SCP-5254 - Gotta Catch 'Em All / ポケモン、ゲットだぜ!


評価: 0+x

アイテム番号: SCP-5254

オブジェクトクラス: Keter


An SCP-5254 instance (left; staring directly at camera) in the process of transformation.(変身プロセス中のSCP-5254実体(左、カメラを直視している個体)。)

Special Containment Procedures: Foundation agents are to work with local authorities to limit the sale of memorabilia, costumes and novelty items during events that feature fictional characters belonging to The Pokémon Company. A public ban on the adornment of Pokémon-related accessories will be imposed on festivals and mass gatherings, including (but not limited to) face-masks, hats, coloured make-up and full-bodied onesies.
特別収容プロトコル: 財団エージェントは現地当局と協働して、株式会社ポケモンが所管する架空のキャラクターが登場するイベントにおける土産物・コスチューム・ノベルティグッズの物販に制限を設けなければなりません。フェイスマスク・帽子・フェイスペインティング・着ぐるみを含む(ものの、これらに限らず)ポケモン関連アクセサリーの着用禁止令が種々の催物や集会に課されます。

A special task force of MTF Epsilon-11 ("Nine-Tailed Fox") is to be deployed at future events to neutralise SCP-5254 instances that manifest in public spaces.

Further efforts will be made to disrupt The Pokémon Company's global marketing and promotional infrastructure, with embedded agents discrediting the franchise's popularity on social media, video game websites and within religious communities.

Description: SCP-5254 refers to the anomalous transformation of a humanoid or object into one of 980 fictional creatures designed by The Pokémon Company. The transformation event occurs upon prolonged, extensive adornment of fashion accessories and other pieces of clothing that specifically resemble a creature's anatomy.
説明: SCP-5254は人間あるいは物体が株式会社ポケモンによりデザインされた980種の架空のキャラクターの内1体に変身する異常現象です。当該変身イベントは、キャラクターの解剖学的特徴を具体的に模したアクセサリーないしその他の衣料品の着用部分から侵食する形で、長い時間をかけて発生します。

Post-mortem dissections of SCP-5254 instances have shown the transformation event to be fatal to most organic life-forms, physically transmuting synthetic components (like cotton and plastic composites) into flesh, muscle tissue and other bodily fluids comprised of foreign DNA, to the point the original entity's genetic make-up is unrecognisable.

The cause of an SCP-5254 transformation event is currently unknown. The rate of transformation appears co-related to how closely the human subject resembles the original creature's design, as to the proximity and number of individuals wearing Pokémon-related garb.

Discovery: In 2019, during the annual Pikachu Outbreak! festival in Yokohama, Japan, eyewitness reports show a Pikachu mascot behaving erratically during the street parade segment.
発見: 2019年、日本国横浜市で毎年開催されるイベント「ピカチュウ大量発生チュウ!」の最中、街頭パレード区画にて1体の着ぐるみピカチュウが奇妙な振る舞いを見せたとの目撃証言がありました。

Mobile phone footage uploaded to social media shows a large crowd on both sides of the street adorned with Pikachu-themed hats, yellow face-masks and electric-shaped tails fastened to their backs.

A column of Pikachu mascots is observed dancing down the street to the beat of the music, when one of the mascots breaks formation and collides head-first into the crowd. At least fifteen other SCP-5254 transformation events follow soon after, resulting in the lockdown and evacuation of the Minatomirai district, along with a request to the Foundation to apprehend and neutralize SCP-5254 instances at large.

Multiple injuries were reported by the local municipal government, with victims suffering blunt force trauma and severe electrical burns.



