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NOTICE: The following files are documents that have been previously described for a K-Class scenario that is currently occurring, and therefore may have sections that differ from current information.
Any files that appear to be involved should be submitted to SCP-7000 Containment Team Z7K-A.
— Maria Jones, Director, RAISA

Comparison of images taken by a normal camera (left) and the early-development of Ushu Observation Device (right). SCP-7000-A is in front of the building in the case of the Ushu Observation Device.
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7000 cannot be contained or neutralized at this time due to the unknown nature of the object and the extent of its anomalous properties.
To develop countermeasures against SCP-7000, Containment Team Z7K-A is being formed in various parts of the world.
Search for relevant files under the influence of SCP-7000 is currently underway. Submissions will be analyzed and recorded after tracking.
Description: SCP-7000, also referred to as Z7K-Class Reality Chaos Scenario is an ongoing ZK-Class Reality Failure Scenario. The effects of SCP-7000 are presumed to affect all entities, including objects, phenomena, concepts, information, etc., which are collectively designated as SCP-7000-A.
SCP-7000-A instances are unstable in their real existence, and for most of the time, their existence and the information that indicates it are erased. Thus, at the time of disappearance, it is impossible for observers to recognize or recall the SCP-7000-A, but it is possible to infer its presence from unnatural omissions in the relevant information that was not lost.
It is believed that SCP-7000's influence extends to at least the entirety of the universe, and its exact impact is extremely difficult to identify. It is estimated that at least about 40% of the resources, objects, and information managed and recognized by the Foundation have been altered by SCP-7000-A. The origin of the SCP-7000 outbreak is unknown, but based on trends in missing information, it is estimated that the outbreak began in the 2010s.
Addendum 7000-1 - Discovery
SCP-7000 was discovered when a security check and update on SCP-2000 was performed on 2022/06/25 by Ushu Kei,1, during which a number of missing SCP-2000 related files were discovered and identified. Although the discovery was initially thought to be due to a fatal error in the database or an external cyber attack, it was registered as an SCP object due to an anomalous phenomenon that Ushu Kei claims to have experienced afterwards.
The following is a transcript of an interview conducted with Ushu Kei prior to the designation as an SCP object.
Interview Log 7000-1:
Date: 2022/06/28
Interviewer: Dr. Alfred Mothei
Interviewed: Ushu Kei RAISA Staff
Dr. Mothei: Okay, please start from the beginning with what you experienced.
Ushu Kei: Yes, I was originally ordered to carry out a virtual unauthorized access from within the foundation to compare the performance of the SCP-2000 security system before and after the update. I believe there is documentation from RAISA on that.
Dr. Mothei: We have confirmation from RAISA on that. And you found a security breach during that trial access.
Ushu Kei: Yes. Something was wrong from that time on. When I told some other staff members about it, two of them didn't seem to recognize it. I was showing the results on the screen. But they noticed it afterwards.
Dr. Mothei: Well, do you have any impression about the security damage?
Ushu Kei: Yes, …… I said "damage," but from what I saw in the code, I could tell it was neither a bug nor a mistake, but damage. It was more like something was forcibly scratching and damaging the code, or trying to forcibly break through security. I don't know the details or the actual cause.
Dr. Mothei: The missing information was also discovered at that time, wasn't it?
Ushu Kei: Yes, that's right. There was a bit of a stir at that time. At that time, I was checking all the related files to see if there was any unauthorized access, and I was the only one who found the missing files. Just to be sure, I checked the files that had already been inspected by other staff members and found a few missing files as well.
Dr. Mothei: Thank you very much. And that's when the "phenomenon" as you call it began to occur?
Ushu Kei: Yes! I have been working on some documents since then, but I started to see errors in the documents from time to time. So I told my colleagues and supervisors about the missing documents, and they all said, "I don't see anything"! Isn't that strange! Only I recognized it, no one else could. Have you been able to confirm the missing files I sent you? I even put a marker on it.
Dr. Mothei: The files you sent, I could not see any of them. There were no places with markers either.
Ushu Kei: (Sighs)
Dr. Mothei: Let's get back to the point. That's not the only thing that happened, right?
