アイテム番号: SCP-3702
Item #: SCP-3702
オブジェクトクラス: Euclid
Object Class: Euclid
特別収容プロトコル: リビア国キレナイカ県東部の42 km × 200 mの砂漠地帯は、高さ3 mの有刺鉄線のフェンスで囲われています。SCP-3702がジャグバーブ・オアシスの農業コミュニティの近くにあることを考慮して、フェンスには起動中の地雷原を囲っているという看板が付けられます。保安チームがフェンスに沿った戦略ポイントに配備され、SCP-3702-1の進行状況を監視するとともに、近回りしようとするベルベル人旅団の経路を変更させます。
Special Containment Procedures: A 42 km x 200 m stretch of desert in the eastern portion of the Cyrenaica district of Libya has been enclosed with 3 m tall barbed wire fencing. Given SCP-3702's proximity to the agricultural communities of Jaghbub Oasis, barbed wire fences have been labeled as encompassing an active minefield. Security teams have been placed at strategic points along the fence to monitor SCP-3702-1's progress, and reroute any Berber caravans attempting to circumnavigate the stretch.
Security teams have been instructed not to offer SCP-3702-1 food or water. An aerial drone has been assigned to monitor SCP-3702-1's progress and is to return to its manifestation point at 6:00 A.M. each day.
説明: SCP-3702はリビア国キレナイカ県東部の砂漠地帯であり、アルジャバーブの南西32 km地点から始まって、オアシスの最西端の水域から3 mの地点で終わります。SCP-3702のARad測定は、10,000を超える異様に高い放出量を記録します。これは観測された気象異常 (平均昼間気温が年間を通じて50℃である、アノマリーの領域内ではいかなる形の降水も無いなど) の原因である可能性があります。
Description: SCP-3702 is a stretch of desert in the eastern portion of the Cyrenaica district of Libya, beginning 32 km southwest of Al Jaghbub and ending 3 m from the westernmost body of water of the oasis. ARad measurements of SCP-3702 register abnormally high emissions in excess of 10,000. This is likely the cause behind observed meteorological abnormalities, including average daytime temperatures of 50 °C year round, and the absence of precipitation in any form within the boundaries of the anomaly.
SCP-3702は、定期的に単独の実体 (SCP-3702-1) によって横断されます。当該実体は男性の人型存在ですが、非人間的な解剖学的特徴を備えています。この特徴はSCP-████に属する水棲人型実体と一致しており、黄緑色の鱗、エラ、四肢に沿ったヒレなどが確認されています。SCP-3702-1は次の症状による肉体的・精神的影響に苦しんでいます──中期〜後期の脱水症、紫外線照射によるⅡ度の放射線熱傷、非外科的な舌の除去、後期の熱疲労。実体はこれらの症状で死亡できないようであり、必ず最後の消失時よりも少し良い身体状態で再出現します。
SCP-3702 is regularly traversed by a singular entity, SCP-3702-1. This entity is a male humanoid, with non-human anatomical features consistent with other aquatic humanoids from SCP-████, including yellow-green scales, gills, and fins along the arms and legs. SCP-3702-1 suffers from the physical and mental effects of the following conditions: mid to late stages of dehydration, second-degree radiation burns due to UV exposure, non-surgical removal of the tongue, and late stages of heat exhaustion. The entity appears incapable of succumbing to these conditions, and always remanifests in slightly better physical condition than when it demanifested last.
A set of Nordic thaumaturgic runes are engraved upon the entity's chest and back. These translate to:
I walk through endless sands, without food, water, or tongue. None shall help me. This is the price of my careless greed. So it shall always be, by the Mither's will.
SCP-3702's anomalous effects manifest twice each day. At 6:00 A.M. SCP-3702-1 will manifest, and atmospheric temperatures within the enclosure will instantaneously elevate to 50 °C. SCP-3702-1 will then begin walking, running, crawling, or dragging itself along the top of the sand towards the westernmost body of water in the Jaghub oasis. At 9:00 P.M. the entity will demanifest, regardless of his current position. Reaching the western edge of SCP-3702-1 prior to 9:00 P.M. will also result in demanifestation.