Foreword: After the incident in Yokohama, multiple D-class were outfitted with Pokémon-themed memorabilia in a controlled environment:
序文: 横浜市でのインシデント後、管理環境下において複数名のDクラス職員にポケモンを模した記念品が支給されました。

# (実験番号) Variable(可変項目) Effect(効果)
1 Pokémon Pikachu Big Face with Ears Hat.(ピカチュウ顔プリント耳付き帽) No discernible effect.(目立った効果なし。)
2 Pokemon Detective Pikachu Cosplay Mask Latex(名探偵ピカチュウコスプレ用ラテックスマスク) No discernible effect. D-class reportedly says, "This is stupid."; reprimanded.(目立った効果なし。Dクラスは「アホらし」と発言したとされ、叱責された。)
9 D'BOON Adult Onesie Pikachu Animal Pajamas. (D’BOON社製大人用ピカチュウ着ぐるみパジャマ) Researchers repeatedly ask how the D-class is feeling; D-class turns aggressive. Results inconclusive.(研究員達はDクラスに繰り返し体調について尋ねたものの、Dクラスは攻撃的になった。結果は不十分。)
17 Two D-class dressed in Pikachu onesies, four meters apart. (ピカチュウ着ぐるみを着て4メートルの距離をおいた2名のDクラス。) Tingling sensation reported in arms and legs, akin to pins-and-needles.(痺れにも似た手足がヒリヒリと痛む感覚。)
19 Four D-class dressed in Pikachu onesies, holding hands.(ピカチュウ着ぐるみを着て手を繋ぎ合った4名のDクラス。) Severe migraines reported, as well as throbbing pain in the cranium and lower jowls of the face. Dull aches reported in the area of the lower back, near the tailbone. Portions of skin turned a shade of mustard yellow.(激しい偏頭痛や頭蓋骨内及び下顎の規則的な痛み。尾骶骨付近の腰背部に鈍痛。肌の各部が僅かに浅黄色に変色。)
45 All prior variables. D-class personnel screened for affiliation to Pokémon-related content: one owned a copy of Pokémon Yellow when he was 12; another possessed a Level 40 account on the popular app, Pokémon GO.(以前の全実験における全ての項目。Dクラス職員はポケモン関連コンテンツへの熱中度で選抜された。12歳の時に「ポケットモンスターピカチュウ」を購入した者や、人気アプリゲーム「ポケモンGO」においてレベル40に達したアカウントを持つ者が参加。) Muscle-spasms reported along the extent of spines. One D-class complained of tightness in her chest before coughing up tufts of yellow fur. Another physically recoiled upon physical contact, citing high levels of static electricity.(脊柱の伸長を伴う筋痙攣。あるDクラスは胸の圧迫感を訴えて黄色い毛玉を吐き出した。身体的接触に反応して高レベルの静電気を発生させた者もいた。)
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Test #125: D-class in a Pikachu mascot costume with blonde wig and replica of Thor's hammer. No effect.(実験番号125: ピカチュウ着ぐるみに入って金髪のウィッグとトールのハンマーのレプリカを身に着けたDクラス。効果なし。)

Afterword: Removal of memorabilia or cosmetic items does not appear to reverse the effects of SCP-5254. A total of 56 D-class were lost to various stages of transformation events before testing was suspended, citing possible breaches to the Site's security and power-grid.
後記: 記念品または装飾具を取り外してもSCP-5254の効果が逆行する事はないようです。当サイトのセキュリティならびに電力系統への損害の可能性を理由に実験が凍結されるまでの間、計56名のDクラス職員が種々の段階の変身イベントにより損失しました。

It appears that affinity to the Pokémon brand amplifies SCP-5254's effects.



