nephew, Julian the Apostate, who rejected the visions as the "messages of a false god" who was "preparing [the empire] for a war that is not ours". Julian believed that these visions had been misinterpreted by his predecessors, and that rather than advocating for Christianity, the visions wished him to found a new religion, which he described as "antithetical to the ancient customs of Rome and the new laws of the Christians". Julian argued against the messages he had received in a series of philosophical dialogues titled Against Himself; a section of the third dialogue is reproduced below.
コンスタンティヌス1世の王朝の後継者らもまたこの“天啓”を受け取り続け、その殆どがこれに従ったものの、彼の甥である背教者ユリアヌス(フラウィウス・クラウディウス・ユリアヌス)は例外でした。彼は“天啓”を「[帝国に]我等のものでない戦いの備えをさせようと」している「偽の神の伝言」であるとして拒絶しました。ユリアヌスは前任の皇帝たちがこれらの“天啓”の解釈を誤っており、“天啓”は彼にキリスト教を支持するのではなく、寧ろ彼が「ローマの旧き習慣とキリスト教徒らの新たなる法双方の対極」と称する新興宗教を設立することを望んでいるのではないかと考えていました。彼は受け取ったメッセージに『彼自身と相対して(Against Himself)』と題された一連の哲学対話を通して論駁しています。以下はその3番目の対話の一節の転写です。
Document 4066-α-17: Against Himself Chapter 3, p. 4-6
Circa 362 CE. Sixth-generation vellum copy, Venice, Italy. Greek. Translated by Gavin van Hofwegen, 1937.
文書4066-α-17: 『彼自身と相対して』 第3章, p. 4-6
The text continues for another seven pages; it ends with Julian concluding that Phantasm is some sort of minor spirit who has latched on to the imperial family, seeking worship and sacrifices. Investigation into the similarities between the philosophy articulated by the character of Phantasm and the Ortothan mythos of the Church of the Second Hytoth is ongoing.
Valentinian Dynasty - SCP-4066-β (364-379)
ウァレンティニアヌス朝 - SCP-4066-β (364-379)
The Valentinian dynasty were members of a species of sapient humanoid extraterrestrials of unknown origin. SCP-4066-A instances depict Valentinian emperors and other members of their family with instectoid facial features, including compound eyes, chewing mouthparts similar to grasshoppers, and long antennae; these individuals had four arms, two on each side branching from a single shoulder joint, and two legs. Depictions of the Valentinian emperors exhibit a mild antimemetic effect, causing observers to perceive them as depictions of human beings; as a result, the anomalous nature of SCP-4066-β was not discovered until the first use of mnestic drugs by the Foundation in the 1980s.
Theodosian Dynasty - SCP-4066-γ (379-457)
テオドシウス朝 - SCP-4066-γ (379-457)
Theodosius I, founder of the Theodosian dynasty, had close trading relationships with a number of extradimensional and extraterrestrial nation-states, including the Dominion of Cephus, the city-state of Alagadda, the Central L'Kir Co-Prosperity Tesseract, and New Carthage. These trade deals were brokered by two close advisors of the Emperor, Demetrios Makellos and Kourios Skotos, and resulted in an influx of extraterrestrial consumer goods, thaumaturgic and alchemical artifacts, and non-human slaves.
Leonid Dynasty - SCP-4066-δ (457-518)
レオ朝 - SCP-4066-δ (457-518)
The entire Leonid dynasty appears to have been fabricated at some point in the mid-8th century, replacing two Theodosian Emperors, Theodosius III and Arcadius II, and a non-dynastic emperor, Philip Chrysonomos6. Historical records and material evidence were significantly altered, although the memories of most individuals were not; nevertheless, only a few contemporary individuals seemed to notice the change, all of them monastic scholars, and none of them released that information publicly.
Examination of the Church of Saint Mary of the Spring, a sanctuary in modern Istanbul founded by the first Leonid Emperor, Leo I, revealed an inscription on the ancient cornerstone concealed by a series of antimemetic sigils; the inscription, originally written in both Latin and Lisk'Kvar8 has been reproduced below.
Document SCP-4066-δ-17: Cornerstone Inscription, Church of Saint Mary of the Spring
Date unclear. Inscription on marble, Istanbul, Turkey. Latin/Lisk'Kvar. Translated by Anne Benoit and Ezekiel N'krumah, 2012.
