翻訳案(共訳)-ロシア連邦軍参謀本部情報総局"P"部局 ハブ


原語版 / 投稿先

原著者: Roget
ソース: http://scp-wiki.net/gru-p-hub
ライセンス: CC BY-SA 3.0

gru2.png by TSATTSAT (RogetRoget により加工)



執筆者: islandsmaster
文字数: 32921
リビジョン数: 27
批評コメント: 2

最終更新: 12 Apr 2020 13:49
最終コメント: 05 Apr 2020 07:35 by islandsmaster


評価: 0+x


ようこそ、皆さん。できるだけ早く空いている席に座って、そうすれば発表を始められます。ジェンセン博士、よろしく。あなたがこれに興味があるとは知りませんでした。シスル博士、ミス・トリンチ、おはようございます。お会いできて光栄です。まだ空席があるようですね? いえいえ、どうぞ。入ってください。それではイアン、ドアを閉めてくれませんか?ありがとうございます。

Welcome, people. Please take an available seat as soon as possible so we can start this presentation. Dr. Jensen, a pleasure. Didn't know you were interested in this. Dr. Thissle. Miss Trynch, good morning. Nice to see you here. Hello there. I think we still have some empty seats, yes. No no, that's fine, come in. Right. Could you close the doors, Ian? Thank you.

それではГРУ、Отдел 'П'、あるいはGRU精神工学部局、GRU"P"部局、またはGRU-Pのオリエンテーションにようこそ。皆さんの多くは単純に毎年一定数のセミナーに出席する必要があり、目を閉じてうたた寝できる静かな場所

Now then, welcome to the Orientation on ГРУ, Отдел 'П', or as we refer to it: GRU Division Psychotronics, GRU Division "P" or GRU-P. I know many of you are only here because you need to attend a certain amount of seminars each year and you're looking for a nice quiet one where you can close your eyes and doze off. I know, because when I first attended this one, that's exactly what I did. So did many of my immediate colleagues actually, so I don't doubt only few of you are actually interested in what I have to say. I will say it nonetheless, because even if you only catch a few words in your sleep-addled moments, I am sure they will be beneficial in your future work for the Foundation.

ご存じないかもしれませんが、GRU-Pの種子は著名なボリシェヴィキ指導者キーロフが殺害された事件を調査するために、スターリン体制下でそれなりの能力を有する柔軟な男たちの小さなグループによって蒔かれました。歴史書には、キーロフは単に撃たれて殺されたと書かれていますが、スターリンはそれが嘘だと知っていました。私はもちろん、キーロフがSCP-███の反復に類似した構造侵襲的な現実矛盾によって殺害された事実について言及しています。ゲルハルト博士、あなたは私の言っていることが分かるでしょう。突然目を開けたのを私が見逃したなんて思わないでくださいね、レイニア? 彼らが調査中に発見したものはスターリンの被害妄想を煽るのには十分で、異常対策委員会はその活動を拡大することを許されました。

As you may not know, the seed of GRU-P was planted by a small gathering of suitably open-minded men under Stalin, to investigate the murder of prominent Bolshevik leader Kirov. The history books will tell you Kirov was simply shot and killed, but Stalin knew better. I refer of course to the fact that Kirov was murdered using an construct-invasive reality discrepancy similar to the one found in iterations of SCP-███. Dr. Gerhard, you will know what I'm talking about. Don't think I didn't see your eyes pop open there, Rainier. What they found during the investigation gave Stalin enough to feed his paranoia, and the Abnormal Occurences Commission was allowed to expand its work.


Anyway, having carried out Stalin's inquest, their attention soon turned to the possible exploitation of anomalous means for the benefit of the motherland. Let's just say that they found enough to exploit. Once the Soviets realized the capitalist nations were far ahead of them in para-natural research, with special consideration given to a vast gulf between them and Nazi Germany, GRU-P became the institution designed to fill this gap.


Now, you might have gleaned some of this from the Foundation's internal documentation on the group What that won't tell you though is the extent of damage GRU-P's activities have done to this reality construct. I'll simply say this: during the second world war, hundreds of thousands of bombs fell on occupied Europe. Many of them didn't explode, and to this day people find unexploded armed ordnance in their backyards. If we translate this to GRU-P, we need to add the fact that this ordnance can have razor sharp teeth, be able to teleport instantly, phase in and out of existence, end the world by a twinkle in its eye. Fact of the matter is we have no idea how many projects the Russians had going at any one time, and we have no way of knowing where it all went. When that wall came down, GRU-P vanished and most of its files, personnel and anomalies went with it.