Preface: The following transcripts were taken from The Pokémon Company's web-servers after the incident in Yokohama, detailing correspondence between the various stakeholders of the Pokémon franchise. Note: These emails have been mainly translated from Japanese.
序文: 以下の筆記録は横浜市でのインシデント後に株式会社ポケモンのウェブサーバーから取得されたものであり、ポケモンの独占販売権を有する様々な利害関係者同士による情報交換が詳細に記録されています(注: Eメールの大部分は日本語から翻訳済みです)。

From: 君島 達己 (Kimishima Tatsumi), CEO, Nintendo
差出人: 君島達己、任天堂代表取締役社長
To: 石原恒和さん (Tsunekazu Ishihara), CEO, The Pokémon Company
宛先: 石原恒和さん、株式会社ポケモン代表取締役社長
Date: 13/04/2017
日付: 2017年4月13日

Do not ask questions. If this "Ser Viper" wants manpower for his project, give it to him. Our society will not miss these burakumin.
何も訊かずに。この「Ser Viper」氏が人手を欲した時は、差し上げてください。本邦ではこういった部落民1を惜しんだりはしないでしょうから。

He (whoever he claims to be) may be charging us a small fortune, but at least he seems genuinely interested in bringing our creations to life.

From: 石原恒和, CEO, The Pokémon Company
差出人: 石原恒和、株式会社ポケモン代表取締役社長
To: 君島 達己さん, CEO, Nintendo
宛先: 君島達己さん、任天堂代表取締役社長
Date: 23/10/2017
日付: 2017年10月23日

Tuesday will mark the fifth visit by the Fukushima Orphanage to our headquarters. I told the press it's part of our global outreach programme to spread the joy of Pokémon to rest of the world.

Early results have been positive. I should have a specimen to show you the next time we meet in Tokyo. Your daughter likes Eevee, yes?

From: 石原恒和, CEO, The Pokémon Company
差出人: 石原恒和、株式会社ポケモン代表取締役社長
To: 君島 達己さん, CEO, Nintendo
宛先: 君島達己さん、任天堂代表取締役社長
Date: 15/12/2017""
日付: 2017年12月15日

Play anytime, anywhere, with anyone. Yes, the slogan for the Switch is very apt for what we're trying to accomplish.

Your marketing team deserves a raise.

From: John Hanke, CEO, Niantic, Inc.
差出人: ジョン・ハンケ、Niantic最高経営責任者
To: 石原恒和さん, CEO, The Pokémon Company
宛先: 石原恒和さん、株式会社ポケモン代表取締役社長
Date: 12/03/2018
日付: 2018年3月12日

I am pleased to report Pokémon Go has hit 750 million unique downloads in July and 5 million daily average users just last week. The popularity of the franchise continues to grow.

Think of the possibilities once we integrate Augmented Reality (AR) technology into the project: Altaria as a clean and efficient form of air transportation, Charizard serving in the Self-Defense Forces, and yes, Pikachu making our reliance on nuclear energy a thing of the past.

Soon, Pokémon will come to life before our very eyes.

From: 君島 達己 (Kimishima Tatsumi), CEO, Nintendo
差出人: 君島達己、任天堂代表取締役社長
To: 石原恒和さん, CEO, The Pokémon Company; John Hanke, CEO, Niantic, Inc.
宛先: 石原恒和さん、株式会社ポケモン代表取締役社長; ジョン・ハンケさん、Niantic最高経営責任者
Date: 03/06/2018
日付: 2018年6月3日

The accidents are growing in number. Are you sure "Ser Viper" has everything under control? We cannot hide these incidents from the public forever. The MFS already has its hands full trying to catch the runaways.
事故が日に日に多発中。「Ser Viper」は本当に全てを制御できているのか?こんな不祥事を一般の目から隠し続けるのは無理です。MFS3はもう脱走したヤツを捕まえるので手一杯です。

If we don't take action soon, more people will get hurt. Or worse: the Pokémon brand will be tarnished forever.

From: 石原恒和, CEO, The Pokémon Company
差出人: 石原恒和、株式会社ポケモン代表取締役社長
To: SerViper1995
宛先: SerViper1995
Date: 13/12/2018
日付: 2018年12月13日
You promised us Pokémon as pets and companions - not these mutations! I've had to recall thousands of faulty merchandise, with tens of thousands of defective products still circulating the market. Just what kind of sorcery have you forced upon our hands?