文書SCP-4066-δ-17: 泉の聖マリア教会、礎石の碑文
The inscription is signed by the same "Cartwheel" mentioned in the text. The Foundation has as of yet been unable to ask any Lisk'Lurthan individuals about the Leonid dynasty, the inscription, or the individual mentioned within.
Justinian Dynasty - SCP-4066-ε (518-602)
ユスティニアヌス朝 - SCP-4066-ε (518-602)
Documents recovered from excavations within Nx-34 have revealed that all important members of the Justinian dynasty, including all Justinian emperors, were controlled by the psionic extraterrestrial species known to the inhabitants of Nx-34 as the "Soul-Thieves". A colony of Soul-Thieves was established in an artificial cavern in the harbor of Constantinople; when a member of the dynasty that was under the control of these entities left the city, they would be followed by a Soul-Thief either in the sea or in a levitating tank cloaked in a light-refraction field. The eventual deposition of Emperor Maurice by Phocas (see below) was possibly aided by some natural psionic resistance granted by Phocas' divergence from baseline humanity.
Phocas - SCP-4066-ζ (602-610)
フォカス - SCP-4066-ζ (602-610)
SCP-4066-A instances depicting the usurper Emperor Phocas show the sloping forehead, pronounced brow ridge, and protruding jaw typical of Homo neanderthalensis; contemporary sources claim that he and his family spoke a dialect of Greek not like any spoken in the empire, and that he made occasional veiled references to a birthplace to which he could never return. Extraterrestrial/extradimensional origin unconfirmed, but likely.
帝位を簒奪した皇帝であるフォカスを描写したSCP-4066-A実例は、Homo neanderthalensis(ネアンデルタール人)に典型的な、傾斜した額、顕著な眼窩上隆起、突き出した顎を描写しています。同時代の情報源によれば、彼とその家族は帝国で話されているどの方言にも類似しないギリシア語の方言を使用し、「二度と戻れない地」である生誕の地については婉曲的な表現を用いたとされています。地球外/異次元に起源を持つことに確証はありませんが、可能性は高いと言えます。
Heraclian Dynasty - SCP-4066-η (610-695)
ヘラクレイオス朝 - SCP-4066-η (610-695)
While no documentary evidence has been found linking the Heraclian Dynasty to extraterrestrial activity, archaeological excavations of sites from this period contain numerous instances of SCP-4066-B, mostly military armaments. A representative list is presented below.
Table 4066-η-1: Significant SCP-4066-η-B Instances
表4066-η-1: 重要なSCP-4066-η-B実例
Site | Date (approximate) | Object(s) |
Ephesus (Selçuk, Turkey) | 614 | Two artillery railguns, probably originally rendered inoperable by earthquake damage. Instances were found in what was once the bay outside the ancient harbor (now several kilometers inland due to silt deposition by the Küçükmenderes River). Instances appear to have been connected to some external power supply, which has not been recovered. |
Nineveh (Mosul, Iraq) | 627 | Remains of four powered-armor exoskeletons, heavily battle-damaged and with the internal power sources removed. Instances are engraved with passages from Christian scriptures, and each has a panel on its chest depicting one of the four winged creatures named in the book of Revelation and associated with the four Christian evangelists: a lion, an ox, an angel and an eagle. |
Jerusalem | 637-8 | Skeleton of a large six-legged mammalian creature, killed by a spear wound to the neck; genetic testing indicates extraterrestrial origin. Skeleton found inside heavily rusted scale armor with built-in saddle; design is similar to contemporary Byzantine horse armor. |
Phoenicus (Finike, Turkey) | 654 | Wreck of a seagoing hovercraft, 15m in length. Hovercraft appears to have been solar-powered, and was equipped with a bronze ram at the prow and two ballistae amidships. |