This isn't to say the threat is gone. While no longer backed by a superpower, we know that many persons associated with the defunct GRU-P continue to collaborate, in many cases preserving and continuing their work from before the fall of the iron curtain. Similar to the collapse of Prometheus Labs, they are not to be considered a relic of the past.

だからこそ、皆さんは今よりもっと知識を深め、さらに重要なことに、今よりも遥かに、遥かにGRU"P"部局に関心を持つべきなのです。皆さんもご存知のように、私たちは彼らの関心事を扱ったプロジェクトを少しだけ有していますが、どれだけの量が不足しているのか、本当に手掛かりがありません。熱心に聞いてくれた人は、私たちが既に知っていることの詳細について、後で私に質問できます。聞いていない人、気にしていない人は — 私が正しかったことを理解するような、不幸な目に遭わないことを願っています。

That, ladies and gentlemen is why you should be far more knowledgeable and even more importantly, far, far more concerned about GRU Division "P" than you probably are right now. We have a small selection of projects dealing with their interests, as most of you will know, but we have no real clue how much we're still missing. Those of you who have paid attention can come to me afterwards for more information on what we know is out there. Those of you who either didn't hear or don't care: I hope that you never have the misfortune of finding out just how right I am.


Excerpt from GRU-P orientation meeting, Site-██

クリアランス承認: GRU "P" 部局に関するデータベースエントリー…



On the operation of GRU-P:

情報総局"P"部局 組織指針
Organizational guidelines of "P" division of the Main Intelligence Directorate
(GRU第9局長による28号命令 1982年3月19日付)
(By order of the section head of 9th Directorate of GRU nr. 28 from 19.3.1982)


Base aims of "P" division GRU
Article 4

(1) GRU"P"部局は、GRU総局長指令(nr.13/1965)に従って、その上位機構と全体目的を共有している。全体目的には、ソビエト連邦および広くは社会主義インターナショナルの諸国家、その市民、またはその全体的な政治的、経済的、軍事的、科学的目的を危険にさらす可能性のある諸外国の技術開発を発見し、入手し、または無力化することが含まれる。GRU"P"部局の活動は、社会主義インターナショナル諸国内での敵対的な異常活動を抑制し、異常現象を文書化し、組織の全体目的を促進するためにそれらを使用する手段を研究することを目的としている。
(1) Division "P" GRU shares overall aims with its superorganization as per order of the Head Commitee of GRU nr. 13/1965 - these include discovering, obtaining or neutralizing foreign technologic developments that could endanger USSR and broadly, the states of the Socialist International, their citizenry, or its overall political, economic, military and scientific aims. The activity of "P" division GRU is aimed at suppressing hostile abnormal activities, within the states of the Socialist International, documenting abnormal phenomena, and researching means of their use in furthering the overall aims of the organization.

(2) GRU"P"部局が果たす主な目的は以下である:
(2) Division "P" GRU fulfills chiefly these goals:

(a) ソビエト連邦に敵対的な政府、グループ、組織または個人の目的、手段、手順、特に第4異常対策委員会委員長による"異常活動の分類"指令(nr.19/1938)で定義された異常手段を保有しているか利用している場合、またはその他危険であると考えられる場合に、指定された要注意国家で情報を収集すること。
(a) Gathering intelligence data in designated countries of interest regarding the aims, means and procedure of governments, groups, organizations or individuals hostile towards USSR or otherwise deemed dangerous, specifically where these possess or exploit abnormal means as defined in order of Fourth Department Abnormal Occurrences Commission chairman nr. 19/1938 "Classification of abnormal activity".