The government is breathing down my neck, Tatsumi-san has had to resign and I'm starting to hear about this "Foundation" poking around. Tell me the truth - is there any way to reverse the effects? Or have you doomed us all?

From: SerViper1995
差出人: SerViper1995
blue|To: 石原恒和さん, CEO, The Pokémon Company; 君島 達己さん, Former CEO, Nintendo##
宛先: 石原恒和さん、株式会社ポケモン代表取締役社長; 君島達己さん、任天堂代表取締役社長
Date: 05/01/2019
日付: 2019年1月5日
I don't know what to tell you. I've given the people what they want - only true fans will get a Pokémon of their own.

Your company was the very best at building your brand. Congratulations. Today, Pokémon has taken over our hearts and minds. Perhaps one day, we will see them take over the world.

From: 真希, Student, Grade 4
差出人: 真希 様、小学4年生
To: oc.pj.odnetnin|troppus#oc.pj.odnetnin|troppus
宛先: oc.pj.odnetnin|troppus#oc.pj.odnetnin|troppus
Date: 23/12/2015
日付: 2015年12月23日
Can I have a Pokémon, please? I really like Pikachu.

From: Mr. Mori, Salaryman
差出人: 森 様、サラリーマン
To: oc.pj.odnetnin|troppus#oc.pj.odnetnin|troppus
宛先: oc.pj.odnetnin|troppus#oc.pj.odnetnin|troppus
Date: 28/12/2015
日付: 2015年12月28日

Wouldn't it be nice if I could turn into Abra? Please. I need to know what my wife is thinking. Or maybe I could just teleport away when she's angry ha ha ha.



Foreword: Three months after the events in Yokohama, the O5 Council authorised a raid on The Pokémon Company offices (in Minato City, Tokyo) on June 16, 2019, citing the high possibility of civilians being held against their will, and a potential K-class scenario if the cause of SCP-5254 events wasn't immediately neutralised.
序文: 横浜市でのイベントから3か月後、2019年6月16日にO5評議会は株式会社ポケモン社(東京都港区)への立入調査を承認しました。一般市民が不意に巻き込まれる可能性の高さ、及びSCP-5254イベントを速やかに無力化できなかった場合に起こり得るKクラスシナリオの潜在性が主な理由です。

The Japanese government had been notified in advance of the raid. Foundation MTF agents were provided with Special Assault Team (SAT) uniforms to avoid the mass amnesticisation of public witnesses.

The following audio-visual footage is captured from the body-cam of MTF Epsilon-11 Team Leader ("Fox-1").

[Camera looks down on a nondescript glass building in the middle of a Tokyo suburb. Fox-1 raises three fingers to the rest of his squad in the chopper, which touches down on the roof soon after. Multiple MTF squads disembark, quickly covering the area.]

Fox-1: Status report.
フォックス-1: 状況報告を。
Fox-3: (over radio) Civilian evacuation in the lower levels in-progress. There's a huge Pokémon Centre on the first floor that's still filled with tourists.
フォックス-3: (無線で)市民の下階への避難は進行中です。1階には広いポケモンセンターがありますが、まだ一般客で溢れかえっています。
Fox-1: Quarantine for infection, then rendezvous at coordinates.
フォックス-1: 感染防止のため隔離検疫。その後、座標にて落ち合う。
Fox-3: (over radio) Roger. (away, in Japanese) Alright you heard the man. Get those Poké-fanatics outta there!
フォックス-3: (無線で)了解。(遠くへ向かって、日本語で)よっしゃ、聞いた通りだ皆。ポケ廃達を追っ払うぞ!

[The MTF stack up against the fire-exit on the roof, the door unlocking easily. The team heads down the stairwell, approaching a set of double steel doors on the lower level. Fox-1 gestures to breach.]