Dvin, Armenia | 686-8 | 47 lithium-ion batteries, enclosed in a ceramic vessel. Batteries appear to have been used at time of deposition; a number of SCP-4066-B instances which could accept this shape of battery have been recovered. |
地点 | 年代 (おおよそ) | 物品(群) |
エフェソス (トルコ共和国セルチュク) | 614 | 大砲型レールガン2門、恐らくは本来地震による損傷で使用不能になっていたと思われる。実例群はかつて古代の港の外の湾だった地点(現在はクチュクメンデレス川によるシルトの堆積を原因として数km内陸となっている)で発見された。実例群は何らかの外部電源に接続されていたように見受けられるが、この電源は発見されていない。 |
ニネヴェ (イラク共和国モースル) | 627 | 強化装甲外骨格(パワードスーツ)4着の残骸、戦闘によって重篤な損傷を被り、さらに内部動力源が除去されている。実例群には聖書の引用が彫り込まれており、それぞれの胸には4人の福音書記者と関連付けられる、ヨハネの黙示録でその名が挙げられている翼の生えた4体の生物の内1体が描写されたパネルが取り付けられている— すなわち、獅子、牡牛、天使、鷲である。 |
イェルサレム | 637-8 | 6本脚の大型哺乳類の骨格、死因は槍による首の刺創。遺伝子検査は地球外に起源を持つことを示す。骨格は作り付けの鞍を備えた、酷く錆びたスケイルアーマー16の内部で発見された。設計は同時代のビザンツ帝国の馬鎧のそれに類似している。 |
ポイニクス(トルコ共和国フィニケ) | 654 | 海上ホバークラフトの残骸、全長15m。ホバークラフトは太陽エネルギーを動力源とするように見受けられ、船首には青銅製の衝角17、船体中央部には投石器2台を装備していた。 |
アルメニア、ドヴィン | 686-8 | リチウムイオン電池47個、セラミック製容器に封入されていた。電池は沈没した時点ですでに使用済になっていたようである。また、この形状の電池が使用できるSCP-4066-B実例が多数回収されている。 |
These SCP-4066-B instances cannot be traced to a single extraterrestrial civilization; the Heraclian dynasty had probably established a relationship with some group of extraterrestrial arms dealers, although what they could have provided such a group in return for these weapons is unknown. It is possible that the formula for the incendiary compound known as "Greek fire", invented near the end of the Heraclian Dynasty, was also given by or purchased from extraterrestrial entities; research is ongoing.
Tiberius III Apsimar - SCP-4066-θ (698-705)
ティベリオス3世 "アプシマール" - SCP-4066-θ (698-705)
Tiberius III Apsimar was a Scientologist. Further information is restricted to personnel assigned to Project FROZEN SOUL and the Temporal Anomalies Department.
ティベリオス3世 "アプシマール"はサイエントロジストでした。これ以上の情報はプロジェクト・フローズンソウルに割り当てられた職員および時間異常部門のみに制限されています。
Anastasios II - SCP-4066-ι (713-715)
アナスタシオス2世 - SCP-4066-ι (713-715)
Recovery of the remains of Anastasios II revealed that this Emperor was a humanoid robot, controlled from a small cockpit within the chest cavity. The cockpit is sized for an entity between 15 and 20 cm in height, with at least six manipulating appendages. Anastasios II was powered by a small fusion reactor, which was damaged during its execution by Leo III; the identity and fate of its pilot are unknown.
Irene of Athens - SCP-4066-κ (797-802)
エイレーネー“アテナイア” - SCP-4066-κ (797-802)
Irene of Athens, regent for her son Constantine VI and then sole ruler in her own right, was the host for an extraterrestrial parasite, which was invisible to the naked eye but could be seen by individuals with anomalously enhanced sight. Descriptions of the parasite's appearance vary; one of Irene's advisors, a eunuch named Aetios, compiled a number of these descriptions in Τὸν Βίον Τᾶς Βασσιλίσσας (The Life of the Empress), his biography of Irene.
息子であるコンスタンティヌス6世の摂政を務め、また後には唯一生得権により王位を継承した君主となったエイレーネー“アテナイア”は、肉眼では不可視であるものの、視覚に異常な強化を施された人物には視認可能な地球外寄生生物の宿主でした。この寄生生物の外見に関する説明は様々です。エイレーネ―の顧問を務めた1人である宦官アエティオスが、自身がエイレーネ―について著した伝記Τὸν Βίον Τᾶς Βασσιλίσσας(『女帝の半生』)にこれらの説明を纏めています。
Document 4066-κ-5: Τὸν Βίον Τᾶς Βασσιλίσσας, Book 4, Chapter 6
Circa 800. Fourth-generation parchment copy, Rome, Italy. Greek. Translated by Ioannes Pappapetrou, 1927.
文書4066-κ-5: Τὸν Βίον Τᾶς Βασσιλίσσας, 第4巻, 第6章
Aetios claims that the parasite's advice was cryptic and often seemingly unhelpful, but that Irene "derived great comfort from its messages" and followed its commands whenever possible. He complied some of the parasite's messages, and Irene's interpretations, in a companion piece to Τὸν Βίον Τᾶς Βασσιλίσσας titled Ἀγαθαδαιμωνολόγοι (The Teachings of the Virtuous Daimon), some excerpts of which is reproduced below.