Discovery and Containment:
SCP-3702-1 was first encountered via a Berber caravan passing through the area on 3/22/2017. A Foundation undercover operative assigned to the caravan as part of measures to monitor and preserve a nearby SCP-███ site reported the anomaly to nearby containment officials. All members of the caravan were treated with Class A amnestics, and a containment team was dispatched.
収容チームの到着時、実体の身体状態は悪化しており、意識を失っていました。収容チームがSCP-3702-1を搬出しようとした際に、SCP-3702の北の境界線が判明しました。実体が即座に原因不明の大きな衝撃波を受けて収容チームから引き離されるとともに、Danaus plexippus1の群れが周囲の砂から出現し、実体への捕食行動を始めました。SCP-3702-1は群れの出現とともに意識を取り戻し、3秒間に渡って苦しみの声を上げたのちすべての生体組織を消費され、この時点をもって群れは消失しました。
The entity's physical state had degenerated upon containment team arrival, rendering it unconscious. The containment team attempted to remove SCP-3702-1, at which time they discovered the northern boundary of SCP-3702. The entity was promptly separated from the containment team via a significant concussive blast of unknown origin, at which point a swarm of Danaus plexippus2 emerged from the surrounding sand, and proceeded to engage in carnivorous activity upon the entity. SCP-3702-1 regained consciousness upon the swarm's appearance and proceeded to emit distressed vocalizations for 3 seconds before all biological matter was consumed, at which time the swarm dispersed.
SCP-3702-1が翌日発見されると、2度目の試みが行われました。コミュニケーションが試みられたものの、実体が物理的にコミュニケーション不可能であることが明らかになりました。反対方向から実体を搬出しようとしたところ、SCP-3702の南の境界線が判明し、最初と同様の結果を招きました。3度目の試みとして、西方向から実体を搬出しようとしたところで実体の出現地点が判明し、前2回の回収作戦と同様の結果と相成りました。最後に4度目の試みが東方向で行われましたが、SCP-3702-1はオアシス最西端の水域から3 mの地点で消失しました。何度かの空中搬出が試みられたものの、結果は同様でした。
A second attempt was made when SCP-3702-1 was spotted the following day. Attempts at communication were made, revealing the entity's physical inability to communicate. An attempt to remove the entity by moving in the opposite direction lead to the discovery of the southern border of SCP-3702, and a similar outcome as the first attempt. A third attempt at removing the entity via the western direction lead to the discovery of its point of manifestation, and a similar outcome as the first two retrieval attempts. A fourth and final attempt was made in the eastern direction, resulting in SCP-3702-1's demanifestation 3 m from the edge of the oasis's westward most body of water. Several attempts at aerial removal were conducted, resulting in similar outcomes.
SCP-3702-1をエリアから搬出することは不可能であると判断されたのち、現在の囲いが敷設されました。その後はSCP-3702-1に食料および/または水を提供する補助活動が何度か試みられました。この結果、提供された物品はSCP-3702-1の口に運ばれた時点で無作為な量のLeiurus quinquestriatus3 やCochliomyia hominivorax4に変化することが判明しました。
Following determination that SCP-3702-1 could not be removed from the area, the current enclosure was constructed. Ancillary attempts were subsequently made to offer SCP-3702-1 food and/or water. This lead to the discovery that such attempts would result in the transformation of provided items into random amounts of Leiurus quinquestriatus5 and Cochliomyia hominivorax,6 respectively, upon placement in SCP-3702-1's mouth.
Update 4/02/2017:
Further attempts at providing aid to SCP-3702-1 have been suspended indefinitely via confirmation of the entity's identity as ████ ███████, per the terms of the Foundation-████████ cooperative treaty signed on 4/01/2017. Further action in regards to SCP-3702 is limited to observation and positional tracking.
タグ: en 生物学 刻印 euclid 人間型 場所 天候 オルカディア 魚類 知性 scp 自我 瞬間移動
SCP-3702 - I Walk Through The Desert, And I Have No Name
© DrBleep
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Tech Cap. of SCP-JP