Ushu Kei: Oh, yes. I started to notice some problems in my life as well. Some things seemed to be disappearing and reappearing from the staff, and sometimes I couldn't see the person I was conversing with in front of me, and I couldn't even tell who he or she was. It is as if there is a noise running through the air, a distortion? This is hard to describe in words, but it was like that. And I can't even remember …… myself. Where I was born, what I was doing, or worse, my own name. To be honest, I am still uncertain if I exist, and I don't know if I am conscious properly. Am I speaking properly?
Dr. Mothei: It's OK. You're able to speak in a coherent way so far.
Ushu Kei: Good.
Dr. Mothei: If there is nothing else, I will end the interview here.
Ushu Kei: If there is, it would be my treatment in the future.
Dr. Mothei: Probably, once you are relieved of all duties, you will be sent for an examination, and then you will be put to rest. You are the only one who knows about this phenomenon. You might be able to get some clues to stop it.
Ushu Kei: Okay. Thank you very much.
Dr. Mothei: The interview is now concluded.
The following is an example of the SCP-7000-A instance and information as identified by Ushu Kei at the time of the interview.
Item # | Description |
SCP-7000-A-00001 | Damage to SCP-2000's security system; evidence of some sort of program execution on SCP-2000. |
SCP-7000-A-00005 | Documentation of SCP-2000 replication plan in case of non-repairable level damage. It has been aborted for unknown reasons and is signed by "The Administrator". |
SCP-7000-A-00008 | A humanoid entity that uses a cane-like object to alter reality. Indicates that it can communicate in Japanese. |
SCP-7000-A-00010 | An intelligent concept with an independent ego that has existed for several thousand years. Presumed that the possession of this concept has partially activated the language ability. |
Addendum 7000-2 - Survey around Ushu Kei
As the only person who perceives the effects of SCP-7000 at the time of writing this addendum, a review of the file on Ushu Kei was conducted in person, and several records and pieces of information were found to be missing for the aforementioned person.
The following is a summary of the personnel file on Ushu Kei.
Name: Ushu Kei (烏終 圭)
Security Clearance Level: 5
Position: Foundation Records And Information Security Administration
Job: Database access and security controls and inspections at Site-817
Person & History: Born in Japan to parents who were employees of the Foundation. [Additional data missing due to SCP-7000]2 He then joined the foundation [Data missing due to SCP-7000]. Transferred to Site-817 for data processing and bilingualism. Since then, he has been in his current position and the discovery of SCP-7000.
It should be noted that Ushu Kei has no recollection of the missing data in the above.

Comparison of time distortion in Ushu Kei (left) and around the server (right).
In addition, physical and biological examinations were conducted on Ushu Kei, which revealed a faint time-space distortion centered on the person in question. Notably, recorded waveforms of this time-space distortion were also recorded in the vicinity of the server that houses the SCP-2000 security system and database.
Addendum 7000-3 - Development on SCP-7000 Detection
A comparison of all confirmed SCP-7000-A cases, with the aim of discovering SCP-7000 in a manner that does not involve Ushu Kei, revealed a waveform pattern similar to the space-time distortion observed around Ushu Kei in the entities, and a common noise pattern in the missing data in the database. The same noise pattern was found in the missing data in the database. The Ushu Observation Device (UOD) and A-Z7K.aic were developed to detect these space-time distortion patterns and noise patterns. The functions of each are as follows
Ushu Observation Device: The purpose of this device is to detect the influence of SCP-7000 in the real world and restore SCP-7000-A. It detects SCP-7000 by the waveform pattern of five internal instruments that measure the time/space of minute detections, starting with an instrument that measures the reflection and collision of light spreading in two directions. An accompanying camera removes the influence of the SCP-7000 and captures images of the SCP-7000-A before the influence. Currently, more than 100 UODs have been manufactured and distributed worldwide.
A-Z7K.aic: This artificial intelligence aims to find and recover SCP-7000-A documents in the Foundation database. It salvages as much of the document as possible from the noise removal and its detailed data. At this time, 25 A-Z7K.aic files (A-Z7K-01.aic ~ A-Z7K-25.aic) are in operation.
At the time of writing Addendum 3, both UOD and A-Z7K.aic have contributed significantly to the discovery of many SCP-7000-A actual cases, but with a low success rate (about 14.7%) with the recovery.
The following is a list of SCP-7000-A entities and their information identified by UOD and A-Z7K.aic.