[Smoke canisters are tossed in, followed by a flash-bang grenade. Just as the MTF members are about to storm in, however, there's a metallic CLANK from the other end of the hall, followed by the sound of heavy, thudding footsteps.]

[The MTF freeze as a creature at least two meters tall emerges from the smoke. It has orange skin, an elongated snout and vast wings on either side of its back. It roars straight at the camera.]

Fox-2: What the fuck is that?!
フォックス-2: 何だありゃあ!?

Fox-1: Engage, engage.
フォックス-1: 会敵、会敵。

[MTF squad members at the front scream as they're lit aflame by a combustible liquid emitted from the creature's mouth. The rest of the MTF open fire and eventually down the creature. As the smoke clears, the fallen carcass of the dragon-like entity lies slumped over in the middle of the hallway, bleeding from various bullet holes.]

Fox-2: Clear.
フォックス-2: クリア。

Fox-1: Proceed to lower levels.
フォックス-1: 下へ進もう。

[The MTF passes more and more hallways. Pokémon posters line the walls with slogans like "Prepare for Trouble" and "Make it Double!", and "To catch them is my real test…" and "To train them is my cause!", with the occasional person in a white-coat detained as they emerge from a doorway.]
[機動部隊は続々と廊下を進む。ポケモンのポスターが壁に並んでおり、「なんだかんだと聞かれたら」、「答えてあげるが世の情け」、「To catch them is my real test…」、「To train them is my cause!」といったスローガンが書かれている。偶然鉢合わせたであろう白衣を着た人物が出入り口から出てきたため、拘留される。]

Fox-2: Makes you wonder what kind of shit they've been hiding down here.
フォックス-2: この下にどんなブツが隠されてるんだか。

Fox-1: Quiet. Eyes front.
フォックス-1: 静かに。前を見ろ。

[The MTF stack up against another set of double steel doors. This time, Fox-1 gestures for explosives, before the squad takes cover behind a turn in the corridor.]

Fox-1: Weapons-free. Shoot anything that walks funny.
フォックス-1: 兵装使用自由。妙な動きをするものは構わず撃て。

[There's a loud BANG as the doors fly open. Screams are heard from within the room as the MTF scan for targets through the smoke. As the smoke clears, however, the interior is brightly-lit and filled with colourful drawings, toys scattered on the floor and rows of metal cages set against the walls.]

[Fox-1 gestures to his squad to take point, before following after. The MTF clears the area, as Fox-1 follows Fox-2 to the far end of the room.]

Fox-2: Good god.
フォックス-2: 何だと?

[The creatures within the cages are at various stages of SCP-5254 transformation, the most advanced being a Vulpix with engorged eye sockets, her eye lashes flashing rapidly as blood flows down both her cheeks. Another cage contains a boy with his cheek-bones protruding too high and sideways, pulling taut skin over the rest of his face.]
[As Fox-1 walks down the line, a large, bear-like creature slams into his cage, gripping the metal bars with a set of serrated claws with alternate fingers peeling and at various stages of decomposition.]

[At the far end, a young girl is slumped in a corner, weeping. Her tongue has been extended, flattened and engorged, pooling on the floor at her feet. Next to her is an elongated body of a snake, writhing back and forth. Upon closer inspection, it has the head of a toddler, bawling.]

Fox-1: Fox-Den. I think we've found the kids. Requesting immediate medical pick-up.
フォックス-1: フォックス-デンへ。子供達を発見したと思う。医療班を送って貰いたい。

Fox-Den: (over radio) Copy. Any sign of PoI-5254?
フォックス-デン: (無線で)了解。PoI-5254の手がかりは?

Fox-1: No. Only his handiwork. We're seizing electronic servers as evidence.
フォックス-1: いや。奴の作品しかここには。証拠品として電子サーバーを押収しているところだ。

[Fox-2 throws up in a corner of the room.]

Fox-2: (spits) Fuck this shit.
フォックス-2: (唾を吐く音) ド畜生が。

[Fox-1 doesn't reprimand him, merely nods, gestures for the rest of the team to open the cages.]