アエティオスによれば寄生生物の助言は婉曲的かつ往々にして助けにならないように思われるものでしたが、エイレーネ―は「その言葉に大いに満足」し、可能な限り常にその命令に従っていたとされています。彼は寄生生物のメッセージとエイレーネ―によるその解釈の幾つかを、Ἀγαθαδαιμωνολόγοι(『徳有りしダイモーンの教え』)と題された、Τὸν Βίον Τᾶς Βασσιλίσσαςの姉妹編となる書物に纏めました。一部の抜粋が以下に転記されています。
Document 4066-κ-7: Excerpts from the Ἀγαθαδαιμωνολόγοι
Circa 801. Fourth-generation parchment copy, Rome, Italy. Greek. Translated by Ioannes Pappapetrou, 1929.
文書4066-κ-7: Ἀγαθαδαιμωνολόγοιからの抜粋
When Irene died in exile on the island of Lesbos in 803, the parasite died with her; an imperial agent sent to retrieve her body claimed that it was buried in a mass of stone, metal, broken glass and rotting flesh, filling the entirety of her small house.
Leo V - SCP-4066-λ (813-820)
レオーン5世 - SCP-4066-λ (813-820)
The personal journals of Leo V, dictated to a court scribe and preserved by the Monastery of Stoudios and then the Bab-i Mukhfi24, describe an abduction experience the emperor experienced around age 20. An excerpt has been reproduced below.
Document SCP-4066-λ-3: Personal Journal of Leo V
Circa 814. Fifth-generation paper copy, Istanbul, Turkey. Greek. Translated by Anne Benoit, 1977.
文書SCP-4066-λ-3: レオーン5世の個人日記
Macedonian Dynasty - SCP-4066-μ (867-1056)
マケドニア朝 - SCP-4066-μ (867-1056)
The Macedonian Emperors belonged to a variety of alien species, equipped with memetic and holographic concealment devices that allowed them to pass as human. This dynasty was put into power by an extraterrestrial entertainment corporation, "HarrShaNget Pseudo-Authentic Productions"; the power struggles between the various emperors and their fake family members were recorded and broadcast on a number of interplanetary entertainment services as a reality television show, "Primitive Leadership Overtaken and Contested". The show was canceled after the 19th season, and all remaining contestants either faked their deaths or were replaced with androids.
マケドニア朝の皇帝たちは多種多様な地球外生命体であり、ミームやホログラムを用いた秘匿装置によって自身を人間に偽装していました。この王朝は地球外エンターテインメント企業“ハルシャンゲット・スード=オーセンティック・プロダクションズ(HarrShaNget Pseudo-Authentic Productions)”によって権力を獲得しました。様々な皇帝とその偽の家族の間で繰り広げられる権力闘争は記録され、リアリティテレビ番組「原始的指導者の座をめぐる乗っ取りと争い(Primitive Leadership Overtaken and Contested)」として多数の惑星間娯楽ネットワークで放映されていました。番組は第19シーズン終了後に打ち切られ、残っていた出演者は全員が死亡を偽装されるか、あるいはアンドロイドに置き換えられました。
Doukid Dynasty - SCP-4066-ν (1059-1081)
ドゥーカス朝 - SCP-4066-ν (1059-1081)
Members of the Doukid dynasty had access to consciousness-transfer technology similar to that found in SCP-1980. Arcadius the Ephesian, a court eunuch who wrote biographies of the Doukid emperors, reported that each member of the family "wore close to their skin a dark metal amulet, covered with gemstones"; when one member of the family, Ioannes Doukas, had his amulet taken from him briefly by a childhood playmate, "his soul fled from his eyes, and only when the amulet was returned was he himself once more". All Doukid emperors reportedly searched for body doubles, claiming to be afraid of assassination plots; on at least two recorded occasions, one of these emperors was reportedly killed in battle, only to appear alive later and claim that it was a body double who had died instead. Whether this technology came from another site like SCP-1980 or was introduced independently is unknown.
Komnenid Dynasty - SCP-4066-ξ (1081-1185)
コムネノス朝 - SCP-4066-ξ (1081-1185)
Study of the preserved remains of Komnenid emperors has indicated that numerous members of the family were heavily cybernetically modified by an unknown entity or group. An abridged table of known augmented dynasty members and their modifications is presented below.