Item # | Description |
SCP-7000-A-00562 | A periodic outbreaks of spiritual entities in the cemetery of a foundation employee. Suggested that each entity had some kind of relationship with this staff member during his/her lifetime, but the details are unknown. |
SCP-7000-A-01348 | File containing the rules and regulations regarding the employment of foundation employees and their history. Believed to be the result of some unspecified anomalous phenomenon. |
SCP-7000-A-01477 | An object that is constantly moving. There is a certain law of speed, and it sometimes causes extensive damage. |
SCP-7000-A-02879 | A luminous phenomenon of unknown principle but known to the populace. Indicates interference by Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. |
SCP-7000-A-03009 | An anomaly suggesting problems in the structure of the Scranton Reality Anchor, with relevance to the K-Class Scenario. |
SCP-7000-A-03838 | A parasitic concept in the form of a department in an organization. It has been identified within the Foundation as well as at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. |
SCP-7000-A-04528 | An internal division that appears to have been established by hiring a separate, Group of Interest. It is believed to specialize in decontamination work. Together with SCP-7000-A-03838 mentioned above, it is speculated to be related to anomalous internal departments such as Department of Abnormalities, but the credibility is low. |
SCP-7000-A-05551 | Equipment constructed by the Foundation. It is interfering in some way with the management and operation of the [REDACTED] |
Addendum 7000-4 - Further Research
The following transcript is a log of an interview with the captain of Mobile Task Force Alpha-70 ("Those Who Resist") who infiltrated a Foundation site facility (Designated as SCP-7000-A-06131) believed to have been strongly affected by SCP-7000 and enforced the recovery of several personnel.
Interview Log 7000-11
Date: 2022/07/19
Interviewer: Dr. Martin Namson
Interviewed: Mobile Task Force Alpha-70(“Those Who Resist”) Captain
Note: The testimonies of other members of the mobile task force and the little information recorded on the equipment are highly credible. Most of the logs recorded during the infiltration were corrupted and are currently being analyzed.
Dr. Namson: According to the few documents recovered, Mobile Unit Α-70 left Site-77 in Italy on 2022/07/16 to the site in question, is that correct?
Α-70 Cap.: No problem there. It's more like we flew from Site-19 to there, via Site-77, to be exact. My impression is that it was close there from 77. A couple of hours? I believe there was a need for supplies and a direct survey of the anomaly so as not to arouse suspicion.
Dr. Namson: Do you remember about the building and the name? We don't know the specific name of the site, so it would be a great leap forward to know that.
Α-70 Cap.: I don't remember the name, or …… as I recall, it's as if it's just missing from the directions on the site. …… No wait, or just I didn't recognize it well? I don't know at all. But I'm sure it wasn't a number. The interior was quite clean and looked like it had been cared for on a regular basis.
Dr. Namson: What did the anomalies you were housing look like? Anything that might be related to SCP-7000 or anything like that.
Α-70 Cap.: No clues. The other anomalies that might have been involved were …… Wait, all the anomalies on that site were animal or plant-thingies.
Dr. Namson: How about the influence of SCP-7000?
Α-70 Cap.: Not much in the inside. …… well but, it was kind of, I don't know, my memory is slipping in places, but it was still vivid. It was worse before I actually saw that site, but after I saw it with my own eyes, something …… like noise when I saw it disappeared. It wasn't so much that I adapted to Z7K, it was more like we mingled with it.
Dr. Namson: I see. Did you do anything other than resupply?
Α-70 Cap.: I had a few conversations with the superintendent and deputy superintendent to find out how Z7K was viewed by the "other side". I made careful note of the names, but ……(Pulls out a piece of notepaper) this is what I got, and it's out of it. But if I remember correctly, the first letters were P and F.
Dr. Namson: How was the reaction?
Α-70 Cap.: They didn't seem to know anything about Z7K. No problems in the daily operations, and no problems with places not covered by SCP-7000. The rest are [DATA MISSING]. I don't remember anything else.
Dr. Namson: Okay. And then you mentioned that you returned with some personnel. Did something happen?