Afterword: The CEO of The Pokémon Company, Mr. Ishihara, was detained on the way to the helipad on the rooftop. He claims to have no knowledge of these "experiments" discovered in the building.
後記: 株式会社ポケモンの石原社長は屋上のヘリ発着場に続く経路上で拘留されました。彼はビル内で発見された「実験」については何も知らないと主張しています。



Foreword: Interview conducted by Agent Hakase in Site 81-J. Transcript of the conversation has been translated from Japanese.
序文: サイト81-Jのエージェント・葉加瀬により行われたインタビュー。会話の筆記録は日本語から翻訳済み。

Mr. Ishihara: How dare you keep me here? Do you know who I am?
石原氏: どういうつもりでこんな所に閉じ込めているのです?私を誰だと思っているんだ?

Agent Hakase: We know exactly who you are, Ishihara-san. We also know what you, John Hanke and Mr. Kimishima have been up to these past few years.
エージェント・葉加瀬: 貴方の事はよく存じ上げております、石原さん。貴方と、ジョン・ハンケ氏、それから君島社長がここ数年間取り組んでおられた事もね。

Mr. Ishihara: Then you know how important it is for me to get back. I can't stay here!
石原氏: なら私を会社に帰す事がどれ程重要かも分かるでしょう。ぐずぐずしていられないんだ!

Agent Hakase: You are referring to this situation caused by "Ser Viper", yes? What can you tell us about him?
エージェント・葉加瀬: この事態は「Ser Viper」が引き起こしたと、そう仰りたいのですね?彼について何か話せますか?

Mr. Ishihara: Nothing. We communicated remotely from his lab. He came highly recommended from an industry contact, said he could help us with our problem.
石原氏: 何も。あの男は自分のラボからリモートでやりとりしていたもので。業界の伝手から強く薦められた男が彼だったのです。我々の問題の助けになるだろうと。

Agent Hakase: And what problem was that?
エージェント・葉加瀬: その問題とはどういったものでしょうか?

[Mr. Ishihara hesitates.]

Mr. Ishihara: You must understand. We had the purest of intentions. We wanted people to enjoy the company of Pokémon in the real world.
石原氏: 是非にご理解いただきたい。我が社が抱く純粋な考えを。我々は人々に現実世界でポケモンとの付き合いを楽しんでいただきたかったのです。

Agent Hakase: And make a tidy profit in the process, I'm sure. Is that why you unleashed a Charizard on us in the building?
エージェント・葉加瀬: その過程で莫大な利益を得る事も、ですよね。あのビルの中で我々にリザードンを解き放ったのもそれが理由ですか?

Mr. Ishihara: We thought we were under attack. "Ser Viper" claimed to have worked with our competitors in the past, like Square Enix and Bandai, so he also helped us with the automatic defense systems.
石原氏: 攻撃を受けたと思ったからですよ。「Ser Viper」の話では、奴は過去にスクウェア・エニックスやバンダイといった競合先とも働いた事があるらしく4、我々も支援の一つとして自動防衛システムを奴から供与されたのです。

Agent Hakase: Sounds like this "SerViper1995" offered you multiple services. How did he do it, Ishihara-san? How did he bring Pokémon to life?
エージェント・葉加瀬: 件の「SerViper1995」なる者は貴社に様々な援助を提供したそうですね。どんな手を使ったのでしょう、石原さん。彼はどのようにしてポケモンに命を吹き込んだのですか?