(b) ソビエト連邦領内・領外の異常事象に関する情報の確認、分析、処理。
(b) Checking, analyzing and processing information regarding abnormal occurrences within and without USSR territory.
(i) ソビエト連邦領内での敵対的な異常事象を無力化するか、または封じ込めること。
(i) Neutralizing or containing hostile abnormal occurrences within USSR territory.
(ii) ソビエト連邦領内での異常事象の調査を行い、これを無力化し、又は封じ込めるために制定された手続の効率及び安全性を向上させること。
(ii) Researching abnormal occurrences within USSR territory aiming to improve the efficiency and security of the procedures enacted in order to neutralize or contain them.
(iii) ソビエト連邦領内及び領外で発生した異常事象を調査し、開発し、組織の目標を達成するために利用すること。
(iii) Researching abnormal occurrences within and without USSR territory in order to bring about their exploitation and use to further organizational goals.
(iv) 経済的、軍事的、科学的または政治的価値が高いと推定される異常現象を特定し、特に敵対的な組織または個人がこれを保有する場合、これを入手すること。
(iv) Identifying and obtaining access to abnormal phenomenon with a high estimated economic, military, scientific or political value, especially if in possession of hostile organizations or individuals.
(v) 全体目的に照らして適切な場合には、異常事象に関する知識を有する者を特定し、組織に採用または排除すること。
(v) Identifying and recruiting or eliminating individuals with knowledge of abnormal occurrences where such is suitable with regards to overall organizational aims.

(c) ソビエト連邦の政治的指導者及び市民の存続の確保、平和の促進、敵国人による敵対的活動の撹乱または摘発、自国民による敵対的活動の撹乱または摘発、及び異常な手段を用いて政治的、思想的及び経済的分野でソビエト連邦及び社会主義インターナショナル諸国の活動を促進するために、全体目的に沿った秘密作戦及び活動を行うこと。
(c) Enacting secret operations and actions in line with overall organizational aims, but specifically aimed at: ensuring the continuation of USSR, its political leadership and citizenry, promoting peace, disrupting or uncovering hostile enemy activity, disrupting or uncovering spontaneous hostile activity, furthering the aims of USSR and the states of the Socialist International in areas political, ideological and economic through abnormal means.
(i) Cooperation with the Institute of Experimental Marxism-Leninism aimed at furthering political developments within the world so as to further the social advancement towards the establishment of a communist society.
(ii) "HOGWEED"の拡散を全力で防止するための、非同盟外部組織である"SACK"及び"BULAVA"との限定的な協力を継続すること。
(ii) Continued limited cooperation with non-allied foreign organizations, namely "SACK" and "BULAVA" in order to prevent the spread of "HOGWEED" at all costs.

(d) ソビエト連邦の資産、機関、市民、諸外国代表者の保護に従事すること。
(d) Engaging in the protection of USSR assets, institutions, citizenry, and representatives abroad.
(i) 諸外国での重要な政治的、経済的または思想的な目標を転覆することを目的とした、ないしはソビエト連邦領土内に感染を導入することを目的とした、ミーム的またはその他の認識災害的な汚染をスクリーニング及び予防すること。
(i) Screening for and preventing memetic or other cognitohazardous contamination of the above, esp. such aiming to subvert key political, economic or ideological goals abroad, or introduce such contagion within USSR territory.

(e) ソビエト連邦外部の同盟組織、主に同盟国の異常事象に関係する国家情報機関の部局及び同盟国の精神工学研究機関との協力関係を結ぶこと。
(e) Enacting cooperation with allied organizations outside USSR, chiefly national intelligence organizations' departments concerned with abnormal occurrences of allied states, and psychotronics research organizations of allied states.

…………………………………………[END OF EXCERPT]


On language and terminology:

Codewords tied to specific organizations:
"SACK" - SCP財団。組織の目的は不明。大祖国戦争末期以降、急速に活動範囲と活動規模が拡大している秘密組織。
"SACK" - SCP Foundation. Organizational aims unknown. Highly secretive organization rapidly increasing in scope and operation since the end of the Great Patriotic War.

"BULAVA" - 境界線イニシアチブ。組織の目的はソビエト連邦と同盟国の地政学的利益と直接対立する神政主義的な計画を促進すること。一般的に"聖なる遺物"と称される、または組織の特定の思想的な戒律に結びつけられた、かなりの量の異常な手段を用いている — 多くの場合、それらの真の起源と対立している。
"BULAVA" - The Horizon Initiative. Organizational aims directed towards furthering theocratic agenda at direct odds with the geopolitical interests of USSR and allied states. Dispones with significant amount of abnormal means generally styled as "holy relics" or otherwise tied to the specific ideological precepts of the group - often at odds with their genuine origin.