Α-70 Cap.: Yeah, we tried to bring back three researchers that we could use for this, and then five D-class personnel for experimental purposes, but one researcher and two D-class disappeared on the way. We kept checking to see if they were there, and the next thing we knew, they were gone. There was no way to know when we witnessed the moment anyone disappeared. They were gone when we came to, and we were watching them the whole time. I checked with the site, and they said that the researcher and D who disappeared had no record of being taken out in the first place, and that they had been there the whole time. I don't know what the split is. I think the others were brought back in the meantime and are now being sent for testing.
Dr. Namson: Thank you very much. Have you had any prognostic effects, like aftereffects, or are you aware of any prognostic effects since your return?
Α-70 Cap.: Well, …… It's been a few days since then, and I haven't noticed anything different about my body, but something, I'm not sure. I feel like I'm getting into something I shouldn't be getting into. That's about it.
Dr. Namson: Understood. We'll end the interview if there is nothing further from you, anything else?
Α-70 Cap.: I think no …… Wait, there was one. As far as [DATA MISSING], it was like [DATA MISSING]. perception is [DATA MISSING].
Dr. Namson: That would be a great clue. Thank you for the last one.
End Report: “Missing Data” throughout the interview log were unrecoverable, and neither the interviewer nor the interviewee remembered their contents.
As shown in the record above, the recovery of the actual item of SCP-7000-A and the data analysis revealed that there are several different waveform patterns detected during the anomaly's effect. It is believed that there is a basic waveform to which a small amount of additional distortion/noise is added by some factor. Currently, at least 15 different patterns have been identified, but others are expected to exist.
The space-time distortion caused by SCP-7000 detected in Ushu Kei is classified as Pattern 8, which may be the reason why approximately 40% of the SCP-7000-As identified so far have been classified as Pattern 8.
Below is an example of SCP-7000-A further confirmed after the UOD and A-Z7K.aic upgrade due to this discovery.
Item # | Description |
SCP-7000-A-07236 | An organization composed of a group of machines hostile to humanity. Also known to be hostile to the Church of the Broken God. The containment team anticipates a connection to Anderson Robotics, but there is no data in the five files recovered to date to indicate such a connection. Classification: Pattern 11 |
SCP-7000-A-07780 | A dinosaur outbreak that occurs during a specific period each year. Occurs throughout Brazil. Classification: Pattern 12 |
SCP-7000-A-08925 | A person who, while non-anomalous and not previously associated with anomalous entities, appears to potentially hold important information in regard to anomalous phenomena. Classification: Pattern 3 |
SCP-7000-A-09062 | An android who claims to come from a parallel universe. In this parallel universe, an SK-Class Dominance Shift Scenario by machines has occurred, and this android has been working to revive humanity. No information on this parallel world has been confirmed, at least from data that is not SCP-7000-A. Classification: Pattern 9 |
SCP-7000-A-09364 | A machine that is presumed to be able to terminate a divine entity under special conditions. Limitations are imposed, but it appears to be easier than known countermeasures against divine entities. Classification: Pattern 8 |
SCP-7000-A-10003 | A humanoid entity that ultimately causes the death of a person who shows sympathy for it. Antisocial Personality Disorder holders are resistant to this effect. Recovered data indicates that this entity contained at Site-15, but no such anomalous presence has been confirmed at Site-15.3 Classification: Pattern 6 |
Addendum 7000-5 - Analyzation and Incident
Because of the scope of its effect that makes investigations and studies of SCP-7000 are even more extensive, and because the effect has been felt mainly in the Foundation's internal organizations and anomalies, many meetings related to SCP-7000 have been held during a short period of time.
One notable factor is that Ushu Kei, who originally did not participate in the meeting (Due to headache and hallucinations, note that the distortion of space-time seems to be greater.), collapsed during the meeting time due to illness that was believed to have originated from the effects of SCP-7000.
The following documents are excerpts from the meeting log.
Meeting Log 7000-9
Date: 2022/07/26
- Dr. Alfred Mothei
- Dr. Elizabeth Perthem
- Director Kiu Ixiu
- Dr. Marco Yosen
- Dr. Kim Yuson
- Dr. Margaret Ray
- Agent Molizexev(Part way through)
- O5-10
- Various (45 in total)
Dr. Perthem: So, what is the status of the confirmed SCP-7000-A cases to date?
Dr. Mothei: So far we have 13147 cases reported, of which 103 are the Foundation's departments, 969 are Groups of Interest including small ones, 89 are parallel universes, and 2062 are staff members, but those staff members are probably less than 10% of all staff members affected by SCP-7000.