Mr. Ishihara: (shakes his head) We didn't ask too many questions. When we found out what he was doing to the children, we terminated his contract immediately. But the damage had been done. Later, we discovered he had already tampered with our production lines and distribution infrastructure. At this point, it's impossible to tell which products have been affected on the market.
石原氏: (首を振る)あまり多くは尋ねられませんでして。奴が子ども達に何をしたのか分かった時、我が社はすぐさま奴との契約を破棄しましたので。しかしすでに後の祭りでした。後日、奴に我々の生産ラインや流通基盤が細工されてしまっていた事が判明しました。現時点では、市場に出回った商品の中のどれが影響を受けたものなのか、お答えすることは不可能です。

Agent Hakase: And where is "Ser Viper" now?
エージェント・葉加瀬: となると、「Ser Viper」は今どこに?

Mr. Ishihara: We have not spoken in years.
石原氏: 何年も連絡を取っていないもので。

Agent Hakase: And what about those kids we found in your building? You really expect us to believe you're still not working together?
エージェント・葉加瀬: では、我々が貴社のビルで発見した子ども達についてはいかがですか?貴方がなおも共謀者ではないと、本当に我々に信じて貰おうというおつもりですか?

Mr. Ishihara: You have to believe me. We have housed those… children for the past two years. We've kept them as our guests, our very own Pokémon family. Yes, in the past, they might have been part of some misguided experiment… but ever since Ser Viper disappeared, we have tried to give them a home, shelter, even tried to reverse some of their effects—
石原氏: 信じていただけなければ困る。あの…子ども達はこの2年間我が社で預かっていたのです。大切な賓客として、我が社だけのポケモンファミリーとして、預かってきました。ええ、ある時、あの子達が不心得な実験の材料にされたのだろうとは認めます。ですがSer Viperが蒸発してからというもの、我々はずっとあの子達を家族の元や保護施設に帰そうとし、あの効力を元に戻そうとも試みて…

Agent Hakase: You really call what you've done "helping"? You exploited their vulnerability for the sake of profits, and now you want us to believe you want to help them?
エージェント・葉加瀬: 貴方がたがしてきた事を「助け」だと本気で仰るので?貴方は利益目的で少年少女の発病を推し進めた。その貴方が子ども達を助けたいと言うのを、我々に信じろと?

[Mr. Ishihara is silent as he looks down.]

Mr. Ishihara: We deserve death for what we've done, yes. But allow us to make things right. Please. We have already made attempts to contain the spread of the disease.
石原氏: 我々のしたことは万死に値します。その通りだ。ですが事態を良くする努力をさせていただきたい。お願いします。我々はすでにあの病の拡散を抑止する策を打ってあります。

Agent Hakase: (considers) At this point, shutting you down would draw more attention from the public than it's worth. I will speak to my supervisors on the best course of action.
エージェント・葉加瀬: (思案して)現時点では、御社の営業停止はより多くの大衆の目を引く事となり悪手でしょう。上長に掛け合って最善策について協議しましょう。

Mr. Ishihara: I understand. We will cooperate. For the sake of the company.
石原氏: 承知しました。協力いたします。会社のために。

Final Note: Foundation agents have been embedded in The Pokémon Company's infrastructure to suppress the popularity of the franchise. One such operation was the release of their video game Pokémon Sword and Shield with a limited number of Pokémon, which caused outrage amongst fans in 2019.
付記: ブランドの人気を抑制する目的で、財団エージェントが株式会社ポケモンの流通ルート内に潜伏しています。2019年にファンの間で不満が噴出した、ゲーム「ポケットモンスターソード/シールド」のリリース時に登場ポケモン数が制限された事はその活動の一例です。

An upcoming water festival (centered around the dragon-type Pokémon Gyarados) has also been disrupted by MTF agents, as were plans by the Japanese government to decorate local buses and trains with Pikachu-themed body parts (see here for reference) for the 2021 Tokyo Olympics.

Global coordination attempts are ongoing between the Foundation, The Pokémon Company, Nintendo and Niantic to determine a more permanent solution to SCP-5254 events.

The identity of "SerViper1995" (PoI-5254) is undergoing investigation. Attempts to probe his mail server have been met with an automated response, on repeat:

Happy hunting. But even you can't catch 'em all.


















































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