"ALARIC" - SS1 アーネンエルベ。組織の目的は異常な手段を用いて第三帝国の政治とその地政学的な目的を促進することに向けられていた。消滅済み。"WOLFSKIN"の項を参照。
"ALARIC" - SS Ahnenerbe. Organizational aims directed towards furthering the politics of the Third Reich and its geopolitical aims through use of abnormal means. Extinct. See document "WOLFSKIN".

"GOSPLAN" - ザ・ファクトリー。組織の目的は、より多くの人々に超自然的な物品を製造し、配布することに向けられている。不定期に活動し、第一世界の消費者文化への波及に焦点を当てているように見える。
"GOSPLAN" - The Factory. Organizational aims are directed towards manufacture and distribution of supernatural objects to the larger population. Irregularly active, appears to be more focused on reaching the consumer culture of the First World.

"BOREI" - 第五教会。組織の目的は分散しており、非中央集権的に見える。思想的には宇宙旅行や巨大宇宙の概念と結びつけられている。宇宙飛行士の訓練には、この信仰に関係する人物のスクリーニングが含まれている。
"BOREI" - The Fifth Church. Organizational aims appear to dispersed and non-centralized. Ideologically tied to concepts with space travel and the larger universe. Cosmonaut training includes screening for persons associated with these beliefs.

"CALDERA" - 世界オカルト連合。国連の庇護の下に多国籍機関として設立された。組織の目的は国連加盟国全体の異常事象を排除することに向けられているが、西洋諸国の地政学的な目的を促進するという暗黙の副次目標を有する。
"CALDERA" - Global Occult Coalition. Established as a multinational organization under the shield of the UN. Organizational aims directed towards eliminating abnormal occurrences throughout UN membership countries, with tacit sub-goals of furthering Western geopolitical aims.

"ENGELS" - ロモノソフ-マカレンコ科学・政治教育研究所。組織の目的は多くの場合で型破りかつリスクの高い方法で適用される異常な手段を通じて、ソビエト連邦の経済的、思想的、政治的発展を促進することに向けられている。散発的な活動。ソビエト連邦領内の不明な場所で活動している。申告された所在地であるカルパクスタン・ソビエト社会主義共和国のボルショイ・ケモダンスクは実在しない。
"ENGELS" - Lomonosov-Makarenko Institute for Scientific and Political Education. Organizational aims directed towards furthering the economic, ideological and political development of the USSR through abnormal means applied often in unconventional and highly risky manner. Sporadic activity. Operates from unknown location from within USSR territory; the self-reported location of Bolshoi Chemodansk, Soviet Socialist Republic of Kalpakstan does not exist.

GRU-P"年表/GRU-P" Timeline


1934年12月4日/December 4, 1934


Sergey Kirov assassinated.

一匹狼のガンマンによる犯行だと広く信じられていた。恐らくスターリンが大粛清を開始するために企てたのだろう。長身のガンマンがソビエトの警備を破り、致命的な一発を撃ち込んだのだ — 本当にそうなのだろうか。それは世界史に残る大事件であり、異常な世界にとっては無害な事件だ。ところが、真実から遠ざかるものは何も無かった。
Widely believed to be due to a lone gunman, possibly orchestrated by Stalin to initiate his great purge. A long gunman walks right past Soviet security and fires a fatal shot, questions are going to be raised. A great incident to world history, a benign one to the world of the anomalous. However, nothing could be further from the truth.

This was the first thread pulled to reveal the great tapestry of the paranormal to the Soviet Union. Of course, it is also true that this precipitated prescription on a scale not seen since the days of Rome.

Stalin was, after all, a master of wheels within wheels.


1947年██月██日/███████ ██ 1947


The GRU expand the recently inaugurated Division "P", the Soviet answer to the West's second enlightenment, the discovery that nature could be bent past broken, the jagged edges being quite useful for cutting the throats of your enemies.


1949年10月19日の暫く後/Sometime after October 19, 1949

政権下/On Power

GRU-P is known to have considered government change within the Soviet Union, the exact parameters, success, and veracity of this report have not been confirmed.