Table SCP-4066-ξ-1: Augmented Komnenoi
表SCP-4066-ξ-1: コムネノス家改造抜粋
Dynasty Member | Augmentations | Other Notes |
Alexios I Komnenos | Artificial right arm and leg; subdermal ballistic fiber across torso and neck; artificial organ of unknown purpose in upper pelvic cavity. | Decay of organic parts of corpse made the purpose of the extra organ unclear, but it seems to have been connected to the reproductive system. |
Anna Komnene | None found; see notes. | Body showed signs of post-mortem mutilation: eyes, lungs, heart, and left leg were missing. It is possible that augmentations were removed for reuse after death. |
John II Komnenos | Entire digestive tract, from esophagus to colon, replaced with artificial organs capable of filtering out poisons and pathogens and digesting an number of substances normally indigestible by humans. Left arm artificial from elbow down. | Replacement of left arm appears to have happened shortly before death. |
Manuel I Komnenos | Full-body cybernetic replacement from the neck down. | Several parts of body were missing, including right arm, both feet, several internal components, and pieces of the artificial skin and armor. (See Alexios II, below.) |
Maria of Antioch | Artificial eyes, left leg. | Left leg seems to be slightly shorter than right leg. Possible scarring around sites of implants indicates moderate to severe rejection syndrome. |
Alexios II Komnenos | Right arm, both feet, heart, liver, and parts of skin replaced with artificial components. | Implants match missing components from body of Manuel I, and are not proportioned properly for Alexios II's body. Possible scarring from surgery procedure around implant sites |
Andronikos I Komnenos | Artificial left arm. | Arm is made of bronze and silver, using contemporary metallurgy techniques. Contains no electronic components. Possibly made in imitation of advanced prostheses worn by earlier dynasts. |
王朝の人物 | 改造 | その他注記 |
アレクシオス1世コムネノス | 義手および義足(いずれも右); 胴体から首にかけて皮下に埋め込まれた防弾繊維; 骨盤腔上部の使途不明の人工臓器。 | 遺体の生体部分の腐敗により、追加された臓器の使途は不明瞭となっているが、生殖器系と接続されていたものとみられる。 |
アンナ・コムネナ | 発見されず。注記を参照せよ。 | 遺体には死後に切断された形跡があり、両眼、肺、心臓、左脚が欠損していた。死後、再利用のために改造部が除去された可能性あり。 |
ヨハネス2世コムネノス | 食堂から結腸までの消化管全てが、毒物・病原体の濾別機能および人が通常消化可能な多数の物質の消化機能を備えた人工臓器に交換されていた。左腕は肘から下が義手となっていた。 | 左腕の交換は死の直前に行われたように見受けられる。 |
マヌエル1世コムネノス | 首から下の前身に対するサイバネティック的置換。 | 右腕、両足、いくつかの内部部品、人工皮膚と装甲の一部を含む身体の複数個所が欠損していた(下のアレクシオス2世の項を参照)。 |
マリー・ダンティオケ | 義眼、義足(左)。 | 左脚は右脚よりも僅かに短いように見受けられる。インプラント部位の付近に瘢痕があった可能性があり、中~重度の拒絶症候群の発症が示唆される。 |
アレクシオス2世コムネノス | 右腕、両足、心臓、肝臓、皮膚の一部が人工の部品に交換されていた。 | インプラントはマヌエル1世の遺体に欠損した部品との一致が見られるうえ、アレクシオス2世の身体に適切に釣り合っていない。インプラント部位の周辺に手術による瘢痕がある可能性がある。 |
アンドロニコス1世コムネノス | 義手(左)。 | 義手は青銅と銀で造られており、使用された冶金技法は当時のものである。電子部品は含まれず。以前の君主が着用した高度な人工器官を模したものの可能性あり。 |
Save for Andronikos I's primitive prosthetic arm, all of the prostheses worn by Komnenid emperors and family members were similar in aesthetic and composition, presumably deriving from the same source.
Angelid Dynasty - SCP-4066-ο (1185-1204)
アンゲロス朝 - SCP-4066-ο (1185-1204)
The Angelid dynasty was heavily funded by a single instance of SCP-3201, which produced gold, silver, and bronze in exchange for icons of obscure saints. The Angelids believed that the SCP-3201 instance was an angel, who had been sent by God to give boons to their family; the founder of the family, Constantine Angelos, chose his surname to reflect this relationship. It is believed that this dynasty fell from power when the SCP-3201 instance was satisfied with its collection of icons and no longer provided them with precious metals.