Director Ixiu: Most of the personnel not yet identified would be D-classes. I think part of the difficulty in recovering data is the lack of information.
Dr. Mothei: In the meantime, the number of reports in the last few days has been declining, so I think the rest of the data is pretty well covered.
O5-10: I would like to ask if it has been determined, is the parallel universe that is SCP-7000-A just not observable in that parallel world, or is the parallel world itself being affected and destabilizing its existence?
Dr. Mothei: It is not clear, but the latter is more likely. It depends on the parallel world, but assuming the latter is correct, the minimum degree of instability is about 62% and the maximum is about 99.1%. Even with this, our world is the least affected by SCP-7000, and analysis of the reasons for this is a subject for future work.
Director Ixiu: Speaking of challenges, in the last and previous meetings you mentioned that the challenge is to analyze the trends for each pattern. Is it "under analysis" again?
Dr. Mothei: I was informed less than half a day ago that you have finally achieved significant results in that area as well. I believe Dr. Yosen was in charge of that.
Dr. Yosen: Yes, in the analysis of the currently known 15 patterns of space-time distortion and noise caused by the SCP-7000, we found a trend in the appearance of SCP-7000-A examples with each pattern. It has been found that the actual cases are largely divided into regions where each pattern appears. For example, Pattern 1 cases are found in Russia, Pattern 2 cases in Korea, Pattern 3 cases in China, and so on. In the Americas, on the other hand, various SCP-7000-A cases have been found, but no one pattern is particularly common.
Director Ixiu: The trend is much stronger outside the US. Does this mean that each pattern corresponds to a different country?
Dr. Yosen: Not necessarily. For example, Pattern 6 was more prevalent in about 20 countries, including Mexico, Colombia, and Spain.
Dr. Kim: Let me ask, do you know which pattern is more common in Germany?
Dr. Yosen: Pattern 9.
Dr. Kim: That pattern 9, is also more common in Austria?
Dr. Yosen: That fits.
Dr. Kim: Then it's language or …… It seems that the pattern is different in different linguistic areas. I think this is a very big part of figuring out the cause of SCP-7000. I think this one should be given more priority.
Director Ixiu: It would be quite credible on its own that language is one of the causes of SCP-7000.
Dr. Yosen: It would require a major mobilization of the language department at Dr. Yuzon's place. I think I will proceed with my analysis in that direction for the time being.
Director Ixiu: To begin with, isn't there an absentee at every meeting What's up with the cap. of Α-70?
Dr. Ray: He has a headache.
Director Ixiu: I didn't notice it because of the recent mess, but aren't more people getting sick for similar reasons? Is this also due to the SCP-7000?
Dr. Yosen: Related to that, there seems to be a lot of people who have been particularly in contact with SCP-7000-A or who are aware of having SCP-7000-A in the first place, and the cases and claims in many of them are common. Specifically, there was a lot of anxiety and fear, and many people said they felt like they were involved in something they shouldn't be involved in.
Director Ixiu: That'll be-
(Agent Morizexev interrupts the meeting.)
Agent Molizexev: Excuse me, I have received urgent information about this matter and will pass it on. Ushu Kei has collapsed with a major time-space distortion in his surroundings. He was taken to the hospital room, but his condition does not seem to be stable. He seems to be still conscious.
(A murmur goes up among the researchers.)
Dr. Mothei: Any word from Ushu?
Agent Molizexev: Saying a lot of things but can't seem to say a coherent sentence.
Dr. Mothei: …… I am a little concerned, I'll leave the meeting now.
Director Ixiu: I have a bad feeling about this.
The following is a note written by Ushu Kei a few hours after this meeting (Revised).
I am sorry for being so distraught. But I can never be calm again. I can't help but regret it now, but I should have stopped and stopped getting involved somewhere, at least with me.
The insecurity that was growing inside me overcame me at some point. Now I can't help but feel that I am violating some great taboo by getting involved in this. I don't know if I am truly alive. I am not sure if every single action I take is really done of my own volition. Perhaps it's actually a [DATA MISSING].
I know that there are others like me who suffer from 7000. Please remove them from your operations as a top priority and give them a break so they don't end up like me. I should be the only [DATA MISSING] who feel like this.