1952年7月30日/30 Jul 1952

壁の後ろでは/Behind Walls

GRU-P agents are attempting to document any possible anomalous entities residing within their borders after an incident in Germany caused unexpected anomalous phenomenon to begin manifesting itself.


1958年11月11日/November 11th, 1958

開眼/Eyes Open

Citizens of the Soviet Union with anomalous properties are aggressively recruited by GRU-P for the purpose of espionage. It is known that many of the most serious breaches in information security were related to this program.

Fly Agaric

1966年3月27日/March 27, 1966


Anomalous materials continue to be used in furthering Soviet industrial practices, indicating that GRU-P has taken a larger role in furthering Soviet economic practices.




As a nuclear power, graduated from global crisis between the superpowers, GRU-P is known to contain anomalous phenomenon at a much larger scale. Organizations like the GOC, UIU and SCP Foundation can no longer treat them as a second-class player, their secrecy has proved to be hiding strength and not weakness.



堂々たる立ち姿/Standing Tall

GRU-P finances and activity become increasingly difficult to track, as their ability to self-finance through anomalous means becomes a matter of speculation outside the Soviet bloc.


1985年2月2日/February 2nd, 1985

言論の自由/Free Speech

Large-scale infiltration of the West by GRU-P has occurred at a scale not predicted by any of the major powers. Consequentially, every operational Foundation site and outpost should be issued with revised guidelines for dealing with GRU-P agents and anomalies.


1983年4月10日/April 10, 1983


Espionage activities in Western nations continues, with attempts to manipulate public opinion becoming more bold as GRU-P appears to grow more self-confident.

Dissolution of the Soviet Union

1991年12月26日/December 26, 1991


All known activity related to the institution named GRU Division "P" ceases as the larger GRU organization is abolished by most post-Soviet states. A rose by any other name, however, can still be as sharp.




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On future prospects for national security:

On future prospects for national security.
Excerpt of speech of I.V. Stalin in front of the Abnormal Occurences Commission and officials of the Fourth Department following the report of its findings.

Comrades, it was with great sadness, but greater concern that four months ago, we learned of the death of our comrade, friend and example, Sergey Mironovic Kirov. A death which, as we, through the efforts of the commission seated here today, have learned, came of the crooked hands of domestic reaction, embedded deeper than we would have expected.
But more came from the efforts of the commission's diligent work. What did, that it warrants the time of all of us that have met here?

The answer, as it turns out is that the vile act has been committed through means which go beyond our understanding, and I do not object to saying, beyond common sense. After all, if, to a group of chekists, one would suggest that when a criminal has snuck to the office of a key party worker, with a gun, and was not admonished by the present guards neither at entrance nor at the floors, that these guards have been neither negligent nor corrupt and complicit in the sabotage, but instead bewitched by a trinket of the man's carry, one would be met with gales of laughter well justified.

Yet, in this case, as unbelievable as it is, this was shown to be what took place.

Comrade Mitrochov, step forwards and demonstrate!

ありがとう、同志ミトロチョフ。君たちはここに立ち、何も秩序から外れたことは起きていないと思っている。私が手の込んだイタズラをしているだけだとな。だが同志ペトリヤル、君の党の正当性がどこにあるのか教えてくれ。同志ノビコフ、何故君もペンナイフをミトロチョフに渡したんだ? 同志ノビコフ、なぜ財布を帽子の代わりに被っているんだ? そうなってしまうだけの重大な事由を同志ミトロチョフが有しているからではないか?
Thank you, comrade Mitrochov. And here, you stand and think nothing out of order has happened, and that I am playing an elaborate prank. But, comrade Petlyar, do tell me where is your party legitimation. And, comrade Novikov, why did you too, give your pen knife to comrade Mitrochov? And you, comrade Novikov, why are you wearing your wallet as a hat? Because comrade Mitrochov must have had grave reasons to place it there, am I right?

Comrade Mitrochov and his group has diligently worked on trying to understand the workings of the little item, as well as trying to work out where the nest of traitors responsible for comrade Kirov's death lies, and it is on a tall tree indeed. Still, while up there the Trotskyites might indeed feel safe, they shall find themselves three walls short of a cell sooner rather than later. But such is alarming news. Why so?