Palaiologan Dynasty - SCP-4066-π (1261-1453)
パレオロゴス朝 - SCP-4066-π (1261-1453)
The Palaiologan Dynasty was not controlled, supported, or composed of extraterrestrial entities; however, they were aware of the SCP-4066 phenomenon, and took steps to counteract the influence of extraterrestrial entities on Byzantine politics. Michael VIII Palaiologos, after reclaiming Constantinople from the Latin Empire, founded the Military Order of Saint Constantine the Great, an organization modeled on contemporary Catholic military orders like the Knights Templar and Knights Hospitaller; its founding document, the Creed of Saint Constantine, established the duties and responsibilities of the organization, and is reproduced below.
Document SCP-4066-π-1: Creed of Saint Constantine
Circa 1265. Marble inscription, Istanbul, Turkey. Greek. Translated by William Wentworth FitzWilliam, Viscount Milton, 1864.
文書SCP-4066-π-1: 聖コンスタンティヌス綱領
Membership in the Order was restricted to Byzantine nobility from families that had never had "the taint of the unearthly," and several prominent noble families, including the remaining branches of the Angeloi and Komnenoi, were thus banned from the Order entirely. While the Order of Constantine was not the first esoteric containment organization, it was the first to be more than moderately successful; they repelled a number of attempts by extraterrestrial and extradimensional forces to depose, control, bribe, or replace various Palaiologan Emperors, and on two separate occasions led the armies of the Empire to victory against full-fledged extraterrestrial invasions. These victories were recorded in the Συγγραφαὶ Ἱππῶν Κονσταντίνου (Histories of the Knights of Constantine), a compendium written by a number of Byzantine scholars and court scribes; an excerpt is reproduced below, describing the Battle of Nicomedia, fought in 1312 against an invasion force apparently comprised of both terrestrial and extraterrestrial mercenaries employed by an individual known as "Alexander Star-Born".
修道会に属する権利を持つのはビザンツの貴族のうち「この世のものならざる穢れ」に侵されたことのない一族の者のみであり、したがってアンゲロス家やコムネノス家の残存する分家などの複数の有力な貴族が修道会への参加を全面的に禁じられていました。コンスタンティヌス修道会は最初の異常収容組織ではありませんが、中規模以上の成功を収めたものの中では最初の組織でした。彼らは地球外・異次元の勢力が様々なパレオロゴス朝皇帝に対し廃位/支配/贈賄/置換しようとする多数の試みを退け、さらに本格的な地球外からの侵攻に対抗する帝国の軍に2度の勝利を齎しました。これらの勝利は多数のビザンツの学者と法廷速記官によって記された歴史抄録、Συγγραφαὶ Ἱππῶν Κονσταντίνου(『コンスタンティヌスの騎士達の歴史』)に記録されています。以下はある侵攻勢力との間で1312年に行われた“ニコメディアの戦い”について説明した部分の抜粋の転写です。この勢力は“星の子アレクサンドロス”として知られる人物によって雇われた、地球上・地球外双方の傭兵からなっていました。
Document 4066-π-12: Συγγραφαὶ Ἱππῶν Κονσταντίνου Book 7, Chapter 23
Circa 1315. Second-generation vellum copy, Saint Petersburg, Russia. Greek. Translated by Ioannes Pappapetrou, 1933.
文書4066-π-12: Συγγραφαὶ Ἱππῶν Κονσταντίνου 第7巻, 第23章
After the Fall of Constantinople in 1453, the Order of Constantine was split; one branch of the knights, believing that the Ottoman Empire had, by right of conquest, taken up the mantle of the Roman Empire, swore their fealty to the Ottoman Sultan, becoming an integral part of the Bab-i Mukhfi, while another branch fled for Russia, continuing their work in support of the Orthodox Church. The Russian branch of the Order was folded into the Tsar's Seers38 by Tsar Peter the Great in 1699, a Foundation precursor organization that specialized in the preemptive destruction of esoteric threats via precognition and thaumatological advanced-warning systems.
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- portal:5477413 (10 Jul 2019 10:56)
Alexander Star-Bornが「アレキサンダー、星の子」とされてますが違和感あるので、タイトルを基本的に前に訳出すべきなんじゃないかと思います。「星の子たるアレキサンダー」「星の子アレキサンダー」「星帝アレキサンダー」みたいになるのかなと