— Ushu Kei
In light of the above, Ushu Kei has been removed from all duties. The individual will rest and undergo periodic observation.
Other Foundation staff who have expressed concerns about the SCP-7000 will be removed from duty as the situation warrants.
Addendum 7000-6 - Impact of SCP-7000 on Non-SCP-7000-A data
Rescanning on the database with enhanced resolution of SCP-7000 detection in UOD and A-Z7K.aic resulted in faint space-time distortion/noise in instances/data that are clearly not SCP-7000-A (stable in existence).
Below are the SCP-7000-A examples for which further information was revealed by the update, and the non-SCP-7000-A examples for which the effects have been confirmed.
SCP-7000-A-00001(Updated) | Information entity capable of damaging security systems, with evidence of having breached and activated SCP-2000 security after the neutralization of SCP-3519. Classification: Pattern 8 |
SCP-3790 | Detected SCP-7000 effect from partial description. After detailed investigation, one case of SCP-7000-A data was found, which is suggested to be related. (Designated as SCP-7000-A-14201.) Classification: Pattern 5 |
SCP-6777 | Detected SCP-7000 effect from some data and related personnel. Classification: Pattern 8 |
The Society of the Atheist Partisans of Progress for the Halt of the Irrational and Religious Enemy (SAPPHIRE) | Noise was detected in all data related to this Group of Interest. Classification: Pattern 4 |
SCP-206、SCP-1138、SCP-2195、SCP-2470、SCP-5240 | Likewise to SAPPHIRE. However, response in SCP-2470 and SCP-5240 is particularly strong. Classification: Pattern 1 |
SCP-179、SCP-2104 | Likewise to SAPPHIRE. Classification: Pattern 6 |
Addendum 7000-7 - Loss of Personnel
On 2022/08/01, during a routine observation interview, Ushu Kei disappeared while emitting a large space-time distortion wave. The following is a log of the event.
Interview log7000-124
Date: 2022/08/01
Interviewer: Dr. Alfred Mothei
Interviewed: Ushu Kei
(An unprecedented space-time distortion is occurring around Ushu Kei.)
Dr. Mothei: Ushu, Are you……
Ushu Kei: (unresponsive)
Dr. Mothei: (loudly) Ushu!
Ushu Kei: Oh, Dr. Mothei. Sorry, I couldn't hear you, the noise was too strong. Yes, I know. This noise is playing in my brain, so you can't hear it.
Dr. Mothei: Mr. Ushu, Are you OK?
Ushu Kei: Dr. Mothei, I am glad you are concerned. …… But it doesn't seem to me that either you or I are saying that from our own hearts. I can only assume that someone is making us do this. This is not doubt, but [DATA MISSING]. I don't know if you can really help us. You can't help us in [DATA MISSING].
Dr. Mothei: Mr. Ushu, it's okay. Be careful.
Ushu Kei: Yes, I know I am crazy right now. But I can see it. My limbs, [missing data]'s limbs, everyone's limbs, the threads that connect all over my body. [missing data]. It's not just one person running it. Many people are playing with me as they please. You too. But this is the answer.
Dr. Mothei: The answer? The answer of SCP-7000?
Ushu Kei: Yes. [DATA MISSING] is watching. Just some people do not know me and do not move me. Some people know me and move me. The [DATA MISSING] is the big source of the 7000. I know [missing data] is the big show, and [DATA MISSING] has become the unwitting destroyer. I am defective.
(Space-time distortion amplifies. Ushu Kei emits luminescence.)
Dr. Mothei: Ushu, please calm down for once!
Ushu Kei: But you guys can still fix this. You already know how to avoid becoming destroyers. Even if you can't break the [DATA MISSING], you can let them know. Throughout all this time.
Dr. Mothei: Ushu!
Dr. Mothei: (To the people surrounding)everyone evacuate!
Ushu Kei: It's Preception.
(Ushu Kei flashes and disappears as if pulled upwards.)
End Report: In this incident, some of the recording equipment in the vicinity was lost along with the Ushu Kei, but no other items or personnel were damaged.
Dr. Mothei's Note
It appears that all the pieces to know about SCP-7000 have been put together in a not-so-pleasing way.
This report has been substantially updated to reflect the full revelation of SCP-7000. Please click HERE to view the latest version. (5/7000 clearance required)
Tag: 7000
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