Because comrades, here we see Trotskyites, mistaken as they are, using knowledge we lack to take the life of a good communist. And where such a thing happened once, it might happen again. Knowledge, as old proverbs say, is a weapon, and knowledge that we do not possess is a weapon held to our necks.
We must therefore strive to seize such a weapon from the hands of our enemies, and to do that, we must find about it first.

同志ミトロチョフは、この十字架がどこで生まれたのかを突き止め、裏切り者が犯人に与えたであろう奇跡を発見した。レニングラードの近くの村ではこんな言い伝えがあった — シロメ3の小さな十字架を持った白軍の兵士がどうにかして赤軍の小隊の後方に回り込み、機関銃を奪って、手榴弾で殺されるまでに12人もの兵士を殺したというのだ。そして同志キーロフの命が奪われる数ヶ月前、NKVD4の命令で、何者かがその兵士や他の多くの白軍兵が埋葬された場所を掘り返していたことが判明した。さらに、委員会の同志たちはこのような噂や言い伝えを何十件も調査し、少なくとも2件の調査で、隠しきれないいくつかの問題を発見した。
As it turns out, comrade Mitrochov here has found where it has its origin, the supposed miracle the scheming traitors gave to the perpetrator, and that he lost on his way out. In a village near Leningrad, where a rumor goes about, that a shot White Guard holding the little pewter cross somehow sneaked right past a platoon of our troops and seized the machine gun behind them, killing a dozen before a grenade took him down. Turns out someone has dug out where he and a number other Whites were buried some months before comrade Kirov's life was taken, on NKVD orders. What is more, our comrades in the Commission have investigated dozens of other such rumors and tell-tales, and at least in two others, have found things that can not be brushed under the carpet either.

Comrades, all of us here are bearers of a scientific, atheistic worldview, and as such would be quick to see folk tales and rumors of the sort as mere superstition stemming from a lack of knowledge and a priest's fairy-tale worldview. Still, time to time such superstition sticks to something that is genuine, and to dismiss that would be the act of not a materialist, but a know-it-all with a worldview so rigid it can hardly be called scientific. After all, our great grandfathers would say it was Lord God who made rain fall and lightning strike, but while a Leninist knows they were wrong, he still could do better than stick his arse towards the sky in a thunderstorm, for it makes them no less real.

いや、同志諸君、異常対策委員会の仕事は継続される — 今後は、あらゆる理由により起きてはならない事態が起きていることを、連邦全土で党政治局とそれを支える第4委員会の全面的な支援を得て、調査していくものとする。そのほとんどが空虚な噂やナンセンスであることが恐らくは証明されるだろう。だが、干し草の山の中の1本の針でさえ、馬を殺すことができる。そして、彼らの勤勉な努力が理解をもたらす時、我々はこの理解を利用し、ソビエト人民の敵に、彼らが夢にも思わなかったような方法で多くの打撃を与えることとなるだろう。私たちの親愛なる同志であり、学識者でもあるミチュリンの言葉を引用しよう — "自然からの恩恵をただ待つことはできない。それを手にすることこそが我々の責務だ"。
No, comrades, the work of the Abnormal Occurrences Commission shall continue - from now on it shall look at things taking place which by all reason should not have, all over the Union, and with full support of the Politbyro and the Fourth department behind it. Most of such will likely prove to be empty rumors and nonsense, but even one needle in a haystack can kill a horse. And when their diligent efforts bring understanding, we shall make use of this understanding to deal many a blow to the enemies of Soviet people, in a manner they would never have dreamed of. I leave you with the saying of our dear comrade, academician Michurin - "We cannot wait for favors from Nature. To take them from it – that is our task."

GRU-P Timeline & On future prospects for national security
— translated by AoichaAoicha

注記: Fourth Department Abnormal Occurrences Commissionは第4異常対策委員会と訳出している。要注意団体ハブのP部局説明文では非常事態委員会第4部局となっていたが、P部局のDivisionとDepartmentが両方部局と訳されており紛らわしいことと、Abnormal Occurrencesを非常事態と訳出すると多くの場面で意味が通らないため変更している。
また、Abnormal Occurrencesは異常事象と訳出している。



執筆者: islandsmaster
文字数: 32921
リビジョン数: 27
批評コメント: 2

最終更新: 12 Apr 2020 13:49
最終コメント: 05 Apr 2020 07:35 by islandsmaster


















































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